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*Minister of Finance Matia Kaisaija clarifies that residents of a parish will be required to form Savings and Credit Co-operatives (Saccos).*
*Kasaija says Finance is working with the Ministry OF Local Government to finalise the specifics of how the funds will be administered.*
*In generic terms, however, participating parish-SACCOs under the model will lend funds from the Parish Revolving Fund to individual households or household collectives at a concessional interest rate.*
*Kasaija told this newspaper that anyone who fails to pay back the money will be sanctioned.*
*Better join any SACCO in your Parish when it's still early if you want to be a beneficiary of Parish Development Model programme*
*If you are in my home area Kazindiro Parish or Bugangari Subcounty or Rujumbura Constituency, Please join RUSACCO - Rujumbura Constituency Farmers and Traders SACCO Ltd. Membership is just UGX 15,000/=✅✅*
RUSACCO is the only Government registered Community SACCO in Kazindiro Parish, Bugangari Subcounty, Rujumbura Constituency, Rukungiri District 💪💪

Abantu beitu ba Kanungu....I am the wife of the late Bishop John Wilson Ntegyereize. Ekimala Kimala ....I am tired of the campaigns against my marriage to the late Bishop John Ntegyereize. I am tired of thieves who mascarade as family friends or family. I am tired of protecting the name of the diocese while they oppress me and medel in my husband's Estate. I am tired of being framed to be a wayward woman who has abandoned her home yet I brought my daughter to Kampala to study and live in our Seeta home. I have been a faithful wife and loving companion to my late husband. People would rather see me as an imposter or property grabber even after 9 years of marriage. As a second wife you're never good enough. Im tired of being silent as meetings are held by my husband's family and Bishop Dan to get me out of my Kishenyi and Seeta. I'm tired of those lobbying to be Administrators when my husband never chose you. I'm tired of being tossed around for my husband's pension when they don't want to give it to me. When I asked they claimed they only knew Joselyn and at times they say I must sit in a meeting where they want my signature so they can use it on documents..... I'm tired of haters who hate me just because Bishop John loved me. I'm tired of people pretending to be my husband's biological children when he told me otherwise. I'm tired ....I'm tired.... I'm tired of keeping my head above the water when people keep pushing me down.
At my step daughters' request I gave them a memorial home at Moriah Nyakatare which they later rejected only to demand for my 2 homes in Kishenyi and Seeta. I also gave them 20 acres of land to grow crops and use the money. We often got 2m from it. I wanted so much to love and be loved by my family but all they see is 'if she's gone, we'll all have a share of the estate.' It doesn't matter to them that I have managed, improved, invested and been attached to our homes. Do they think any man would bring a new wife to what wasn't his in the first place? I've been sued...and have to defend my joint A/Cs They want my joint account where we signed Either/OR with my husband to become an estate account.
Julius our former driver stole my husband's car which he was given to sell by my husband. He claims Bishop Dan asked him to keep it. My husband's second car has been recalled back because my husband never changed it into his names. This car was a gift to my husband on retiring. I've been stripped of a loving husband, girls that I once saw as my daughters, relatives that we're proud I took care of their brother. Now all people see is me and Sparkle being in the way of them gaining property. My homes have memories of a loving husband, dreams we hoped for, people we laughed with. Now I have to fight to stay in my marital homes where my husband brought me and said 'This is your home.' I have to fight for an account we both deposited and withdrew money from .... I have to fight for our daughter Sparkle because her father isnot here anymore to stand for her. I have to fight for my voice to be heard when others would rather I die in silence. Whichever way this turns out ever this turns out; I have told my TRUTH.
(Doreen Pamela Ntegyereize)

*Will you attend??*
Venue: *KAMPALA*
Date: *Mid March 2022*
Ticket fee to cater for Meals & Refreshments: *50,000/= per person*
Topic: *Discussing Politics and Development of Rujumbura Constituency, Rukungiri Municipality, Rubabo County and Rukungiri District in General💪*
*All Rukungiri Members of Parliament and other distinguished Guests will be invited to attend*
Powered by,
*Organizing Committee*
1. Akatwijuka Brian 0779099808/0700583199
2. Ivan Tumwehe Kijunjuure aka Sir Ivo 0772440892/0702440892


