The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group


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Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 30/08/2024

This passing week we have enjoyed Eurobic-17 conference. It was full of excellent talks (one given by Ela Gumienna-Kontecka), posters (among them this presented by Klaudia Szczerba) but also discussions with colleagues and friends from around the world. We are looking forward to future results of this amazing bioinorganic community!

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 16/08/2024

Recently our team members Bartek, Karolina, Klaudia, Paulina and Martyna attended the 45th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ICCC 2024) at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO, USA. Karolina delivered an engaging oral presentation, while the rest of the team showcased their latest research through posters.

In their free time, they took the opportunity to explore the stunning CSU Mountain Campus and enjoyed a memorable hike. The combination of inspiring lectures, academic discussions and the beautiful natural surroundings left them energized and excited to bring new ideas back to their research.

Thank you to everyone who made this conference such a rewarding experience! 🧪☀️🇺🇸

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 17/07/2024

We are pleased to share that Magdalena Psiuk has successfully defended her Master's thesis with a top grade! 🚀 Congratulations to the supervisor Ela Gumienna-Kontecka and co-supervisor Klaudia Szczerba. Many thanks to the members of the committee: Katarzyna Cieślik-Boczula and Małgorzata Ostrowska. 💐

Magdalena, we are proud of you and wish you all the best in your future career! ✨👏🏼🫶

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 14/07/2024

Recently our team members Małgorzata, Bartek, Paulina and Karolina have attended the 2nd conference on metal-binding peptides (MBP2024) in Touluse, France, where they presented the results of their reaserch! It was a busy time filled with great lectures and amazing people! Full of new energy we go back to develop the ideas planted in our heads by out dear Collegues!

Thank you The Biologically Active Metallopeptides Research Group for a great time together!

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 11/07/2024

We would like to congratulate two of our fabulous students: Aleksandra Kawka and Krzysztof Szczupak for defending their Master's theses with excellent grades! Congratulations to supervisor Sławomir Potocki and co-supervisors: Paulina Potok and Martyna Zawada, many thanks to the members of the committee: Katarzyna Cieślik-Boczula, Anna Piecha-Bisiorek and Monika Kijewska ☺️
Dear students, good luck in your future careers! It was a pleasure to work with you! 🤓👏💪👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬💐💐💐

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 04/07/2024

Summer is not only a time for holidays, but also scientific meetings 🙂 . We had the pleasure to spend the first few days of July in Kraków at Chemistry towards Biology 11 Conference. Ela, Sławek, Gosia and Bartek has delivered exciting talks. Bartek has also presented his results on a poster, for which he has been awarded the Best Poster Prize Congratulations! 🎉👏

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 29/06/2024

We are super proud about this work published in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry! We go from the design and synthesis of molecules to their recognition by pathogenic microbes and PET imaging of infection! Feel invited to read it!

Z przyjemnością możemy podzielić się naszą najnowszą pracą opublikowaną w Journal of Medicinal Chemistry! Badania obejmowały zakres od zaprojektowania i syntezy cząsteczek, przez ich rozpoznawanie przez drobnoustroje, aż po obrazowanie infekcji w żywym organizmie metodą pozytonowej tomografii emisyjnej (PET).

Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Nectar COST Action 18202

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 28/06/2024

Celebrating all this year's scientific successes and keeping our fingers crossed for the next ones! 🥂🍾🤗

Naukowcy UWr liderami wśród polskich badaczy: Nature Index 2024 - Uniwersytet Wrocławski 28/06/2024

In the latest edition of the Nature Index 2024 Research Leaders ranking of scientific publications (previously published under the name Nature Index Annual Tables), the University of Wroclaw was again ranked third among Polish universities. Chemists, on the other hand, were ranked first (!) among all scientists from Polish universities publishing in the field of chemistry. Such high positions in this prestigious ranking are a great success. Our team also contributed to this result! 🥳 We are proud and keep on working! 🙂

Naukowcy UWr liderami wśród polskich badaczy: Nature Index 2024 - Uniwersytet Wrocławski Serwis główny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wybierz swoją ścieżkę kształcenia i sprawdź listę dostępnych kierunków studiów.


Zapraszamy do lektury o naszej doktorantce Karolinie! 😊

Na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim wyjątkowo doceniamy nie tylko finalistów i laureatów olimpiad oraz kandydatów i kandydatki, którzy maturę zdali na medal, ale przede wszystkim tych, którzy chcą rozwijać swoje zainteresowania i zostać „Młodymi Badaczami”.

O programie grantowym „Młody Badacz” Karolina Pawlik dowiedziała się ze strony internetowej UWr, a uczestniczką programu została ze względu na chęć wyjazdu na międzynarodową Konferencję ICCC24 (International Conference on Coordination Chemistry), która odbywa się w Fort Collins (Colorado, USA).

