Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School

Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School


This site is primarily for parents, staff, friends of the school and past students.

We don't expect many current students to access this space as the rule for having a Facebook account is that you have to be 13 years old. Christchurch South Intermediate School offers a caring, stimulating and challenging environment for students to begin their adventure into adolescence. We have a reputation for being innovative, providing a strong home-room programme and a wide range of speciali

Operating as usual


Tickets are on sale for our Major Production "Shrek the Musical Jr". The show is on 26th, 27th and 28th November at 7.00pm and is expected to finish at 8:30pm.

Ticket prices are $10.00 plus booking fees for adults and $5.00 plus booking fees for 13-year-old and under. We are excited to be using the online ticketing system Eventfinda for this show. Tickets are selling fast so purchase a ticket as soon as you can.

The description of the show is available on the Eventfinda page down below. We have an amazing cast of students acting, singing and dancing. Accompanying this awesome cast is our brilliant live band for this show.

We are looking forward to seeing whānau and the community supporting our show.

Purchase your tickets by clicking this link here:

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School 20/11/2024

We have 5 remaining out of zone places in Year 7 for 2025.

Enrolments close for these places on Monday, 25 November.

If more enrolments are received than places available, a ballot will take place.

Use this link to register an enrolment for one of these places:

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School Enrolments Online Enrolment Form We have 5 remaining out of zone places in Year 7 for 2025 Enrolments close for these places on Monday, 25 November If more enrolments are received than places available, a ballot will take place Enrolment Timeframes for Students Starting in 2025 13 May 2024 – Enrol...

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School 01/08/2024

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School Enrolments If you live in-zone and wish to enrol for 2024 please contact the school office. Enrolments for 2025 open on Monday, 13 May 2024 Online Enrolment Form (technical issues with this online form have now been resolved – our apologies for any inconvenience caused) Out of Zone Places for 2025...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 3- Term 2 2024 31/05/2024

Here is the link to our latest newsletter.

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 3- Term 2 2024 Tēnā koutou katoa, Winter has arrived and so have the winter bugs. Thank you for your appreciation that every day at school matters and for your efforts to get your children to school. We are working with public advice from Health New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora, as we navigate our way through a post pa...


Our kura is part of the Tagata Mai Saute Pasifika programme, however, we are looking for CSKI fono and/or local members of our community to support our Pasifika performance and cultural group for Term 1 2024. Our current tutors are on leave until Term 2 at the earliest opportunity, however, we would love to make a start on our 2024 Pasifika group.

If you would like to support our students and their cultural development in dance/siva, song, or Pasifika arts please contact Chelsea Birtch (Teacher in Charge of Pasifika) at [email protected] at your earliest convenience.

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 6 - Term 3 2023 22/09/2023

Here is the link to our latest newsletter.
Newsletter - Panui - Issue 6 - Term 3

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 6 - Term 3 2023 The latter part of Term 3 has been brimming with extracurricular activities, offering our students unique opportunities to embrace challenges and achieve success in a diverse range of endeavours. We extend our gratitude to our dedicated staff who have gone above and beyond to create an environment w...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 5 - Term 3 2023 18/08/2023

Here is a link to our latest newsletter:

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 5 - Term 3 2023 We are reaching the time of the year when a number of student activities are concluding (such as winter sports teams) and others are close to significant performance opportunities (such as music and cultural groups involved in our Showcase and other external competitions and festivals). Then there ...


The tickets for our 2023 Showcase “CSKI Airways” are now available. The show is on 29th, 30th and 31st of August at 7 pm.

Climb aboard “CSKI Airways” as we journey through our 2023 Showcase performance. Showcase is a time for our Performing Arts groups to put on their talents and show them off to the community. This year’s theme is “CSKI Airways” as we take you on a journey and enjoy our inflight entertainment. Featuring our Kapa Haka Group, Jazz Band, Choir, Theatre Sports, Pasifika, Hip Hop Dancing, Rock bands and many more. Food will be provided on this flight during a brief intermission so please bring $2 coins (Cookies and other snacks).

Purchase your airplane ticket with “CSKI Airways” where we Aim High to the sky.

General admission prices are $5.00 plus booking fees and under 5 year olds are free. Purchase your tickets by clicking this link here: Please get your tickets ASAP.

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School 21/07/2023

Have you been thinking about what our school can offer your child? Book a tour or enrol now.

Enrolment Information - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School has an enrolment scheme and zone. The Ministry of Education have recently revised the school’s enrolment scheme. This has resulted in changes to the scheme which come into effect in a staged way over two years. For students enrolling for 2023 – Sta...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 4 - Term 2 2023 30/06/2023

Here is a link to our latest newsletter. Issue 4 - Term 2.

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 4 - Term 2 2023 The latter part of this term has presented a number of opportunities for us to celebrate student achievement and the focussed learning of our students. Our choir and some of our musicians participated in the Kahukura Music Festival along with students from the seven schools that make up the Kahukur...

Open Evening - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School 14/06/2023

Open Evening - We have an opportunity for prospective students and their families to have a look around our school on Wednesday 28 June from 4-6pm.
A 30 minute show by performance groups will be repeated in the school hall on the half hour, commencing at 4.00pm, 4.30pm, 5.00pm and 5.30pm.

Open Evening - Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate School An open evening for prospective students for 2024 and their whānau will be held at the school on Wednesday, 28 June from 4-6pm (Please note the amended time). A 30 minute show by performance groups will be repeated in the school hall on the half hour, commencing at 4.00pm, 4.30pm, 5.00pm and 5.30pm...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 3 - Term 2 2023 26/05/2023

Here is the link to our latest newsletter:

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 3 - Term 2 2023 Students have been excited to use the new Arts Block "Matawara" this term. The visual art and performing arts spaces not only support the daily class lessons but provide wonderful spaces for extra-curricular activities and itinerant music lessons to happen. In addition the previous art room has bee...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 2 - Term 1 2023 06/04/2023

Here is a link to our latest newsletter:

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 2 - Term 1 2023 Our term has culminated with a couple of significant school events celebrating learning that students have achieved. The first was our very successful Haka Off. Congratulations to all students and staff for their efforts to learn and perform the school haka but particularly to Sheppard who won the c...

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 1 - Term 1 2023 03/03/2023

Here is a link to our latest school newsletter - our first newsletter for 2023.

Newsletter (Panui) - Issue 1 - Term 1 2023 Five weeks into the school year and our early reflections are that the year has started really well. Students have settled into their learning with our new Year 7 students quickly finding their feet in their new school environment. Along the way they are making new friends and getting themselves inv...

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204 Selwyn Street