At the end of 2021, Jean Seabrook Memorial School went into an indefinite recess. However read below for an alternative intervention option.
Small Group Teaching - Seabrook McKenzie
A new venture!!! Starting in February 2022. Places are filled for Term 1 2022. The groups are for primary school aged students with severe learning disabilities as formally diagnosed by our psychologists or the equivalent. The group is taught by a registered teacher with experience and qualification...
Great to see the children’s confidence improve each week. Horse riding is the highlight of the week for most of them.
A big thank you to the organisers of the FarmyardVisit at Christchurch Agricultural park. The children had a wonderful time there today. For some it was the first time they had seen chickens
Those big trees in the Christchurch gardens just have to be climbed !!
We had fun at the museum learning more about rocks and using the microscope in the discovery room.
A great reminder on the effect of our words
On Monday we spent the day with Steve at Trees for Canterbury. We learned about NZ native plants and trees and worked hard shifting crates of kahikatea plants.
What a great day and a great place to spend a day at.
I have to share a quote from one of our wonderful children.
“Maybe wind going backwards is God smelling a flower”
Love it ☺️
Fox has discovered that he can use the three times tables to calculate the six times. Numicon has been a useful tool to give a visual representation.
Some activities the children were involved in today as part of our handwriting session. These were followed by practice opportunities using pencil and paper.
A special student moving on to the next stage of her learning journey.
If you are a parent of a child with dyslexia, Check out this survey.
Dyslexia Survey
A review on Parents and Children's experiences with Dyslexia
A grateful parent’s comments. (With permission and Name omitted)
thanks for such a wonderfully detailed school report. The difference in my child this year is hard to express. It is so significant and this year will make a huge difference for him for the rest of his life. He is currently singing away to himself and practicing his whistling which is always a sign that he is happy. That is all thanks to you and the other staff at school!
Thank you for having my son as part of Seabrook.
Tha children really enjoyed learning how to draw a dragon. This activity led to writing descriptions about their dragons and writing dragon stories.
Holly learning how to show the difference between two numbers
Oliver’s achievement at maths today. Completed independently.
History in the making!!! Our mural which the students of approx 2008 painted is being covered over ready for a ‘facelift’.
Watch this space 🤗🤗
We learned so much about what happens behind the scenes at the court theatre yesterday and also learned some fun warm up activities for drama.
What an amazing place.
At the art gallery this afternoon, we learned about the colour wheel and primary colours. The children had fun ‘ taking the line for a walk’ and finding a hidden picture
Sad to say goodbye to a special student today but at the same time excited that he is ready to embark on the next step in his learning. This is the story of Jean Seabrook Memorial School. Equipping children, who are struggling, to re enter mainstream again when they are ready.
The children have been accumulating points entitling them to a variety of activities. The vote today was in favour of construction time.
Creative juices are flowing.
Isy and Kaitlyn had fun seeing the number patterns they created today.