The Arqam School

The Arqam School


High Quality Education in less developed Area.

Operating as usual


"Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."


Coaching and counselling are a must needed


In 2024, we will pollinate more flowers. ❤️ insha'Allah

Photos from The Arqam School's post 07/08/2023

We are very happy to announce Martial art classes in our school under the supervision of very talented and famous martial art teacher sir Basit Brahui(Black belt). This is optional for all children. Classes for boys and girls will be separated. There will be no extra charges for this activity.

Classes for 6-14 years aiming to teach children how to gain control of their mind, body and emotions. Combined with a safe, fun, high-energy workout that motivates children to reach new levels of mental and physical performance.

Recent studies demonstrate that willpower (self control) is a key factor in life success, and it is a core martial arts skill.

Our specialised curriculum teaches kids, not only self control, but valuable self-protection skills and builds confidence like no other activity.

Karate classes teach children how to gain control of their mind, body and emotions. Plus, every class we teach provides a safe, fun, high-energy workout that motivates children to reach new levels of mental and physical performance. When a child has the courage and willpower to overcome obstacles success naturally follows.

Training Sessions are 45-minute classes that combine advanced plyometrics, cross training, stretching, high level kicks, acrobatics, tricking and extreme martial arts kicks. There great fun for everyone, we include these classes as an option for all our students from 6yrs+.


اسلام علیکم!
محترم والدین
آپکو مْطلع کیا جاتاہے کہ أج مورخہ۲۳ ٢۰۔ ۰۶ ۔ ۲۲ بروز جمعہ سےموسم ِگرما کی تعطیلات کا آغاز ہو چکا ہے ۔امید ہے آپ موسم گرمامیں اپنے بچوں کی پڑھائی کا خاص خیال رکھیں گے۔اسکول دوبارہ انشاءاللہ مورخہ۲۳ ٢۰۔ ۰۷ ۔ ۳۱ بروز پیر سے کھلے گا۔موسم ِگرما کی تعطیلات کا کام اسکول کے آفس سے حاصل کریں۔تعطیلات کا کام مکمل کروائیں اور پچیس جولائی تک اسکول آفس میں جمع کرائیں ۔شکریہ
نوٹ :آپ کے علم میں ہے کہ ماہانہ فیس ہر ماہ کی یکم تا دس تاریخ واجب الادا ہوجاتی ہے ۔ اس ضمن میں آپکی جانب سے اپنے دیگر واجبات کی طرح سکول کے واجبات کی برو قت ادائیگی بھی اہم ہے۔ ہم توقع رکھتے ہیں کہ آپ بچے کی فیس اور دیگر واجبات کی ادائیگی کو یقینی بنائینگے امید ہے کہ آپ اپنی پہلی فرصت میں یہ ذمہ داری پوری کریں گے۔ تاکہ آپ کے اپنے ذاتی معاملات کی طرح سکول کے معاملات بھی احسن طریقے سے آگے بڑھتے رہیں۔ اسکول کا آفس کسی بھی قسم کی معلومات کے حصول یا فیس جمع کرانے کیلئے ۲۸ جون تک کھلا رہے گا۔ اسکول فیس آپ ہمارےایزی پیسہ اکاونٹ نمبر ( 03032500018 بنام :محمد زبیر خان ) میں بھی بھیج سکتے ہوں۔ شکریہ


Certificates awarding ceremony


Science and art exhibition

Photos from The Arqam School's post 16/04/2023

Congratulations 🥳

Photos from The Arqam School's post 16/04/2023

conrgratulation to all students
you have completed your 1 more step to reach the goal.

It’s the day when you’ve had everything to do, and you’ve done it! Nice work! Everything is possible when you believe in yourself.


~Assalamualaikum: Due to a public holiday on March 23, 2023 all the educational activities will remain suspended, however the office will remain open for new admissions or any other assistance...
HAPPY RAMADAN and ALLAH (SWT) bless our sins.... Aameen~
*Administration The Arqam School...*

Photos from The Arqam School's post 06/03/2023

“The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.”
KG and Pre Primary children of The Arqam School, celebrated the Red colour day on 3rd March 2023, Friday. All the little angels of Nursery had dressed up beautifully in Red colour clothes. The classes were decorated with all red colour hangings . Teachers were also dressed up in red colour clothes. In the class on the round table teachers had displayed red colour objects like fruits, red jam, red syrup, red apples. The children were very amused and very happy seeing red hangings and balloons. The following day was continued with the introduction of Red colour and activities related to red colour. All the children participated and everyone was very happy. A lovely day passed by with getting introduced to the colour of love – Red Colour.


Art and Craft work


Students can teach to teachers as well.

Students must teach their teachers some of the following lessons:

1.We're not empty bags where you put data, definitions and information. We're trees. We need your watering only. Make us critical thinkers and creative minded so we build our knowledge and understanding ourselves. Make us autonomous learners. Don't make us your blind followers. We are born ignorant with empty mind but not stupid. Don't make us stupid by education.

2.Don't preach but teach. Don't do propaganda. Critically examine, analyze, discuss and argue. Give us time for asking questions. Make us curious. Don't just narrate stories. Draw conclusions after debates.

3. Help us in conquering our fears as only a fearless person can be wise and useful. Identify the superstitions and blind imitation. Make us brave and bold. Make us self-aware and self-sufficient.

4. Let's fight together against the menace of the paradox that education has become one of the main impediment to intelligence, freedom of thought, promotion of extremism, indoctrination, terrorism and dictatorial practices.

5. Science and Philosophy put limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination, creativity, ambition and dreams. Let's add Spirituality, Art to it to have more Science and Philosophy.

You may add more please for the benefit of all.
Courtesy to sir khan.

Photos from The Arqam School's post 18/01/2023

A Too much interested, informative and research based visit to Pakistan Maritime meusium


An Interactive, learning based study tour to PAF& Maritime meusium .


Defence Day | 6th September 2022

Salute to their bravery and courage.

We are Pakistan, and Pakistan is us.


Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our souls, Lets salute the nation on 75th independence day.
Pakistan Zindabad!


Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our souls, Lets salute the nation on 75th independence day.
Pakistan Zindabad!


Happy Father’s Day ❤

Photos from The Arqam School's post 10/06/2022

Class two

Photos from The Arqam School's post 07/05/2022

Some clicks from today's EID GALA at *The Arqam School* Beecham town campus.... *AlhamduliAllah we promised we delivered* ... Our rising stars will be this nations future InshAllah..


ہے جرم اگر وطن کی مٹی سے محبت
یہ جرم سدا میرے حسابوں میں رہے گا ❤️


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Videos (show all)

Science and art exhibition
Art and Craft work
A Too much interested, informative and research based visit to Pakistan Maritime meusium
An Interactive, learning based study tour to PAF& Maritime meusium .






Plot# L-149/150 Bechum Town Eastern Gate Near Tauheedi Masjid

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00
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