Five reasons why Former FDC President Dr. Besigye’s new opposition alliance - People's Front for Transition is headed for failure
According to the advocates of the pressure group’s key objective is to dislodge President Museveni from power without using the avenue of elections.
At the launch, Besigye said: “We have tested all ways of ousting Museveni and I am an expert on this. We tried to vote but we all agreed that a vote will not take us anywhere. We are here to gather outside the possibility of an election. Those who think that an election will take us anywhere can continue…”
It is still early days but from the onset, PFT will have to overcome several hurdles if it is to have any impact on Uganda’s political landscape. Here are five challenges that await the new pressure group.
NUP absence
The absence of the National Unity Platform from the pressure group could be its biggest undoing. NUP is currently the biggest opposition party and enjoys massive support in Buganda and Busoga sub regions.
At the very least, some people could see the pressure group as a platform being used by some people to fight NUP.
Others have said the new pressure group is a collection of people who in one way or another have an axe to grind with NUP.
NUP’s absence and that of other political players like DP and ANT is one of the sore points.
Quality of membership
Without NUP, ANT and DP on board, the membership of the alliance is a bit light weight.
Justice Forum (JEEMA) and Conservative Party still don’t have considerable support on the ground while People’s Progressive Party (PPP), is ‘there, there’, colloquially speaking.
Secondly, the Ken Lukyamuzi of today is a far cry from the one who would move the crowd with “Ludicha”.
So much water has passed under the bridge.
Relatedly, some of the political actors associated with the pressure group have a history of political mercantilism. Today they profess to be die hard supporters of Party X, tomorrow they are in bed with Party Y.
These include people like Michael Mabikke and Lubega Mukaaku.
In a space of less than ten years, Mabikke, the former Makindye East MP, has been a member of DP, president of SDP, supporter of Go Forward, member of DP block, supporter of NUP and is now an advocate of PFT.
How reliable are such people and to what extent can one build a foundation of political change on the shoulders of people whose word can never be trusted? Only time will tell.
FDC’s dominance
While it is not FDC’s problem that for a long time it dominated the opposition space, some players have not always taken it well. For years, FDC and DP wrangled over this perceived dominance and accused the Najjanankumbi based party of trying to ‘suffocate.
Even previous opposition alliances were dominated by FDC and this was always a sticky issue.
Remember what led to the disintegration of The Democratic Alliance (TDA) in the run up to the 2016 elections?
This ‘old problem’ has been carried over to PFT and it will not be surprising to hear voices of discontent
Such is the dominance of FDC in the pressure group that its leader, Dr Kizza Besigye, the deputy national chairman, Erias Lukwago and the spokesperson, Wafula Oguttu all belong to FDC.
Intrigue, fights and NRM infiltration
As long as there is a feeling, real or perceived, that one party wants to dominate others in the pressure group, chances of working harmoniously together will be slim. It could also lead to fights and jostling. This has been witnessed in previous alliances especially in TDA.
Very soon, don’t be shocked if some of the political actors call a press conference to denounce decisions taken by their colleagues.
The fights will definitely create an avenue for the NRM to infiltrate PFT, weakening it further.
Same script
If you have followed Ugandan politics, the script . The launch of PFT mirrors the launch of previous pressure groups like Inter Party Coalition, The Democratic Alliance, United Forces for Change, Activists for Change, Suubi 2011, Truth and Justice and many others.
All have been formed with a singular objective: To remove Museveni from power and thereafter institute a democratic order that works for all. They have been formed amidst pomp and vigour.
“We are ready to die fighting for democracy,” “Kiggwa Leero,” “Teri Kuzikiza..etc..
So far no pressure group has achieved the key objective which is why they must keep on fighting.
Yet the main undoing of the pressure groups has been disunity and failure to stick to the agreed upon plan.
Before long political fatigue will set in, the 2026 election season will beckon and some politicians will start angling for positions.
If the pressure group holds no relevance to their fortunes, some will jump ship and that will be that.

