Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery

Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery


Explore your learning • Achieve your potential

Operating as usual


The Youth & Cultural Development have created a Safe Space in the Christchurch Bus Exchange called the Igloo. All students are welcome to head along to the Igloo and hang out in a safe environment while waiting for their bus between 3-5pm.
We are proud to be working together with an amazing organisation like Y.C.D. in an effort to make the Bus Exchange a safe place.

A huge THANK YOU to Y.C.D. for coming to Ao Tawhiti over lunchtime today and treating our ākonga to a sausage sizzle.
They also brought with them music and good vibes and the students absolutely LOVED it!


Congratulations to Emma, who was recently a recipient of the Queens Girl Guide Award; the highest achievement that a Girl Guide can earn.

From Emma:

"The Queen’s Guide award is the highest award you can achieve at Girl Guides. After achieving the Queen’s Guide award you officially become a Queen’s Guide. There is a presentation ceremony in Wellington where your achievement is acknowledged by the Vice-Regal at Government House and you can meet the other girls that achieved it as well.
To complete my Queen’s Guide I did red leadership at Spreydon Brownies as well as red and gold advocacy based on climate change. My advocacy work included my newsletters, the fundraiser, river clean up and the PINS recycling workshop for the juniors. My highlight of leadership at Brownies was going to the regional camp and meeting new leaders. I liked meeting girls from different units and helping them get used to camp. There is also a Queen’s Guide retreat which I attend at Cracroft Guiding Centre with other girls from around the South Island. We celebrated our Guiding journey together. I started my Girl Guiding journey when I was 5 as a Pippin. My highlights along the way were camping, completing badges, trying new things and making friends. Being a Girl Guide has given me a sense of belonging, lots of confidence and has equipped me with skills to help me with my journey into adulthood and beyond. I realised at the regional camp that being a leader is definitely what I want to do so I’m going to continue my journey at Lincoln Brownies as a youth leader."

Ao Tawhiti playground big fundraising push 10/02/2025

Playground Update

Thanks to those of you who came to the playground hui this morning.

We talked about where we are at with our fundraising and what our next steps are.

The grants that Rachael has been awarded on our behalf total $18000, and some of that money has to be spent within a 3 or 6 month timeframe, therefore we are doing a big push to fundraise some more so we can at least begin the playground and not risk having to return any of the money.

I have also met with Danielle Endacott from the Christchurch City Council; there may be some funds coming from them if we pitch the playground as a community playground. Given that there is nothing in the city centre for children, I think this is a distinct possibility as a way of making the city centre more whānau-friendly. It would support local businesses too.

Some of our fundraising ideas are to have an autumn market in March and Jenny Ward is planning an Ao Tawhiti Playground Ball in May. We would also like people to approach local businesses for donations, and to discuss sponsorship possibilities as well as apply for grants.

We would love some help with these and other fundraising initiatives ~ if you would like to be involved, or know of any funds we can tap into, please complete this doc, or get in touch with me.

Ngā mihi,

Ao Tawhiti playground big fundraising push Ao Tawhiti playground big fundraising push Please add your name and contact details below if you would like to be involved Autumn market to be held at Ao Tawhiti 28 March TBC I would like to be involved in the set up, set down, run a stall, other Name Contact number No...


Two of our fabulous students have been cast in Top Dog Theatre's rendition of Richard III this year! Well done Rhys and Oakleigh!

Head along and see them at the Open-Air Summer Theatre, taking place at Mova Vale from 6pm every night this week.

Exceptional opening night tonight! Thanks to the wonderful audience who came to support the first show back at Mona Vale since 2020!

Stunning weather, plenty of space to spread out and food & drink available (or bring your own!). Make sure you come along sooner rather than later - the weather is looking exceptional this week!

We run EVERY night at 6pm until the 15th of Feb, with additional shows on Saturdays at 2pm.
Bring something to sit on - a blanket or pillow gets you closer to the show, while a chair is set further back.

Running time: 2hrs 15min including the interval.

Just a reminder at the end of the show to please wait for your acting friends to come see you in the audience, rather than popping round the back of the set - they won’t be long!

Much love and see you all on the grass soon!


All Whānau invited to our Whānau Hui tonight at Ao Tawhiti 5:30pm
Kai will be available from 5:30pm of floor 1.


If you know of students who are feeling anxious about using the Bus Exchange, then please let them know about the Youth Workers and the IGLOO. This is a space specifically designed in the Bus Exchange for students to wait safely for buses, and they can get some food and drink and chat to the Youth Workers.
The IGLOO is open Monday - Friday 3 - 5pm
For more info please click the link or contact [email protected].


We are having a working bee at the Climate Action Campus on Saturday 1 February, from 9:30am - 12:30pm to get the grounds back in shape for all the learners who start attending on Monday. All welcome. Please bring gardening tools and gloves.

The magazine - Principals Today 27/01/2025

Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery has been featured in the latest edition of Principals Today magazine.
Here is a link to the magazine and article.

