In September (6th to 9th) the 4th International Football Studies Symposium will take place, in São Paulo. The event will have a hybrid format. The call for abstracts is opened until July 10th. Papers are accepted in Portuguese, English and Portuguese.
Our researcher Emanuel Leite Jr. will be one of the guest speakers and he will also coordinate one of the Working Groups.
4º Simpósio Internacional de Estudos sobre Futebol
De 6 a 9 de setembro de 2022 no Museu do Futebol e no Sesc Pompeia. Submissão de artigos e e-Pôsteres até 10/07/2022.
The Brazilian delegates warned us about the risks of democracy in Brazil. In view of everything that has been happening in the country, all the delegates present at the closing ceremony of our conference approved a Pro-Democracy Manifesto in Brazil.
It has been three very interesting and productive days. Great keynotes, papers and discussion. It was also really nice to be able to be at a face to face conference again. There's nothing quite like socializing. Thanks to everyone who made it possible!
See you tomorrow!
FC Porto - Notícias - FC Porto associa-se a conferência internacional da Universidade de Aveiro
Museu FC Porto e FC Porto Football Sciences Institute parceiros do evento. Uma sessão especial temática com Diogo Faria e a experiência premiada do Tour FC Porto no programa
2nd International Conference of the Political Studies Association Sport & Politics Group, to be held at Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, Universidade de Aveiro, and FC Porto, final programme.
Sport, Power and Politics: Challenges in a changing global structure - Programme
Many thanks for your interest in the Second International of the Political Studies Association Sport and Politics Group - “ , and : the challenges in a changing global structure” at the Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, Universidade de Aveiro, June 16-17 2022, FC Porto June 18.
We would like to inform you that the registration is now open through https://sites.google.com/view/sportandpoliticsconference/home.
The draft program will also be released shortly it will be available at our website. This promises to be a productive and thought-provoking event. We are really looking forward to meeting you all in June.
Sport, Power and Politics: Challenges in a changing global structure
The Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences (DCSPT), University of Aveiro, is delighted to announce the revised dates of the Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group - “Sport, Power and Politics: Challenges in a changing global structure”. We are looking...
Final call. Deadline Day!
Submit your abstracts for the 2nd International of the Political Studies Association Sport and Politics Group - “ , and : the challenges in a changing global structure” at the Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, Universidade de Aveiro, June 16-17 2022, FC Porto June 18.
Full details: https://www.ua.pt/en/govcopp/page/26538
Deadline is approaching. 10 days left to submit your abstracts. 2nd International Conference of the Sport and Politics Group - “ , Power and : the challenges in a changing global structure” at the Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, Universidade de Aveiro, June 16-17 2022, and FC Porto June 18.
Full details: https://www.ua.pt/en/govcopp/page/26538
Updated CFP: Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group | H-Announce | H-Net
Announcement published by Emanuel Leite Jr on Monday, March 14, 2022 Type: Call for PapersDate: June 16, 2022 to June 18, 2022Location: PortugalSubject Fields: Diplomacy and International Relations, Political Science, Public Policy, Sociology, Sport History / StudiesPSA (Political Studies Associ...
The Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, Universidade de Aveiro, is delighted to announce the revised dates of the Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group - “Sport, Power and Politics: Challenges in a changing global structure”. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to Aveiro and our university on June 16 and 17, 2022, and our university on June 16 and 17, 2022, and to Porto and FC Porto facilities on June 18, 2022.
We are also excited to announce that, in partnership with Museu FC Porto and the FC Porto Football Sciences Institute, our conference will include an additional day. On Saturday, June 18, a visit to the Tour FC Porto (Museum + Stadium) has been scheduled. In addition, FC Porto will send a representative for a special session during our conference at the University. Full details will be sent to all delegates.
It is also with enormous pleasure that we inform you that, in collaboration with our conference, the specialist journal Frontiers Frontiers in Sports and Active Living will publish a themed special issue entitled “Sport, Power and Policies”, with a range of completed papers. The topics covered are the same as those in the call for conference abstracts. Therefore, if you are interested in having your abstract evaluated by the editorial board of the special issue, please let us know when you send it to us. Please note that although we accept presentations in Portuguese for the Frontiers special issue, the paper must be written in English. We will provide more information about the special issue and the timetable for submitting the full paper shortly.
Last but not least the prestigious publisher Routledge Sport, Tourism and Travel will offer £200 in prizes (as book purchases) for our conference. There will be two prizes of £100 each, for the two best presentations: one will be awarded to a senior researchers and one to students/ junior researchers.
Aveiro City Council - Município de Aveiro - will offer a guided tour to the Aveiro City Museum.
Keynote speakers
Dr Richard Giulianotti, Loughborough University, England
Dr Stacey Pope, Durham University, England
Dr. Flavio de Campos, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Dr Pippo Russo, University of Florence, Italy
A representative from FC Porto (TBA)
Please submit your abstracts (300 words maximum) to [email protected] by 23.59 (GMT) on April 17 2022.