*Let us take a look at 34 Empty Promises/pledges made during the first lockdown Presidential addresses from March 2020 and have never been fulfilled by President M7 and his NRM Government* 😁😁
1. Loans of private educational institutions will be taken up by UDB=====up to now not taken up
2. We shall give out government masks by 4/6/2020 for transport to resume====up to now in some areas no masks and quality was poor. Do u see people putting on government masks or their own.
3. We shall continue giving study materials to learners to continue learning=== === I think we went into a break
4. We shall give capital not for free to private schools, bar owners, salons still under lockdown====capital is no where to be seen
5. We shall give two TV's to each village====not seen up to now and some classes last studied in March 2020
6. We shall give a radio to each household=====radios not seen yet.
7. We shall not allow banks to put penalties in loans====banks have put huge penalties for defaulters and clients collateral securities sold
8. I will top up 2billions on 20 billions for private teachers==== no teacher has received the said money and no clear procedure to get it/cannot trace where it is.
9. We shall not allow landlords to evict tenants during and after lockdown====many people have been evicted
10. We shall not allow companies to lay off workers===== many workers have been laid off and without any arrears paid
11. We shall not allow traders to hike prices during lockdown, government will put spy network and any body caught will be arrested====traders sold at high prices and nobody was arrested.
12. We shall import our own products if private traders continue to hike prices during covid=====government has not imported the said products
13. We cannot think of elections if covid is still here by August 2020====elections took place without SOPs and covid is now more serious than before.
14. NSSF should pay part of savings to it's clients=====no payment has been made and they will tell u we are following legalities but age limit debate would take place even at night in parliament and was passed in one month
15. PAYE should be suspended for some months=====up to now it has not been suspended.
16. We shall give clear accountability for covid donations and contributions==== they became quite and karoro okurutu is in hiding and cannot show how everything was spent.
17. We shall talk to the central bank to see how commercial banks can reschedule loans=====some commercials did not reschedule and others rescheduled with penalties per month
18. We shall pay all government arrears to suppliers====many have not been paid any thing.
19. I will make a big pronouncement on education sector before end of August=====we reached sep 2020 with out any pronouncement.
20. We shall talk to suppliers of public utilities eg water and electricity to suspend payment at least for 6months====people were disconnected long ago. He never talked to them.
21. We shall distribute food to all ugandans during lockdown and another phase of distribution will start===== many did not get food.
22. We shall close all shops found selling at high prices during lockdown=====no one was closed for that
23. All private teachers were asked to register with LCs and district department===they registered and nothing followed.
24. Our scientists are likely to get the drug for covid before Europeans do====Up to now we are waiting for the drug
25. My salary should be cut for 6moths to contribute towards covid relief======we are not sure whether they are still cutting it.
26. We shall defer payment for some taxes for some at least 6 months=====we have not seen that.
27. We shall increase funding to micro finance, UDB, UDC for investors=====the funding is insufficient and doesnot come in time and hard to access
28. A committee was put on place to draft clear economic stimulus packages to recover the economy quickly====== we have not heard a detailed report from that committee and how interventions were put in place to keep the economy afloat
29. We shall deal with government workers whom he called crooks, parasites etc who are corrupt, selfish =====the vices are skyrocketing now.
30. We shall not allow land evictions during covid period======many people have been evicted.
31. We cannot stop truck drivers, he called it suicidal and they kept bringing the virus daily=====now cases and death are surging, isnt this now suicidal.
32. The solution to covid 19 is vaccination of all ugandans=======after 2years of covid only about 900,000 people are vaccinated and those doses are only donations.
33. Alot of money was allocated to buys beds, drugs, pay health workers =======up to now they are not fully worked on.
34. People should embrace emyooga program=======people formed groups and pooled money but many groups were not considered and others were given very little funds.
*Qn* . Was the president joking during all those addresses or they forget to implement the plans?.

Pastor Kakande and The Kakande Ministries pass on our condolences to the entire Synagogue Church of all Nations and the family of Prophet TB Joshua who has gone to be with the Lord.
He has been a Father, a teacher, a mentor to us and the entire world.
He has lived an example of a True Christian.
May His soul rest in eternal peace.

Youthful Akatwijuka to run for Rujumbura County MP seat on NUP Card in 2026
Youthful Akatwijuka to run for Rujumbura County MP seat on NUP Card in 2026 – The Informer UG In Rujumbura Counstituency in Rukungiri District which is currently represented by Hon Jim Katugugu Muhwezi of the National Resistence Movement (NRM), youthful Brian Akatwijuka has declared his intentions to wrestle the Parliamentary seat from who ever may come his way.

By Isaac Wandubile
With the ruling NRM CEC fronting Jacob Oulanyah as their candidate for Speakership, Rebecca Kadaga will be vying on the independent ticket. This is what she assured CEC on Saturday afternoon when she appeared before it for interview. She accused Oulanyah of being insurbodinate and travelling too much. She also denied Oulanyah's claims that she failed to deliver the Busoga vote for Gen Museveni against Kyagulanyi. She told CEC Basoga voters rejected Gen Museveni because they were protesting the brutality of Police and the military whose personnel she said tortured and kidnapped their chidlren many of whom are still missing. Fearing the spliting of the party resulting from Kadaga coming as independent, some CEC members had suggested that Jacob Oboth-Oboth runs as the consensus candidate, something which the Kadaga camp had agreed to. Being rejected by NRM simply means Kadaga will now qualify for the NUP support which had been conditioned on her being rejected by both NRM and Gen Museveni who many NUP Politburo members passionately hate. There are widespread fears that Kadaga, who denies messing up Parliament wondering why Museveni didn't call her to order as her supervisor, could grant defiant media interviews and use that platform to spill some of the worst secrets of the ruling party. And Monday polling at Kololo is going to be extremely interesting to report news about and as Mulengera News, we can only predict that this entire ugly situation for the ruling party is going to worsen first before it gets better.

