Laboratório de Línguas

Cambridge English Preparation Centre (with almost 250 Candidates) & British Council Addvantage Member

Funcionando normalmente


Por forma a garantir um trabalho onde a qualidade tem de estar acima da quantidade, fechamos as nossas inscrições para novos alunos para este ano letivo!


It takes more than a 5.3 shake to keep us from coming back to the Lab!

Let’s get 2024/2025 started!!


It is such a joy to have familiar faces stop by the Lab to ask for our guidance in getting their English Certified by a Cambridge English Exam. In order to pursue their studies, they brought along friends and now they sit their Computer Based Exams in hopes to go "to infinity and beyond!"



Our Super-Candidate comes from a land far-far away to sit his first B1 Preliminary for Schools Computer Based Exam! Small and steady steps can take us to great distances!


We're back again for another A2 Key for Schools session. This time our Candidates are trying out the Computer Based Exam! Great work guys!


We would like to thank Go Global Exams and Language Centre for coming back to Cartaxo to apply Cambridge English Exams to over 60 LabRats over two weekends. We would also like to thank Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita do Cartaxo for lending us their facilities and finally to our LabRat parents for their important role in these last two thunder weeks of prep work!


To finish our Cambridge English Exams for the weekend, we have our C1 Advanced Candidates who had some colleagues tag along for the ride!


Cambridge English Computer Based Exams seem to be the way to go and at our Summer Fest our group of B2 First have collab’ed with other candidates to sit this exam in familiar settings.


Cambridge English Exams Summer Fest wouldn’t be the same without our B1 Preliminary candidates. Most have been performing at this festival since YLE A1 Movers!


Back for another Cambridge English Exams Summer Fest! Our A2 Keys are doing their best to make the most out of this experience!


Always ready to help a pet or two or three or more!
Our 🐢🐢🐢 favorite trio continue to accept animal goods even during the summer holiday!

Muito obrigado ao Laboratório de Línguas por todas as ajudas dadas aos nossos protegidos!!! ❤️


A little side note about today…


To end today’s Cambridge English Exam’s Summer Fest - Young Learners Edition we had a great rendition from our A2 Flyers.
What a day!


Our Cambridge English Exams Summer Fest - Young Learners Edition continues!
Our next act was presented by our A1 Movers!
Fantastic work peps!


Welcome to our Cambridge English Exams Summer Fest - Young Learners Edition 2024!
The first act up on stage was our Pre-A1 Starters!
Great Work Guys!


Today is our Coach’s Birthday! But to say that Mary John is just our Coach is an understatement - she is our everything at the Lab! We wish you all the best today and every day!!


🎪 It’s today and every day! 🤡


Getting to celebrate a regional holiday as a national holiday!


Let’s get to know one more European city!


Wishing our CS only the best for we are grateful to have been part of her path to success!


Ai, ai, ai… Can’t wait to share some good news with everyone!!


To all our LabMoms, Grandmas and Mamas…


In a galaxy far, far away…


Appreciating those who have done so much for everyone!


Ontem, hoje, sempre....

O Maior Cravo Humano - 50 anos 25 de abril 24/04/2024

To what great heights such small and delicate gestures reach to celebrate such a beautiful thing - freedom!


Today and every day!

Photos from Laboratório de Línguas's post 01/04/2024

Mais um ano e mais uma vez tivemos a oportunidade de participar na Campanha do Laço Azul dinamizado pela CPCJ - Cartaxo. Unimos a nossa vertente de Cursos de Inglês com o Projeto Laboratório de Línguas - Coaching para criar um laço motivacional com um toque futurístico e dinâmico. Thank you à nossa Coach Maria João!

Quer que o seu escola/colégio seja a primeira Escola/colégio em Cartaxo?

Clique aqui para solicitar o seu anúncio patrocinado.

Vídeos (mostrar todos)

Por forma a garantir um trabalho onde a qualidade tem de estar acima da quantidade, fechamos as nossas inscrições para n...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night…
‘Tis the season…Let’s all go home to celebrate the holidays!
Counting down…
Are you ready?



Entre em contato com a escola/colégio



Travessa Avenida Mestre Cid, Loja D

Horário de Funcionamento

Segunda-feira 09:00 - 21:00
Terça-feira 09:00 - 21:00
Quarta-feira 09:00 - 21:00
Quinta-feira 09:00 - 21:00
Sexta-feira 09:00 - 21:00
Sábado 09:00 - 13:30

Outra Formação em Cartaxo (mostrar todos)
Prof. Mocho Centro de Estudos e Formação Prof. Mocho Centro de Estudos e Formação
R. 5 Outubro 11
Cartaxo, 2070-059

Sala de Estudo, Apoio Pedagógico ao 1º,2º 3ºciclos e Secundário, Ensino do Inglês 1º ciclo, E

WFS Formation Space, Lda WFS Formation Space, Lda
Rua Batalhoz, Nº 13
Cartaxo, 2070-069

Entidade formadora certificada pela DGERT