On November 8th and 9th, SpertLab attended the XXV Conference of the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology at the Rio Maior Sports School.
Five researchers from SpertLab and CIPER-FMH actively participated in this nationally renowned event. Adriano Carvalho presented his research on pre-service self-regulation in tennis, Catarina Belchior presented her experimental protocol on meditation for sports performance, Henrique Brito presented his project on the use of virtual reality in sports training, Henrique Lopes presented his experimental study on decision-making in judo, and Margarida Carvalho presented her experimental study on functional variability in Rope Skipping.
Duarte Araújo, director of SpertLab and coordinator of CIPER, was honored as a former president and considered an Honorary Member of the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology. Congratulations!
Henrique Lopes, a researcher at SpertLab and a PhD student at CIPER-FMH, was recently awarded the Young Researcher Award - António Paula Brito, at the XXV Conference of the Portuguese Society of Sports Psychology, held on November 8th and 9th at the Rio Maior Sports School.
This prize was awarded following the presentation of the study "The role of perception-action and affordances for decision-making in judo," which Henrique developed during his Master's Degree in High-Performance Training, supervised by Professor Duarte Araújo.
Henrique Lopes' paper presentation was one of 83 communications at the congress, 5 of which applied for the António Paula Brito award. Congratulations!
The conference was attended by psychologists, sports psychologists, physical education teachers, coaches, exercise technicians, sports managers, teachers, researchers from higher education, and students and athletes.
A recent publication in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (IJBNPA) includes work from CIPER researcher Jorge Encantado.
This research outlines the creation and evaluation of the 24-hour Movement Questionnaire (QMov24h), a tool developed to provide in-depth insights into individuals' sleep patterns, sedentary activities, and physical exercise.
No dia 3 de dezembro, 3ª feira, terá lugar o Seminário CONSTRAINTS-LED APPROACH IN TENNIS, na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana e Centro de Alto Rendimento no Jamor.
Este seminário resulta de uma parceria entre a Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH), a International Tennis Federation (ITF) e a Federação Portuguesa de Ténis (FPT) e tem como objetivo aprofundar conhecimentos sobre o treino utilizando a abordagem baseada em constrangimentos aplicada ao ténis, dotando os treinadores de ferramentas que lhes permitam desenhar o treino dentro deste paradigma.
Este evento é direcionado a treinadores de ténis e outros desportos de todos os níveis, desde a iniciação até ao alto rendimento, e outros interessados em intervir nesta área.
9h30 – 12h e 14h00 – 16h30
Esta ação é creditada pelo IPDJ para Técnicos de Exercício Físico/Director Técnico (TEF/DT) e Treinador (TD), com 1 UC sendo que as unidades de crédito são atribuídas a quem assistir presencialmente à totalidade do seminário.
O evento será ministrado em inglês.
Data limite de inscrição a 28 de novembro
Inscrições: https://forms.gle/rm7zNAtPvzjyhqvF9
Página web da FMH onde está divulgado: https://www.fmh.ulisboa.pt/eventos/item/2718-constraints-led-approach-in-tennis
Constraints-led Approach In Tennis - Faculdade de Motricidade Humana
Mais informação contactar: [email protected]
Finally, the present post (see previous CIPER posts) highlights explicitly the impact in 2023 in the domain of sport sciences, where 4 CIPER-FMH researchers among 11 Portuguese scientists are in the top 2% of the world: Luís Sardinha, Duarte Araújo, Analiza Silva, and Adilson Marques.
For more information, see: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
The present post (see previous CIPER posts) highlights explicitly the impact in 2023 in all research fields, where 5 CIPER-FMH researchers are in the top 2% of the world: Luís Sardinha, Pedro Teixeira, Duarte Araújo, Analiza Silva, and Adilson Marques.
For more information, see: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
Our previous post highlighted the top 2% of researchers worldwide and examined their impact throughout their careers.
