TRIZ Developers Summit - TDS

TRIZ Developers Summit - TDS


Official site of the Non-profitable organization "TRIZ Developers Summit"

Operating as usual


We invite you to take part in the 20th anniversary international conference of the TRIZ Developers Summit.
Over the years, TRIZ specialists from 63 countries have taken part in the TRIZ Summit conferences.
This year, unique speeches will be presented on applying TRIZ in education, business, technology and IT. The experience of using TRIZ and artificial intelligence, new achievements in the field of contradiction solving techniques, the use of TRIZ in the development of medicines to combat Superbacteria and other relevant topics of modern TRIZ and innovation will be presented.
The conference program can be found here:
Participation in the conference is free. The registration in advance is required using the link:
The conference is held in Russian and English with simultaneous translation.
Please register in advance before October 1, 2024.
Please post this information on the professional resources on TRIZ and innovations available to you.
Address for correspondence: [email protected] and [email protected]

Program committee of the conference "TRIZ in evolution".

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