We accept abstracts in English and Portuguese.
Full details: https://www.ua.pt/en/govcopp/page/26538
O Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, tem o prazer de anunciar as novas datas da Segunda Conferência Internacional da PSA Sport & Politics Group - “Sport, Power and Politics: the challenges in a changing global structure”. Esperamos poder recebê-los em Aveiro e na nossa Universidade nos dias 16 e 17 de junho de 2022.
Oradores convidados
Dr. Richard Giulianotti, Universidade de Loughborough, Inglaterra
Dra. Stacey Pope, Durham University, Inglaterra
Dr. Flávio de Campos, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
Dr. Pippo Russo, Universidade de Florença, Itália
Por favor, submetam seus resumos (de até 300 palavras) para [email protected] até as 23h59 (GMT) de 10 de abril de 2022. Aceitamos resumos em Português e Inglês.
Para mais informações: https://www.ua.pt/pt/govcopp/page/26538
The Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA, is delighted to announce the new dates of the Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group - “Sport, Power and Politics: the challenges in a changing global structure”. We are looking forward to hopefully be able to welcoming you all to Aveiro and our university in June 16 and 17 2022.
Keynote speakers
Dr Richard Giulianotti, Loughborough University, England
Dr Stacey Pope, Durham University, England
Dr. Flávio de Campos, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Dr Pippo Russo, University of Florence, Italy
Please submit your abstracts (300 words maximum) to [email protected] by 23.59 (GMT) on April 10 2022. We accept abstracts in English and Portuguese.
+info: https://www.ua.pt/en/govcopp/page/26538
Do you want to reserach Chinese football and its political and geopolitical implications with us at SP3, Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território - UA?
CHERN- China in Europe Research Network (COST Action).
Short Term Scientific Mission Application
The main aim of this STSM is to know more about the role China’s sport development policy and practice plays as diplomatic tool and ‘soft power’ instrument, in a context characterized by a growing deterioration in terms of China’s international image and an extensive degradation of its relations with the EU and the US.
What is necessary to apply?
An applicant needs to be enrolled into an official research program (PhD, postdoc) or employed/affiliated with an entity that has a clear association with performing research. The proposed research plan and the applicant’s research field should be aligned with CHERN’s aims and with the relevant STSM call. The applicant’s Home institution should be located in a participating full COST member or Cooperating member1 , CHERN MC observer from a Near Neighbouring country (NNC)2 , or from an Approved European RTD organization3.
What does the financial support include?
• Travel expenses cannot exceed EUR 300;
• For accommodation and meal expenses, a maximum amount of EUR 160 per day can be
• A maximum of EUR 3500 in total can be afforded to the grantee;
• The final amount of the grant is dependent on the duration of the STSM and the level of prices at
the host country;
• STSM activities must occur in their entirety within the dates specified in the relevant call.
Deadline for applications to be submitted: June 5, 2021
Notification of application outcome: June 20, 2021
For more information:
STSMs aim to strengthen scientific networks and collaborations, increase knowledge exchange through access to specific expertise or methods, and especially support junior researchers in their professional development. They relate to the five Working Groups of CHERN. To find out more, please refer ...
Em 2016 e 2017, os chineses abalaram o eurocentrismo do futebol. Clubes da Super Liga (CSL) chegaram ao topo de gastos na janela de transferências de janeiro de 2017. Empresas chinesas compravam clubes por toda a Europa. Mas, se há quatro anos o derrame de dinheiro surpreendia, agora causam espanto o encerramento das atividades do campeão Jiangsu FC (ex-Suning) e os problemas financeiros de clubes como Shandong Taishan (ex-Luneng) e Tianjin Tiger (ex-TEDA). Há quem fale que a “bolha estourou”. Fatalistas decretam o “fim do sonho”. E há até quem diga que faltou planejamento ao futebol chinês. Será isso mesmo? Essa bolha estourou realmente? Houve falta de planejamento? Ou será que estamos diante de uma mudança de estratégia?
Neste vídeo no canal do Centro de Estudos Asiáticos (do Departamento de Ciências Sociais, Políticas e do Território...), o nosso investigador Emanuel Leite Jr., doutorando em Políticas Públicas na Universidade de Aveiro, e que tem como objeto de pesquisa o Plano de desenvolvimento do futebol chinês, busca analisar, à luz do que é o socialismo com características chinesas, como se dá a implementação e execucação deste projetamento do futebol, para que possamos compreender os recentes acontecimentos na estrutura futebolística da China.
Crise do futebol chinês: o sonho chegou ao fim?
Em 2016 e 2017, os chineses abalaram o eurocentrismo do futebol. Clubes da Super Liga (CSL) chegaram ao topo de gastos na janela de transferências de janeiro...