NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research

NRU HSE International Laboratory for Applied Network Research


Anyone interested in network science, welcome to our lab! Here we share ideas, research updates, events' news. Join us and bring a friend; let's network!

The NRU HSE International laboratory for Applied Network Research was created in the Spring of 2014, with Stanley Wasserman of Indiana as a scientific supervisor. Our general goal is development and testing of new network data analysis methods in different fields (branches of science). Network research is multidisciplinary in nature, and our lab members work in the field of mathematics, statistic

Operating as usual


Я почти не пишу здесь, хотя и читаю посты друзей - так и не смогла найти нужный баланс почти два года спустя. Но исключения все-таки есть, и чаще всего они вызваны гордостью и радостью за бывших студентов и коллег.

Вот и сейчас - гордости пост за Valerii Klimov, коллегу и выпускника MASNA (самой лучшей в России программы по прикладной аналитике, и уже давно не потому, что она единственная), создателя лучшего в России (думаю, скоро будет и в мире!) приложения знакомств Twinby. Когда-то этот проект был даже не проектом, а мечтой, и мы себе такого тогда напридумывали... по нашим мечтам, старт-ап должен был стать настоящим единорогом, которых один на миллионы! Сколько таких мечт никогда не сбывается.... наша мечта стала реальностью меньше, чем за три года, и это просто невероятно.

Вот такой пост написали о Валерии руководители, преподаватели, и студенты программы. Поздравляю Валерия и прошу поддержать его кандидатуру!


Выпускник MASNA Валерий Климов номинирован на "Премию выдающихся выпускников '23" ВШЭ 🤩

Валерий Климов основал быстрорастущий дейтинг-сервис Twinby, базирующийся на принципах психологической совместимости, алгоритмы работы которого были разработаны в партнерстве с НИУ ВШЭ, который всего за 6 месяцев после запуска привлек аудиторию в 2 миллиона пользователей и собравший $1.5 млн венчурных инвестиций от группы из 40 отечественных инвесторов.

При регистрации в приложении каждый пользователь проходит адаптированные научные тесты, позволяющие составить психологический портрет и определить ключевые характеристики взаимодействия с другими людьми. Математические алгоритмы высчитывают процент совместимости анкет на основе пройденных тестов и отображают результаты в ленте. Научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы (НИОКРы) для создания этих алгоритмов были проведены на базе Международной лаборатории прикладного сетевого анализа ВШЭ по заказу Климова, а некоторые сотрудники и выпускники ВШЭ являются консультантами проекта или же получили трудоустройство в самой компании.

Поддержите Валерия и проголосуйте за него в категории "Прорыв года" здесь (


On Monday, March 21, at 20:00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will be held, where Tamara Shcheglova, research-assistant at ANR-Lab, will talk about ways to analyze text data.

The seminar is suitable for researchers who want to get acquainted with the basics of textual information analysis and learn about the ways of its practical application.

The language of the seminar is Russian. The seminar will be held online on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive an invitation letter to the video conference.

Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


On Monday, February 14, at 17:00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will be held, where Daria Maltseva, Deputy Head of ANR-Lab, will give several tips on how to write an article in LaTex.

All interested participants will be invited to make LaTeX-versions of their articles right at the seminar.

The language of the seminar is Russian. The seminar will be held online on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive an invitation letter to the video conference.

Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


On Monday, February 7, at 17:00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will be held, where Denis Ananin, Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Education Policy Research, Moscow City University, will present the report “Exploring Communities of Teacher Education Researchers: Bibliometric Study”.

You can read the abstract of the seminar on ANR-Lab website:

The language of the seminar is English. The seminar will be held online on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive an invitation letter to the video conference.

Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


Congratulations to ANR-Lab research assistant Aryuna Kim on being accepted into the Young Faculty Support Program (Group of Young Academic Professionals) to the "New Researchers" category.

The Group of Young Academic Professionals ( is a program to support the professional development of teachers and researchers at the initial and transitional stages of their academic careers. The program involves participation in field seminars, internships in world research centers, and academic English courses. In addition, young professionals receive a scholarship and can participate in competitions for financial support of initiative projects.

To be admitted to the Young Faculty Support Program, an employee must be recommended by their department and meet the requirements for one of three categories: New Researchers, New Teachers, and Future Professors. For the “New Researchers” category, Aryuna was enrolled; it was necessary to provide a preprint in a foreign language. Accordingly, Aryuna provided a preprint with the results of her joint study with Daria Maltseva of the Russian sociological online community: Stability evaluation of the Russian sociologists online community: 2011-2018 years (

We wish Aryuna successful completion of the program and the rapid development of her academic career!


On Monday, January 31, at 17.00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will occur where we will discuss the article "Beyond structural determinism: advantages and challenges of qualitative social network analysis for studying social capital of migrants".

We invite everyone to our seminar and suggest that you read the article in advance:

📖 Sommer, E., & Gamper, M. (2021). Beyond structural determinism: advantages and challenges of qualitative social network analysis for studying social capital of migrants. Global Networks, 21(3), 608-625.

At the seminar, we will present the summary of the article and discuss issues of interest to all.

The language of the seminar is English. The seminar will be held in an online format on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive a letter with an invitation to the video conference.

📌Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


ANR-Lab research assistant and MASNA student Maria Vorobeva have started her student exchange program in KU Leuven for the spring semester (from January to July)

We asked Maria a few questions about the selection at a university-wide competition and her expectations from the semester abroad.

🔹What was the competition like? Did you receive a scholarship?

The competition was eight people per place. There was one place with an Erasmus scholarship and one without a scholarship. I originally went to the place without a scholarship. But after reviewing my documents, the host university granted me an Erasmus scholarship. That is, instead of one place with a scholarship for our university, it provided two. It was very unexpected.

