Meet the class of the Business intelligence tools for Life Sciences - 1st Edition! Everyone got the most out of this course and they are now success stories.
Informações para nos contactar, mapa e direções, formulário para nos contactar, horário de funcionamento, serviços, classificações, fotos, vídeos e anúncios de What.if., Site de ensino, Porto.
Get a discount! Would you like to have this course as part of a PhD program? Would you like to empower your institute management departments and facilities with Business Intelligence? Contact us:
We want to empower scientists, managers and analysts by bringing Business Intelligence into Life Sciences. This will revolutionize R&D data treatment, presentation and visualization, ultimately generating new insights and saving time for other research activities. By providing specialized training to laboratory managers we want to show the value they can bring to any team by using Business Intelligence to organize and manage their groups, changing completely the current paradigm. Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash
.what.if. was founded and is managed by former PhD researchers who made an academy-to-industry transition. .what.if. provides advanced training courses aimed at improving and facilitating the processing, presentation and management of data in the scientific areas of Life Sciences, using business intelligence tools. We are pioneers in this approach and all the solutions we provide are the result of the integrated knowledge of the academic and industrial worlds.
"I believe that Power BI - if successfully adopted & supported in a research department - has the potential to deliver tremendous value. By introducing business intelligence into research, researchers can focus on what matters most: more effective & efficient research."Kurt Buhler - Data Goblins June 7, 2022 in
Power BI is the leading business intelligence tool. Its features allow to get any dataset to a complete new level. .what.if. this is the game-changer you have been looking for? Register today in our open courses at
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9.8 out of 10! Rating by attendees of the 1st edition of the course "Business intelligence tools for Life Sciences". 2nd edition coming this December! Register today at:
Today is the last day to register as early bird in the course "Laboratory management using business intelligence - 1st edition". Don't let this opportunity pass by! .what.if. this is the game changer you have been looking for? Register today at
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