Kadaga, Oulanyah clash before CEC.
Outgoing Speaker Rebecca Kadaga, her rival in Speaker race Jacob Oulanyah, and the six NRM MPs in the Deputy Speaker race, left State House without knowing their fate as the race goes to the wire😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄.
After hours of question and answer session, Ms Kadaga and Mr Oulanyah were told to go home at 7.30pm and wait for the CEC decision today at 8am or 10am.
The six candidates in the Deputy Speaker race (Thomas Tayebwa, Anita Among, Theodore Ssekikubo, Robinah Rwakoojo, Robinah Nabbanja and Jacob Oboth Oboth) were also told to wait for CEC’s final decision on their applications.
The CEC meeting, which had been scheduled to start at 10am, started at 2pm because the President reportedly had other engagements.
CEC started with Ms Kadaga and Mr Oulanyah before meeting the six MPs in the Deputy Speaker race as a group. Each MP was asked to answer specific questions and defend his or her candidature.
Epaper understands that CEC members resolved to convene again today at 8am at State House to take a final decision on who will be the NRM choice in the Speaker and Deputy Speaker race.
Sources say that for four hours, Ms Kadaga and Mr Oulanyah faced questions on party loyalty, corruption/ bribery and performance.
The President also made reference to a security report implicating some candidates in bribery and corruption. The NRM chairman also complained about candidates who defied his directive on campaigns for Speaker and Deputy.
On performance, Mr Oulanyah described himself as “a star performer” and reminded CEC that he delivered 85 per cent to 86 per cent of the votes in northern Uganda to NRM during the January polls. He reiterated that Ms Kadaga didn’t even deliver 60 per cent of the vote in the eastern part of the country.
Mr Oulanyah, according to another CEC source, reminded members about the 2016 deliberations, and how he respected authority when CEC and party chairman asked him to step down for Ms Kadaga to allow her complete 10 years as Speaker.
Ms Kadaga and Mr Oulanyah confronted each other before CEC members over a multiplicity of issues. For instance, the two principals disagreed over decision to allow Independents to vote in today’s NRM caucus.
Ms Kadaga, who accused Mr Oulanyah of insubordination, dodging work and travelling all the time, threatened to run as an Independent candidate if Independents are not allowed to vote.
The issue of the Parliamentary Chamber also came up when Mr Oulanyah accused Ms Kadaga of frustrating the project.
Ms Kadaga in turn questioned Mr Oulanyah’s loyalty to the party and blamed President Museveni’s poor performance in Busoga and other eastern parts of the country on arbitrary arrests.
The six MPs in the Deputy Speaker race face mainly two questions - how they intend to help the government fight corruption and bribery in the campaigns.
Bukedea Woman MP Among told the President that she delivered on all the assignments he gave her after she was grilled over 500 pairs of gumboots sent to Kyankwanzi as campaign materials only to be intercepted by security.
The MP, however, denied knowledge of the gumboots and blamed them on her supporters.
Mr Ssekikubo was questioned about his rebellious behaviour to which he responded that he doesn’t have any disciplinary case against him. He also accused come CEC members of taking sides in the Speaker/ Deputy Speaker race.
Mr Tayebwa told CEC that he is a lawyer and that he fished himself from the Opposition and that his loyalty to NRM is incontestable. He promised to fight corruption and restore the dignity of Parliament and relationship between Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
Mr Oboth Oboth, Ms Rwakoojo and Ms Nabbanja - all defended their candidature and marketed themselves as most qualified for the job. They promised to remain loyal to the ruling party and all its organs.

Breaking News In Uganda.
KAMPALA Catholic Church Archbishop Dr.Cyprian KIZITO LWANGA found Dead in his own house today 3.4.2021. May his soul R.I.P🙏🙏🙏🙏

Former UCC Kabale students to drag MUBS to court over Academic Certificates – The Informer UG According to a notice of Intention to Sue dated March 5th 2021, the students claim that whereas they completed their courses, graduated and got academic transcripts the Institution has never given them the certificates despite several reminders.
Uganda police been ranked the top corrupt institution in our country.

Someone is creating problems between the European Union and the government. There is a lot of false information circulating and this is spoiling our relationship that has existed for the last 45 years. - Head of Delegation , Attilio Pacific.

Gen. Elly Tumwine has warned European Union over sanctions against Uganda.
"They are our friends but they must know that we don’t live on their donations. I don’t have any plan of going to their countries because Uganda is the best country. Don’t they come here? If they put sanctions on us, we shall also ban them from coming here, we shall see who loses most,” Gen. Tumwine said.

Do you still blame Archbishop Ntagali 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Tuleme kulowooza nti ebiri ku Bobi Wine project ye yekka, wabula project ya ffena nga bannayuganda, kuba twagala kulaba Uganda empya - Father Musaala
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