Teaching and studying English in Voronezh, Russia

For more than 35 years I have been teaching English language. I was educated by very good teachers in Russia, the USA and Britain. Can’t stop teaching!

I came to teaching because I love and can do it. All people can be my students - from little children to their grandparents My best school teachers were like my relatives, they encouraged me much more than my parents did. They spoke with me, they told me many interesting things, they spent much time with me, they paid attention to me. What is my magic, my delight and how am I sharing it with those


All’s fair in love and poetry ... and otters! ❤️


We're back open today! From all of us at the Aquarium, a big "Thank you" to our guests, volunteers, and supporters for allowing us this time to complete some needed cleaning and touch-ups. We're still working on some projects, but are excited to welcome you back!


The two Orinoco crocodiles got a checkup with the veterinarians! Their exams included obtaining weights and measurements, checking eyes, ears, and limbs for abnormalities, and collecting blood to check their cell counts and organ function. We're happy to report the crocs are in excellent health and passed their exams!


The name angelfish comes from the shape of their elongated dorsal, ventral, and a**l fins - if you look at them sideways, they sort of resemble the dress and head of an angel that sometimes get put on the tops of Christmas trees. This unique shape makes them look bigger from the side to predators but allows them to easily slip into crevices for safety.


Татьяна Навка и Роман Костомаров повторuлu золоmую «Кармен» спустя 18 лет. «Рома выиграл не только ту Олимпиаду, но и все Олимпиады на свете». Подробнее в комментариях 👇👇👇


So true! 💛

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Videos (show all)

Polar Bear by Gail Kredenser
Bear Hunt
Bear Hunt
Happy New Year!
Russian Pet
Переводчица Варя
Переводчица Саша
Night Comes
Night Comes
It’s spring!





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