– Dzięki udziałowi w programie zyskałam ogromną szansę na zaprezentowanie wyników moich badań na prestiżowej, międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej, co potencjalnie pozwoli mi na nawiązanie nowych znajomości, czy ciekawej współpracy międzynarodowej, a także na rozszerzenie mojej wiedzy dotyczącej chemii koordynacyjnej – mówi nasza młoda badaczka.

Jest doktorantką II roku w Zespole Biologicznej Chemii Nieorganicznej na Wydziale Chemii UWr. Swoje badania prowadzi pod opieką prof. dr hab. Elżbiety Gumiennej-Konteckiej (promotorka) oraz dr inż. Małgorzaty Ostrowskiej (promotorka pomocnicza).


Zapraszamy na studia! Rekrutacja trwa! Spis kierunków znajdziesz na :)

Przypominamy, że nabór o granty trwa do końca czerwca

fot. archiwum prywatne

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 27/06/2024

What a day, so many emotions, so much joy! Today was the defense of Anna Rola's doctoral thesis. Ania's supervisor is Prof. Ela Gumienna-Kontecka and her co-supervisor is Dr. Sławomir Potocki. We would like to thank the entire doctoral committee, especially Prof. Magdalena Rowinska-Zyrek and the reviewers: Prof. Renata Jastrząb, Prof. Marcin Poręba and Dr. Danuta Witkowska.
There was a beautiful lecture, interesting questions, a delicious dinner after the defense and Prosecco! 🥳🙆‍♂️🥂 Ania, let's wish you further success and keep our fingers crossed for you!

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 26/06/2024

We would like to congratulate Three of our fabulous students: Maja, Weronika and Monika for defending their Master thesis with excellent notes! Good luck in your future careers! It was a pleasure to work with you! 👩🏼‍🔬👏🎉

Dołącz do zespołu badawczego na Wydziale Chemii - Uniwersytet Wrocławski 20/06/2024

Congrats to Dr. Potocki on the grant! If anyone wants to join the Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group and work with Dr. Potocki, please get in touch. We're rooting for the implementation of the grant and wish you the best of luck! 🤩😊😊😊

Dołącz do zespołu badawczego na Wydziale Chemii - Uniwersytet Wrocławski Serwis główny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wybierz swoją ścieżkę kształcenia i sprawdź listę dostępnych kierunków studiów.

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 12/06/2024

Yesterday our PhD students had the opportunity to present their research results during the 2nd WrocChem Conference organized by the Polish Chemical Society.

Congratulations to Paulina Potok, who has been awarded for the best short communication, and to Martyna, Klaudia, Karolina and Bartek for great talks!


We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sławomir Potocki, an assistant professor in our team, has been awarded the NCN Sonata Bis grant. This prestigious award will enable him to further develop his career!
Dr. Potocki will study the GroEL family proteins of unusual architecture from Mycobacterium strains. These chaperonins are important for bacteria for metal homeostasis and at the same time significant virulence factors. He will employ a novel approach that integrates state-of-the-art in vitro and in vivo methodologies to demonstrate the relationship between the chemistry and biology of these complex systems.
Best of luck with your project!

Sławomir Swavek Potocki Uniwersytet Wrocławski Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Ela Gumienna-Kontecka

Serdeczne gratulacje dla Beneficjentów Grantów z Naszego Wydziału. 😊 W konkursie SONATA BIS kierownikiem projektu został dr Sławomir Potocki, natomiast w konkursie PRELUDIUM mgr Martyna Walter.👏 Jesteśmy dumni i trzymamy kciuki za kolejne sukcesy! 🥰

322 badaczek i badaczy, których projekty były na listach rezerwowych w konkursach OPUS 25, PRELUDIUM 22, MAESTRO 15 i SONATA BIS 13 otrzymało dziś decyzje o finansowaniu❗

Sfinansowanie dodatkowych projektów badawczych w tych konkursach było możliwe dzięki zwiększeniu budżetu przez MNiSW Nauka i Edukacja

Gratulujemy wszystkim laureatom 🎉➡ Zachęcamy do dzielenia się informacjami o swoich projektach w mediach społecznościowych z hashtagami .

Szczegóły oraz listy rankingowe dostępne na naszej stronie:

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 03/06/2024

It has been an extensive week for Klaudia at FEBS Advanced Course 2024 - Metals in biology: their importance and tools to study them, organize by Ricardo LOURO in Carcavelos and Oeiras, Portugal. Ela had a pleasure to be among the teaching staff, talking about applications of physicochemical methods in studies of metal complexes in biology. Outstanding people and time! ✨🚀

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 28/05/2024

We've just got an e-mail from EU „Dear Madam/Sir, Congratulations. Your proposal has reached the stage of Grant Agreement preparation…” Wow, we’ve got another collaborative project under MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Staff Exchanges: „Photoanodes advanced by cost-effective catalysts to secure future Solar Hydrogen”. All the aspects of our proposal were evaluated excellent and we’ve got 100% score! We are SUPER PROUD & HAPPY!!! In PacemCAT, together with 7 other european partners (chemists, physicists &engineers), we’ll work on molecular water oxidation catalysts based on 3d-metal complexes.
Ela Gumienna-Kontecka Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 27/05/2024

Another fruitful collaboration with Prof. Merce Capdevila and Dr Oscar Palacios!

