International Fitness Professionals Association - IFPA Russia

IFPA Россия создана, чтобы предлагать высокое качество обучения персональным тренерам с целью делать их лидерами в фитнес-индустрии.

Operating as usual

Gli eventi ANIF e EuropeActive a RiminiWellness 06/05/2019

Gli eventi ANIF e EuropeActive a RiminiWellness Il consueto convegno nazionale primaverile di ANIF Eurowellness si terrà venerdì 31 maggio nell'ambito dell'edizione 2019 di RiminiWellness. L'evento – il cui programma verrà presto reso noto – come di consueto farà il punto sugli ultimi sviluppi normativi e affronterà tematiche d'attualit....


Moscow Fitness Festival "My choice is sport!"

Macro Maintenance: Determining Macronutrient Intake - IFPA Fitness 19/03/2019

IFPA RUSSIA. Полезно знать.

Macro Maintenance: Determining Macronutrient Intake - IFPA Fitness Dear Dr. Bell, how do I determine what my Macro intake needs to be? Thanks for the help!!! There are many opinions on how best to calculate your total caloric intake and how to distribute those calories among your Macro…


Теперь и в России! Вы можете пройти обучение он-лайн по курсу IFPA и стать сертифицированным персональным тренером. Построй свой бизнес с курсом IFPA!


Приглашаю пройти уникальный он-лайн курс Персональный тренер под руководством опытных профессионалов. Международный уровень и бессрочный сертификат (USA)

Генеральный директор IFPA Russia, Татьяна Полухина и директор образовательных программ ФФАР и IFPA Russia Евгения Перова:
«Мы хотим, чтобы обучение и работа в фитнес-индустрии была доступна для всех»

Присоединяйтесь к 🌎
‭+7 (929) 911-46-52‬

#профессиональноеобучение #персональныйтренер #лидер #фитнессеминар #фитнестренер

Timeline photos 31/05/2017

Открыта запись на семинар

Timeline photos 30/05/2017
Thigh & Hip Pain From Squats 13/05/2017

Thigh & Hip Pain From Squats Are you experiencing upper thigh and hip pain after performing Squats? Learn the origin, causes and treatment for this injury!

How To Correct Muscle Imbalance 02/05/2017

How To Correct Muscle Imbalance Learn the causes of muscle imbalance, the Symmetry Check to determine if an imbalance is present & exercise prescriptions to correct symmetrical imbalances.

Wrist Pain From Front Squats - IFPA 06/04/2017

Wrist Pain From Front Squats - IFPA Wrist pain is common in front squats the more you go up in weight. Learn alternative hand positions to eliminate pain as well as alternative exercises.

EuropeActive Events - EuropeActive 01/04/2017

EuropeActive Events - EuropeActive We strongly believe in the power of learning, networking and the sharing of good practices to help stimulate better business and entrepreneurship.

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14, Bldg. 5A, Bersenevskaya Embankment
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Новая улица, 100
Moscow, 143026

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Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow
Смоленская набережная, 10
Moscow, 109189

The Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy in Moscow delivers programmes designed by the British Council.

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Russia and the Global Cezanne Effect Russia and the Global Cezanne Effect
12 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab
Moscow, 123610

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LDP in Russia LDP in Russia
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"នយោបាយមិនមែនជាមុខរបររកសុីទេ​ ប៉ុន?

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Школа цифрового рисования 👌🏻Научим рисовать с 0 🎨Р?