Tuia Burnside Primary School

Tuia Burnside Primary School


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Tatay Cesare Lombroso
Tatay Cesare Lombroso
Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 04/07/2024

This week our kura celebrated Matariki. We started off with a yummy breakfast early on Tuesday morning. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we had rotations around the whole whole school. So much fun! Thank you to everyone who helped out and made our week so enjoyable.


On tomorrow morning - wet or fine. Warm kai will be served and seating inside if needed. See you tomorrow!

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 29/06/2024

What a fantastic morning. A HUGE team of whānau came and helped plant our new Bolder Copper Butterfly habitat. What a great way to celebrate Matariki.


A reminder that school is closed tomorrow, Friday 28 June, for Matariki.

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 24/06/2024

Yesterday our ākonga who are part of the Children's University got to go on our annual visit to the University of Canterbury. We got to be Geologists, Designers, Coders and Stock Marker Traders for the day, and learnt so much.


Today's Butterfly Garden event has been postponed until next Sunday, due to the poor weather.


Kia ora team. A reminder that tomorrow (31 May) is staff only day, and Monday 3 June is King's Birthday. School will be closed for students both of these days. See you on Tuesday 4th June.

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 22/05/2024

This week has also been super exciting for the Pīwakawaka teachers as their 'teacher only' playground has opened! We’re not sure how long that name will stick but we’re loving it for now as you can tell from these pictures. It was great to see that our teachers can show our school values and show AKO on the playground as we’ve had to wait for over a year to have our playground. We’ve done super well without it….and so have the students but we are super happy to see it back! Let's all hope for some weather to be able to get out and enjoy it, although we're sure you heard about its arrival back yesterday!

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 20/05/2024

Pink Shirt Day 2024 - what a success. Thank you to all our students who participated positively in the day, to our whānau who supported our students to look fantastic and to our Pupil council who put on some awesome activities for us. We had a wonderful day!


On Friday, 17th May, our school will be celebrating Pink Shirt Day. This is a day where we take a stand against all forms of bullying and show our support to others by wearing pink for the day.
This day will be a free own clothes day, but we encourage all students to wear some pink for the day (or all pink!).
To support the Pink Shirt Day message, our students will be learning to be upstanders (supportive bystanders who safely use words or actions to help someone being bullied).

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 13/05/2024

We are currently working on fractions in school for maths. Check out some of our Pūkeko students justifying their thinking with the fraction tiles.

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 04/05/2024

6 of our amazing B5 tamariki were invited to run a workshop for high school children at the 'Positive Action for The Environment' Youth Conference at Rangi Ruru. They spoke really well about our butterfly project and everyone was super impressed! We also ran into our friend Ruud "The Bug Man".

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 02/05/2024

A big shout out goes to friends and whānau who came to support our tamariki during our school cross country yesterday. It was so nice to see everyone cheering and having a good time. Thank you!


Kia ora all
On Friday, 17th May, our school will be celebrating Pink Shirt Day. This is a day where we take a stand against all forms of bullying and show our support to others by wearing pink for the day.
This day will be a free own clothes day, but we encourage all students to wear some pink for the day (or all pink!).
To support the Pink Shirt Day message, our students will be learning to be upstanders (supportive bystanders who safely use words or actions to help someone being bullied).
If you would like further information, please visit the following website:


Tuia Burnside Primary will be closed for the following days:

(Tomorrow) Friday 29 March - Good Friday

Monday 1st of April - Easter Monday

Tuesday 2nd of April - School Closed

School will close early:

Wednesday 3rd of April school starts 8.55am school will close for instruction at 12.30pm for NZEI Union Meeting
FOR the NZEI Union Meeting Supervision will be provided at school for those children unable to be picked up until 3:00pm.

If your child is not being picked up at 12:30pm please let the office know ASAP, email [email protected]

Swimming Lessons:

Swimming Lessons start Wednesday the 3rd of April through to Friday 12th April.

Swimming Information: each swimming day children are required to bring their swimming togs and a towel to school in a NAMED swimming bag - (also goggles if they need them). The bag must be big enough to hold all their clothes and shoes while they are swimming.

As we are walking to and from Jellie Park, please make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes and has a rain jacket (not just the green school jacket) in their bag in case the weather is not ideal as it can be changeable at this time of the year.

Thank you for your support & have a lovely long weekend.

Photos from Tuia Burnside Primary School's post 25/03/2024

A big thank you to everyone that came out yesterday to help with our new massive butterfly habitat. We were able to spread all the rocks out so the area is already for planting on the 23rd of June! Thank you to Dean who chopped down some of the tree branches that were shading the area and Trudi for making us morning tea.


A lovely evening for our school picnic.

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Videos (show all)

Kia ora team.  This is the whole performance.  Enjoy our talented kids.
Today Pūkeko performed in the Waimairi-iri kahui ako cultural festival. An amazing performance.
Today we farewelled Matt Bateman, our amazing principal for the last 18 years.  The impact that Matt has had on an immea...
See you soon!
Wow!!! Guess who we just had to visit!!!
He whetū at the Mana Ake event.
Here is your holiday challenge courtesy of Nathan Hoturoa Gray.  At our Duffy Books in Homes assembly he introduced us t...
Thanks for our wonderful volunteers!
Wow!!!  Congratulations to the Senior Choir on their fantastic performance tonight at the North West Music Festival 🎶 A ...
Wow!!!  Congratulations to the Senior Choir on their fantastic performance tonight at the North West Music Festival 🎶 A ...




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