In May, one of our PhD students, Paulina Potok, had the opportunity to work at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Together with Prof. Merce and Dr Oscar they developed a methodology to study ternary complexes using mass spectrometry.

We don't want to give too much away, but we did it! We are looking forward to a joint publication 😊👏


🐣🌷 Happy Easter from the Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group! May this time be brimming with happiness, warmth, and plenty of chocolate eggs! 🥚✨

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 29/02/2024

Even the best performance has to come to the end. We have just finalized Nectar COST Action 18202, which was a great experience to our group! We thank Sofia Gama and Demetrio Milea for writing this beautiful scenario and bringing us across! The members of our group excellently played their roles. We thank all the action participants for making this project happen in such a splendid and successful way!


I’m seeking a motivated & enthusiastic post-doc, to assist me in the synthesis of artificial siderophores for molecular imaging applications! This position is ideal for a recent PhD graduate in synthetic organic chemistry (including cyclic and noncyclic peptide syntheses) & experienced in designing and carrying out multi-step syntheses. Please spread the news!

All the details are here:


Happy International Women and Girls in Science Day! Here's to celebrating the brilliant minds, relentless determination, and invaluable contributions of women in STEM fields worldwide. Keep breaking barriers and inspiring future generations! 💪👩🏻‍🎓👩🏼‍🔬👩🏻‍🔧👩🏾‍⚕️👷🏽‍♀️


Congratulations to Klaudia Szczerba, our Ph.D. student, on being awarded the Piotr Ludwik Sosabowski Scholarship for her exceptional achievements during the first year of Doctoral School 🌟 Wishing you continued success on your academic journey! 🎓👏 Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Uniwersytet Wrocławski


May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of cherished moments. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with exciting discoveries and successful experiments!


We are thrilled to share with you our recent review on thiazoline & oxazoline microbial siderophores in Coordination Chemistry Reviews
Congrats to all authors!

PRELUDIUM dla naszej doktorantki z Wydziału Chemii - Uniwersytet Wrocławski 08/12/2023

Na stronie Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego ukazał się wpis przybliżający badania naszej doktorantki Pauliny Potok, którymi będzie się zajmować w ramach uzyskanego finansowania Preludium. Zapraszamy do lektury! 😊

PRELUDIUM dla naszej doktorantki z Wydziału Chemii - Uniwersytet Wrocławski Serwis główny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wybierz swoją ścieżkę kształcenia i sprawdź listę dostępnych kierunków studiów.

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 02/12/2023

Wczoraj w Auli Lepoldina Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego odbyła się uroczystość wręczenia dyplomów doktorskich. 👨‍🎓
Promocji doktora dokonuje Jego Promotor, a doktor składa przyrzeczenie poszukiwania prawdy i zachowania godności nadanego tytułu.
Zgodnie z wielowiekową tradycją teksty przyrzeczenia wypowiada się w języku łacińskim.

Przyrzeczenie doktora Andrzeja Mulara odebrała Pani prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Gumienna-Kontecka i kreowała Go doktorem nauk chemicznych.

The doctoral diploma award ceremony took place in Lepoldina Auditorium of the University of Wrocław.
The promotion of a doctor is made by her/his thesis supervisor, and the doctor pledges an oath to seek the truth and maintain the dignity of the granted title.
According to the centuries-old tradition the oath is taken in Latin.

Andrzej Mular's oath was took before prof. Elżbieta Gumienna Kontecka D.Sc. and he was created a doctor of chemical sciences.

Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 30/11/2023

Time to summarize the , 778245 project. Big thanks to all the participants, their efforts and fantastic results produced! Stay tuned for a final summary!

Wyniki konkursów OPUS 25 i PRELUDIUM 22 23/11/2023

Congratulations to Paulina Potok and her supervisors Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Gumienna-Kontecka and Dr inż. Sławomir Potocki for receiving financial support for the Preludium project entitled "The design and development of the peptide inhibitors library targeting Zn(II)-binding site of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) for cancer suppression.” Well done! 🥳🥳🥳

Wyniki konkursów OPUS 25 i PRELUDIUM 22 Nieco ponad 338 milionów złotych otrzymają badaczki i badacze na realizację 407 projektów w ramach konkursów OPUS 25 i PRELUDIUM 22. To najniższa liczba projektów zakwalifikowanych do finansowania w konkursach tego typu od początku działalności NCN. Wskaźnik sukcesu w tej edycji wyniós....

Photos from The Biological Inorganic Chemistry Group's post 20/11/2023

In October, our PhD student, Paulina Potok, had the opportunity to collaborate with PhD Sergiu Shova and his laboratory group at the Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry in Romania. Together, they worked on the challenging job of making crystals of her metal-peptide complexes. After a month of work, they managed to produce some small crystals.

Fingers crossed that those tiny crystal fragments will continue to grow soon!

Clathroprobes, 778245

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