The present post explicitly highlights their impact throughout their careers in sport science, where 3 CIPER-FMH researchers among 6 Portuguese scientists are in the top 2% of the world: Luís Sardinha, Duarte Araújo, and Analiza Silva.
For more information, see: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
In an independent analysis using the Scopus database, John Ioannidis (Stanford University, USA) published a standardized analysis with information about the top 2% of researchers worldwide. The study examined the researchers' impact throughout their careers and, in 2023, on all research fields or specific domains.
The standardized analysis for each researcher valued impact rather than productivity and can be accessed here: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/7
For the impact throughout their careers in all research fields, 4 CIPER-FMH researchers are in the top 2% of the world: Luís Sardinha, Duarte Araújo, Analiza Silva, and Pedro Teixeira.
Duarte Araújo, director of and coordinator of , was recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Movement & Skill Acquisition 2024 by EMERGENCE.
EMERGENCE is a USA company focused on assisting sport coaches and practitioners in guiding their athletes to enhanced skill acquisition and training transfer.
This award recognizes his vast scientific and applied work in the field of perceptual-motor learning in sport, which has had a great international impact on his peers and on the training of new researchers over the last twenty years.
No dia 6 de junho às 17h, a final da competição 3 Minutos de Tese (3MT), promovida pela Universidade de Lisboa, terá lugar no Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência.
Henrique Brito, aluno de Doutoramento do BIOLAD-CIPER, é um dos 12 finalistas e um dos 4 representantes da área de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde!
Nesta final, 12 finalistas e estudantes de Doutoramento da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) apresentarão em apenas três minutos, recorrendo a um único diapositivo, o impacto da sua investigação a um público não especializado e perante um júri composto por especialistas das diversas áreas das Escolas da ULisboa.
Duarte Araújo co-authored an article describing futsal coaches' gaze behavior in offensive and defensive game moments using an expert-novice paradigm, published in the International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. Read here: https://doi.org/10.1080/24748668.2024.2354113.
This study showed that expert coaches focused more on the players without the ball and on the free space. In contrast, novice coaches focused more on the ball and the attacker with the ball. Results also indicate that visual exploration is specific to futsal game moments.
Duarte Araújo co-authored a paper on ecological literacy as an ongoing process of learning to relate with a place through implicated participation. Learning to relate, to care, and to participate are key expressions of ecological literacy, published in New Ideas in Psychology. Read here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newideapsych.2024.101079
Henrique Brito, Henrique Lopes, Margarida Carvalho, Daniel Carrilho, Adriano Carvalho, and Duarte Araújo co-authored an article about the effects of nature-based vs. indoor settings on the adaptability, performance, and affect of calisthenics exercisers, published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Read here https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2024.102626
This registered report investigated how engaging in similar calisthenics exercises in nature-based and indoor settings differed in affective valence, perceived exertion, visual attention, movement adaptability, heart rate variability, and performance. The results showed that nature-based environments can influence movement adaptability and improve performance. This study showed how action is specific to task-environment.
Se tens entre 18 e 65 anos e praticas exercício regularmente, convidamos-te a participar num estudo sobre a relação da ansiedade e a atividade física, e as preferências relativas ao ambiente em que se pratica esta atividade.
Este é um estudo realizado em colaboração com o ISPA – Instituto Universitário e coordenado pelo investigador do CIPER Jorge Encantado.
Basta aceder ao link e responder ao questionário (cerca de 10 minutos): https://forms.gle/JPWdW9oKikcwDqoKA
Duarte Araújo and Pedro Passos co-authored a book chapter about social network analysis in football, its complex systems background, and different applications to capture collective behavior's cooperative and competitive dynamics in sports. This chapter is part of the textbook "Computer Science in Sport: Modeling, Simulation, Data Analysis and Visualization of Sports-Related Data," edited by Daniel Memmert. See here: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-68313-2.
Jorge Encantado co-authored a systematic review and meta-analysis about the psychosocial correlates of physical activity in cancer survivors, providing fundamental perspectives for promoting well-being in this population. See this study, published in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship, in detail: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11764-024-01559-6.