In the CCA unit junior Section and middle section made cards, posters , and wrote up a write-up to pay a tribute to Quaid.
"As Pakistanis, we owe a debt of gratitude to Quaid-e-Azam for giving us a country to call our own, a flag to salute, and a national anthem to sing with pride.
The students and faculty members of APS North Campus solemnly paid homage to the martyrs of the APS Peshawar attack, commemorating the tragic incident of December 16, 2014. The event aimed to underscore the importance of education and resilience in the face of adversity.
The day began with Quran Khawani (recitation of the Holy Quran) and continued with heartfelt speeches and performances by students, reflecting on the sacrifices made. The gathering culminated with the offering of Zuhar prayers, followed by a collective dua led by the respected Principal.
Community service week, Card making, and appreciation gifts for supporting staff By Junior Section
"We acknowledge and appreciate your vital contributions. Your dedication and expertise are invaluable assets to our team."
Morning Assembly on Care for Others presented by Middle section
"Caring for others is a powerful expression of humanity. It means recognizing the struggles, joys, and needs of those around us and stepping forward with kindness, empathy, and support."
Community Service week
The cleanliness drive was conducted in the Middle section
Cleanliness is not just about a cleaner environment; it's a step towards a healthier, united, and more responsible community. Let’s join hands and make a difference!"
Dear Parents/Guardians
In commemoration of the 16 Dec APSACS incident, it has been decided that all APSACS across 5 Corps Area of Responsibilities will remain closed on 16 Dec 24.
Management of APS NORTH
Community Service Week took place from December 2nd to December 6th. During this time, senior students made remarkable efforts to benefit the community. An assembly presentation focused on the importance of kindness, encouraging everyone to reflect on their actions. The senior students also supported the staff by assembling gift packs. Additionally, a cleanliness drive was organized to keep our surroundings neat and clean. Other activities included preparing goodie bags for the Marsi neighborhood school, a visit to the Government school, and a trip to CMH to extend best wishes, along with cards, flowers, and fruit baskets for our loved ones. Last but not least, a Blood donation drive was conducted by the Fatmid Blood Donation Foundation in our school in which principal Prof.Dr.Col.Akhtar Ahmed Khalili was the first person to donate his blood. After that, faculty members and senior section boys donated blood.
Such Activities should be prompted.
Morning Assembly on Forgiveness presented by Junior Section
" When we forgive, we're not changing the past; we're changing the present. We're breaking free from the chains of bitterness and resentment."
Morning Assembly presented by
Junior Section
"Friendship multiplies joys, divides sorrow, and makes life's experiences more meaningful. It's a treasure to cherish and nurture."