Formula Student Academy Russia

Formula Student Academy Russia


Main focus is on Formula Student project.

FS Academy Russia is a non-profit organisation who support student engineering design competitions in Russia having a goal to improve the level of engineering education.

Operating as usual

Photos from Formula Student Academy Russia's post 04/08/2024

Formula Student Russia 2024.
While photographers are processing their photos and the organizers are recovering from the intense event, you can look at results published here:
5 teams in EV, 6 teams in CV and 4 teams in "Project works" group. FSR paddock moved to main racetrack paddock, sharing it with Russian Endurance Challenge and Classic Touring Cup Series (all are parts of Garage Fest event).

The winner on EV class is a Togliatti Racing Team, who the only team finished endurance (and starting in any dynamic events at all). Second place took by STES Racing from India, who shown best statics performance.

In CV class the rivalry was more exciting. The first place has been taken by Wonder Racing team from Liaoning Technical University, China. The team shows very good speed at endurance race! At all Chinese teams won Business Presentation, Cost & Manufacturing event, took third place at Design, no start at Acc, Skid Pad, Spring, but then first place at Endurance and second at Efficiency. The first place with 40 points gap from UGATU Racing.

The photo attached: Chinese team is ready to go on endurance track. The words at rear wing end plate: "China and Russia. Long live the friendship of peoples". The first team from China at FS Russia event.

Инженерное соревнование Формула Студент 22/03/2024

Formula Student Russia 2024
Information for teams.
On the competition website there are updates on the documents page in the “Technical Inspection” section. A new SES template version 1.1 and IAD with minor changes have been posted, as well as ESF (and HSF for internal combustion engines vehicles, if someone decided to implement a hybrid sustem) and the VSC template - vehicle significant changes form, where you need to indicate and show in what ways will your car differ from the previous one (according to FS Russia Rules A2.2.2 list. All differences do not need to be indicated in detail).
The deadline for submitting Group A documents (Tehnical INspection) is May 28, 23:59 Moscow time (MSK).
The VSC form must be submitted by July 13th. According to the time scale of Formula Student - eternity. But if you delay or forget, you will have to strain a lot at the most inopportune or busy moment...

Инженерное соревнование Формула Студент

Инженерное соревнование Формула Студент 26/01/2024

Formula Student Russia 2024

We remind teams that registration for the competition will open on January 30 at 12:00 Moscow time.
1. Registration will be on the website
2. Registration will be by filling out the form on the site page.
3. Use 2 emails to which the team (responsible person) will not lose access. Each team decides for itself whether it will be a team's mail or the mail of the responsible persons (captain, deputy, person authorized by them), depending on what it seems more reliable.
4. All official communication will be with the specified addresses. In case of any controversy, information received from the addresses specified during registration will have priority over any other addresses.
5. Registration forms are processed manually, so the answer will not be immediately, BUT it will be given from the email [email protected] to the email address specified during registration. Add this address to the spam-filter whitelist. The fact of registration is confirmed in a response letter. The general list will be published on the website later.
6. According to the regulations, 10 places are reserved for Russian teams for 1 month after registration. It works like this: all non-russian teams are automatically put on the waiting list and remain there until the month ends or the limit of 10 places is reached. As soon as 10 places are occupied by Russian teams (regardless of the elapsed time), the list is then filled from the combined flow of applications with a waiting list. That is, non-russian team X, which sent its application at 12:01 on January 30, will end up in 11th place, and the Russian team, which sent its application at 18:00 on January 30, but after the first 10 applications of Russian applications, will end up AFTER non-russian team X.
7. The general list is not published immediately, because before including a team on the list, the organizer wants to at least minimally verify that the team really exists, for which purpose communication will be carried out with unknown teams. In past years, there were applications from teams that never actually existed (perhaps they tried/are trying to organize yourself as a team, but if nothing is known about team and team does not respond to mail, then it will not be included in the list of participants). This process will take some time, so there will be a delay in publishing the general list of participants. It is important for you as a team to receive a response from [email protected] and answer questions in the letter, if there are any.

If you have any question: feel free to message to [email protected]

Инженерное соревнование Формула Студент


As part of the cooperation between the organizers of various FS competitions, a calendar of registrations for European competitions was recently published on the social networks of European events.
All times are Central European (CET).
Registration for FS Russia 2024 will open at 10:00 CET (12:00 MSK, Moscow time), 30 January - all according to the regulations.


Today the EU organizers published the Formula Student EU region calendar. 17 events! What a number!
It is almost impossible to avoid overlap between events.
FSR event is in touch with other event organizers to provide unified standard and Rules implementation and to make the project better.

Formula Student documents 07/12/2023

Dear teams,

FS Russia 2024 event Rules are published online at the website:
The event will held place at Igora Drive again at 25-28 July. In general event will have the same format as in 2023 - it will share the venue with Garage Fest festival.

Formula Student documents Regulations

Photos from Formula Student Academy Russia's post 31/08/2023

Dear all,

Formula Student Russia 2023 Rules published here:
The registration is open. For the registration of your team you need to fill the registration form on the website. Organizers will help with accomodation for the teams and logistic expenses.


Dear all,
There will be an announcement about the FS Russia 2023 event soon, but we are happy to share some news about the upcoming event. It is a big change coming: the event will change place and dates. In this season it will be 3-6 August (first weekend in August) and Igora Drive race circuit in Leningradskaya oblast near Saint Petersburg. More details (including the Rules) will be published in January later.

P.S. Igora Drive have 5.1 km FIA Grade 1 race circuit with 21 m altitude changes, but for FS we will take go-kart track and parking show on photo.

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Formula Student Academy Russia is a non-profit organisation established by Sergey Safronenkov to support FS project in Russian Federation.

Sergey Safronenkov (14.07.1963 - 18.08.2016) was the person who bring FS project to Russia. In 2005 he became a faculty advisor of the very first russian Formula Student team in MADI university.

Sergey established FS Academy Russia to promoute Formula Student project, help the new team in operational questions, organize different events related with Formula Student and other student engineering competitions.

First FS event supported by FS Academy happen in 2008 at MADI university test ground where 3 russian teams compete against each other, share the knowledge and experience. After that was several other event with first foreign team participation in 2011 - team from India visit our event (without car). Also FS Academy organise annual student engineering project conference in MADI university.



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