🔹Why did you decide to participate in the exchange program?

I need an exchange program to get the required number of credits in economic disciplines to then continue my studies, receiving a Ph.D. in economics.

🔹What courses will you study at KU Leuven?

I will have about six courses. Most of the courses will be in economics. I specifically applied for those programs where I could choose economics courses. It may be difficult since these are master's courses in economics, which require economic background. But I hope that I will master it, I challenge myself.

According to The World University Rankings, KU Leuven is the Top 1 university in Belgium and Top 42 in the world #!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats.

Congratulations to Maria on passing the selection process and receiving a scholarship! We wish you success!


On Monday, January 24, at 17.00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will occur where we will discuss the article “Social Research in Times of Big Data. The Challenges of New Data Worlds and the Need for a Sociology of Social Research.

We invite everyone to our seminar and suggest that you read the article in advance:

📖 Diaz-Bone, R., Horvath, K., & Cappel, V. (2020). Social research in times of big data. The challenges of new data worlds and the need for a sociology of social research. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 45(3), 314-341.

At the seminar, we will present the summary of the article and discuss issues of interest to all.

The language of the seminar is English. The seminar will be held in an online format on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive a letter with an invitation to the video conference.

📌 Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


On December 24, a solemn event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the International Laboratories project was held, where ANR-Lab employees Daria Maltseva, Dmitry Zaytsev, and Gregory Khvatsky received awards from the university administration.

The awards recognize the significant contribution of colleagues to the implementation of the International Laboratories project. Deputy Head of ANR-Lab Daria Maltseva and Academic Supervisor of the Master's Program "Applied Statistics with Network Analysis" (MASNA), Leading Researcher of the Laboratory Dmitry Zaytsev, gratitude from the Higher School of Economics, signed by the rector of the University Nikita Anisimov. Gregory Khvatsky, Deputy Academic Supervisor of the Master's Program and Junior Research Fellow of the Laboratory, received a letter of gratitude from the Higher School of Economics, signed by the Vice-Rector of the Higher School of Economics Maria Yudkevich.

We congratulate our colleagues on receiving gratitude from the university administration!


Dear Colleagues,

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! May the new year bring you a lot of joy, happy moments, and desired achievements! We wish you and your loved ones health, happiness and prosperity in 2022! We really hope that in the coming year we will be able to see each other in person again!

As a small gift, you can find New Year's digital souvenirs from the Higher School of Economics via the link:


Congratulations to Alina Arslanova and her research advisor Valentina Kuskova on winning the NIRS competition in the nomination "Best research paper in sociology for graduate students and graduates of 2021".

Alina Arslanova, a research assistant at ANR-Lab and a 1st-year student of the MASNA master's program, became a laureate of the NIRS competition in the nomination "Best research paper in sociology for graduate students and graduates of 2021" with the topic "What Determines Scientific Impact? Comparison of Two Citation-based Approaches". The work was prepared under the scientific guidance of the head of ANR-Lab, Valentina Kuskova.

The student research paper competition (NIRS) has been held at the Higher School of Economics since 2003. The competition is held in 24 thematic areas, and special subject commissions evaluate works. Since 2018, students from Russian and foreign universities can participate in the competition, making it an international competition.


On Monday, December 27, at 17:00, this year's final seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will be held, where we will sum up the year, talk about plans for 2022 and congratulate each other on the upcoming holidays in the company of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and a little elf:)

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format: face-to-face in classroom M405 at 11 Pokrovsky Boulevard and online on the Zoom platform.

Registered participants will receive an invitation letter to the video conference.

Registration for the seminar is available via the link:
We will be glad to see everyone!


Congratulations to Anuška Ferligoj and Vladimir Batagelj on receiving the honorary awards of the Republic of Slovenia for achievements in research and development.

On Statistics Day, November 18, 2021, Vladimir Batagelj received the Marjan Blejec award for Scientific Achievement in 2020 from the Statistical Society of Slovenia.

On December 10, 2021, Anuška Ferligoj received the Zois Lifetime Achievement Award - the highest state recognition in science and research in the Republic of Slovenia.

We congratulate our scientific advisors and are grateful for the opportunity to work with them!


On Monday, December 13, at 17.00, a scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research will occur where Junior Research Fellow Stanislav Moiseev will present the summary of the article “Branding in a Hyperconnected World: Refocusing Theories and Rethinking Boundaries”.

At the seminar, we will analyze the main theses of the article:

Swaminathan V, Sorescu A, Steenkamp J-BEM, O’Guinn TCG, Schmitt B. Branding in a Hyperconnected World: Refocusing Theories and Rethinking Boundaries. Journal of Marketing. 2020;84(2):24-46.

Stanislav will share a summary of this work and open questions for us as researchers who work with brands in the new world.

The language of the seminar is English. The seminar will be held in an online format on the Zoom platform. Registered participants will receive a letter with an invitation to the video conference.

Registration for the seminar is available here:
We will be glad to see everyone!


What are insights, and how do corporations mass-produce and use insights every day?

Join our next seminar with CMI expert Anastasia Rogatyuk to get an answer and learn what makes a good business insight.

The seminar will cover some common misconceptions about insight making and offer an interactive Python insight exercise. No advanced Python knowledge is required.

Anastasia is an HSE graduate and has an extensive background in social and marketing research, both in consulting agencies and in Fortune 500 corporations. Now she specializes in consumer and market insights in beauty and independently consults leading sports clubs on clients' data and experience.

Save the date: December, 8. 18:30 (Moscow time)

Language: English
Price: 2000 RUR. (HSE stuff members and students can get a discount ( All questions related to payment and entrance, please, address to Kira Volkova (

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11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex