To.Schools , leaders and teachers of the following schools..Roapu PS to Heupotaasi PS..Due to one week break and some teachers may not at Schools...proposal plans for come visitm ufala from Monday today now postponed to Week 1 term 4..Schools from Taaru to Takaito CHS..ufala expectm me from week 2...Yahoo tumas for save and waka Tigers blo umi..God bless..
Malaita Education Authority:Southern Region.
Operating as usual
After reliazing some teachers have left their schools during the one week break I have decided to postpone my visit to Asimeuri Schools until week one term 4... Thank you for understanding.
From Monday 26th..Sept..I will be visiting the following schools.
Roapu PS to Ote CHS... sleep..Ote CHS.
Tuesday 27th..Roone PS to Kirio Ext.. sleep Port Adam CHS.
Wednesday..29th..Port Adam Oliver PS.. return to Afio Afternoon..
Thursday 30th..Takaito CHS.
Friday..Rokera PSS .. Board meeting.. at week break is for students.. teachers not schools will be treated as absence from duties.
Your cooperation and understanding please.
Uhu CHS Teachers
To.all schools leaders, teachers,board, please take note that one week break is not teachers's the students break.. teachers are expected to remain at schools preparing to start week one term 4... please do comply with respect as being expected and stipulated in the TSHBK.. thanks your cooperation and understanding please.
To schools leaders of schools in and around Small Malaita...if the weather permits,I will be visiting your schools from this week.. From 21st September to 8th Oct... please be at your school to response to the office...west Are Are and East Are Are schools my other colleagues officers been tasked to visit your schools.Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
Science Teacher for Ote CHS..
Person can teach.form 1 to 3..
Please inbox .EA
if you have the Teaching Qualification ..
Majoring in Science,minor in any other subject...
Teachers who are still around in Honiara,this is now 2weeks of term 3..please return to duties with immediate effect..failure,,disciplinary measure may be taken against you..your understanding and cooperation please..
To .all students,teachers,parents and gurdians..
Rokera PSS begins Term 3/ Semester 2 ..26..Jul..students are here advise to be at the school by
this week..
2.Ensure that all required elements bag,bush knife,brooms,plates spoons ,bible etc must not be forgotton..
3.proper hair cut is part of school rules students please take note.
4.All outstanding Parental Developments contributions including this years contributions for year 7 to 9 must be settle..
5.All outstanding school fees for 2020 including this year for years 10 to 12 must be paid and settle.
Regretted for late upload..
Thankyou for complying to this message..
School leaders note 1st Bi annual school grant reirement due finish 15th Jun and few schools recieved retirements...some schools you just sending in too 2nd Bi annual 2020..kaen osem hem Not good..Timely retirement hem gud tumas yah..
The following schools you have failed to submit your SIF3 enrolment to NEAD office on time and that might results thus your form 3 Exam papers may not be printed and your form 3 students may not sit for exams this year.
refers to email recieved today..24 .june..2021..
Thankyou Takaito CHS admin..staff ...for your contributions thru TOKSTORI yesterday during my visit..appreciated your good work done..
A visit to Rokera Primary School today
A capacity Development Framework with EA administrators today in Auki
Primary Schools Teachers serving in the Primary stand alone schools from Aiarai to Tawataha RTC.. your allowances been submitted to day 19th May thru TSO for further processing to MOFT for payments..Housing allowances and Extra Curricular ,office is still awaiting schools authority to confirm ..thankyou for understanding and cooperation.
TIT please take note of this important informations..i will let you know who is in the training whenever my office recieve the final list from the Training office.Thankyou for understanding.
Schools you have not access school is a copy of the Revised school calender 2021.FYI n record purposes.
Thank you Takaito CHS Primary Divison for sending in your first quarter report for 2021..your report is recieved through my email this morning..This is brilliant and the office really applauded your administration for your good job well done, the office is looking ahead to recieve your 2nd ,3rd and the 4th quarter for this year..other schools you access network please send in your quarterly reports through my [email protected]..thankyou for understanding and cooperation..GOD BLESS.
Budget for 2021 was passed and vacancies that are available will be posted later today..Note vacancies for secondary schools will also indicate subjects needed so that qualified teachers with the needed subjects can only apply.Sorry for the delay but its byound our office decission making,Thank you for understanding...
Teachers who expected to recieve Inducement allowances for teachers teaching within the community High Schools your submissions now within the TSO to process to MOFT..please do note it takes time as office have to process for individual schools and individual teachers and will be backdated from 2020..Primary stand alone schools office will deal with yours as from today..followed with Housing allowances and Extra Curricular but the process of these two allowances has to start from your schools administration making recommendations to the office..Thanking you for your understanding and cooperations.
Thank you Manawai CHS Secondary Division for forwarding your Teachers attendance reports,Teachers absence report form..and form 3 enrolment list..other schools you access network..can follow the shoot..
The following teachers are confirmed from Probation and Trial Refers list dated 14th May check wetm Secretary TSC and confirm that nmoa any more for umi after this list..if you have been appraised and expect your confirmation..please consult wetm School Inspectorate blo umi...Thank you.
Thankyou Ououmatawa School Admin for sending in your fortnight teachers attendance thru my inbox..accepted..with your recommendation for salary deduction..appreciated..others schools admin can follow..this is simple and accessable can do the same thing..
Inducement allowances lists submitted to SAO TSD today..14/4/2021 but the list yet to continue CHS..PRIMARY nma yt.
Schools leaders,please take note of this important email notice to all EA that here to inform:Excemption of Examination Fees 2021..
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
A Junior High School known as Mt. Horeb �, situated in Green Valley (East Honiara) opposite the Ja
China Town, John Tom And Son's Building
a Remedial center that provides lessons that help slow students to prepare and catch up for external
Central Honiara, Next To China Town
Honiara, 123456
Senior high school in solomon islands
Point Cruz Town Ground Plaza
Hi to everyone! This Page is created especially for all Rosmat students who wish to contact directl
Kukum Highway
The SINU vision & missions are to disseminate compulsory & auxiliary information via conventional and digital products through various technology-based forms and formats. The services package is included with various technical and use services.
This page is created mainly for updates and for teachers to continue provide access to engage learners ongoing activities while at home during the current closing down of ECCE classes in Honiara.