The magazine - Principals Today Explore all past issues of our magazine to find valuable insights, trends, and resources to deepen your knowledge and understanding of New Zealand's education sector.

Akoranga | Courses | Arotahi 24/01/2025

Year 7-13 students….

Check out the available classes for Term 1…2025 below

Please spend some time browsing through the descriptors and then let your HBLA know, either via email or in your upcoming IEM, what you’re planning on doing in each colour block.

It’s always a good idea to have a couple of options for each colour block.

We always try to get everyone their first choice but sometimes there are limits on the numbers of students that can fit in a class. As an example, only 24 kids can work in the hospitality space for Health and Safety reasons.

NB…Information about classes for new students to Ao Tawhiti…

When choosing classes it's really important to read the descriptor of what the class is about and to check out the level of the class.

In most cases Year 7-9 students would usually choose classes that are pitched at Level 4 or 5. Year 11-13 students would generally choose Level 6, 7, 8 classes. There maybe exceptions to this.

For example, you might see a class like this below... the code and the level are really important for you to …take note of. It says the Level is 4 and the Code is 4SCI. So, it's probably pitched really well for Year 7-9 students.

LA - KateArmour
Year - 2023
Term - TERM 2
Colour - KŌWHAI
Learning Area - SCIENCE
Levels - 4
Code - 4SCI

This term, our focus is on journeys: past journeys across te Moananui a Kiwa | the Pacific, and future journeys to Mars. Expect to combine:
* Physics (e.g., forces, space/time);
* Matauranga Māori (e.g. navigation with the stars, waka building, matariki);
* Biology (e.g. photosynthesis, hydroponics, growing food in space)
* Earth Science (e.g. plate tectonics)
* Astronomy (e.g. solar system, Big Bang); with
* Ethical questions (e.g. "We could colonise Mars, but should we?")
As for Term one, be ready to commit to literacy (reading and writing), numeracy, group work and a "hands-on" practical session once a week.

You will need: a device, or an exercise book and something to write with.

Akoranga | Courses | Arotahi It’s Geography! This course is all about the environment and people and understanding how nature and people interact. 


Kia ora ki te whānau

Sadly, a member of our community, Sarah Jones, passed away unexpectedly. Our thoughts are with the family at this time.

We will communicate further requesting offers of support for the whānau when school starts.


Kia ora ki te whānau

Sadly, a member of our community, Sarah Jones, passed away unexpectedly. Our thoughts are with the family at this time.

Notices 20/01/2025

Whānau Communications 20th January 2025

Kia ora all,
Happy New Year! I hope you are all having a great holiday break.

Please follow the below link to see our whānau communications.

Notices Whānau Communications Posted on January 20, 2025January 20, 2025 by Jonelle Matthews Monday 20 January Kia ora koutou Haere mai ki Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery mō te tau 2025 I hope everyone had a fabulous Summer break (although if you stayed in Ōtautahi Christchurch you would have experienced ...

Akoranga | Courses | Arotahi 16/12/2024

Term 1 2025 IEMS (Individual Education Meetings) are scheduled for the 28th & 29th January, 2025.

The IEM is the most important element of a student’s Learning Journey at Ao Tawhiti and it is vital that you book one. The IEM is a time to plan out the upcoming term, share relevant information and make sure everything is on track for a successful term ahead.

For our IEM booking process we are using the “School Interviews” system.

To use this system use the following link to find the booking website…

Should you need the code to book, it is jpwa5

The whole process is pretty user friendly but we have created a guide to support your use of the process should you need some support. Use the following link to access the guide.

If you are in Year 1-6 and require supervision for either or both of these days please use the following form to inform us of this.


* Those of you who have students in Nicole’s Homebase will be doing IEMs slightly differently. Please use the following Google Doc to book your IEMs.

* Those of you who have Students in Richard Pitts and Beth Manders Homebase will also be booking your IEMs in a different way. Please keep an eye on your emails for information about this.

* Information about 2025 Year 7-13 classes will be available just before IEMs at the following address..

Akoranga | Courses | Arotahi In blocks 4.2 and 4.3 all our Mathematics classes will be covering statistics. Choose an appropriate level and we will allocate you to a class.

Photos from Ao Tawhiti Unlimited Discovery's post 12/12/2024

An Ao Tawhiti parent is running some lovely art holiday programmes over the summer


We still have a huge amount of lost property. Please come and have a look, or ask your student/s to check whether any of their belongings are here.

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Videos (show all)

Robotics at Ao Tawhiti: Our Vex Robotics team, Maverik 88883K have been hard at work, refining their design and competin...
Robotics at Ao Tawhiti: Our Vex Robotics team, Maverik 88883K have been hard at work, refining their design and competin...





5 Mollett Street

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 3:15pm
Tuesday 8am - 4pm
Wednesday 8am - 4pm
Thursday 8am - 4pm
Friday 8am - 4pm