Discovery Junction - Styx Mill

Discovery Junction - Styx Mill


Discovery Junction - Styx Mill, Christchurch, provides quality care and education for children aged from 3 months to 6 years.

Operating as usual

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 31/08/2024

HAPPY FATHERS DAY! We would like to wish everyone a happy Fathers Day to all those special people in our wee ones' lives.
We have been preparing for this day with a small healthy competition between Dads at Discovery Junction Styx Mill... a high jump competition!
Of course, we have a wee prize for the highest jump also and a few spot prizes! Ngā tamariki and whānau have been thoroughly enjoying this!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 26/08/2024

Our wonderful Adventurer tamariki have been having a blast creating their own car castles! The best cars get to stay up on the high points and the 'naughty' cars have to stay on the ground! Great mahi tahi / group work tamariki!!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 20/08/2024

Friday at yoga, ngā tamariki practiced centering themselves and focused on the vibrations from the beautiful magical bowl Stacey brought in. They then kept their hands on their puku's to keep the magic from the bowl within themselves :) Aroha nui to Stacey from The Yogi Tribe

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 12/08/2024

We are so excited to be teaming up with who deliver a brilliant first kicks (football skills) program for our over 2's. Ngā tamariki are really enjoying extending their motor skills with Coach Josh!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 03/08/2024

Ping Pong champions - who will take home the gold?!! Ngā tamariki enjoying learning all about the Olympics.

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 23/07/2024

Using lots of different textures and materials to create masterpieces! You can find art and creativity in everything!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 13/07/2024

Look at how this amazing young man brings his book to life with blocks!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 11/07/2024

Matariki disco! Ngā tamariki showed us their dance floor moves and we got our glow on for the start of the lunar new year!


This week ngā tamariki have been using waiata and kaikani to learn about Matariki! It is wonderful seeing and hearing the tamariki having so many kōrero about the lunar calendar and Māori new year.
Here is a link to the fun waiata we have been practicing!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 14/06/2024

The concentration and coordination is laser-focused for a Friday! It takes nerves of steel to take part in waiata, kanikani AND balancing beanbags! Such clever tamariki!


Music soothes the mind and brings calm to any frenetic Friday afternoon. So put on your favourite piece and find inner peace!


'These scones are fit for a king!' Tamariki busy baking for King's Birthday. What a way to celebrate! With scones and cream - a royal treat!


Wheels Day!! Just like kaiako and parents, wheels also make the world go round!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 19/05/2024

Every day is dress up day! Fabulous and frilly or high flying cape-wearing heroes, it's so much fun to play with colours and fabrics!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 11/05/2024

Happy Mother's Day to all of our beautiful Mum's and Mother figures out there! We at Discovery Junction Styx Mill think you are doing a fabulous job and would like to take a moment to celebrate you! Have a wonderful day!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 08/05/2024

Art can be found in all sorts of places - some of our most outstanding artists have created masterpieces with things they have found about the place! And so it was with our young creatives this week!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 30/04/2024

Last week, ngā tamariki were learning about (and remembering) our ANZACS. Look at the beautiful poppy art they created!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 19/04/2024

This week, we visited Summerset on Cavendish - a local retirement village - and were able to spend time with some of our older generation. It was beautiful, and all ages really enjoyed their time together!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 11/04/2024

'I like to move it, move it!' - Through kanikani, ngā tamariki are able to express themselves using multiples forms of language or creativity. Dancing simply makes the soul feel better!


Whānaungatanga (a feeling of kinship and family) is one of our values and we love to see relationships and friendships forming at such a young age! It is through shared experiences and working together that we find a sense of belonging. Ka pai tamariki!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 28/03/2024

When the Autumn weather keeps us indoors - what better way to make us feel warm inside? Baking! Some homemade goodies just in time for Easter! Yummy yummy, here comes the hot cross bunny - let's put sprinkles in our tummy!


'All aboard the learning bus!' - “The world is full of magical things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B. Yeats

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 11/03/2024

Teaching ngā tamariki to plant seeds is helping them to look forward to and believe in tomorrow.

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 04/03/2024

Last week, ngā tamariki enjoyed baking. It is so lovely to see them extending their mahi tahi, taking part in a group activity and then sharing their delicious food!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 01/03/2024

Meet Banjo the hōiho! As part of learning about the Animal Kingdom this month, we were lucky enough to have a special visitor! Banjo was very lovely and gentle, and we learnt how to approach and pet a horse safely.

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 20/02/2024

Yesterday (Monday) ngā tamariki celebrated random acts of kindness by creating beautiful pieces of art, which they then shared with our neighbours :) It was a lovely (and caring) outing that encouraged lots of kind words and thinking.

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 12/02/2024

It's Show & Tell time! Each week we encourage tamariki to bring something in from home to share with the class. This week's topic was 'Something from Nature'. Getting up in front of the group encourages confidence, oral language and social skills. It is beautiful to see what each child brings in to share!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 29/01/2024

'The more that you read, the more things that you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!' - Dr Seuss. In our Transition to School room, we have a passion for knowledge (and learning) and ngā tamariki love to read along with kaiako discovering new and exciting worlds inside our beautiful books.

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 22/01/2024

Hot days are for staying hydrated, enjoying Kai with our friends and playing with water!

Photos from Discovery Junction - Styx Mill's post 14/01/2024

At Discovery Junction - Styx Mill, this week we are excited to be back and playing with our friends! We have been enjoying this hot weather - fun in the sun!!

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Love, Nuture, Learn.

‘Nestled’ means to settle or lie comfortably within or against something. At Nestled Early Learn-ing Centre, our team collaborates with whanau and community, and is built on the guiding principles of nestling in nature to learn, grow and develop.


Our uniquely holistic approach to early childhood education is built on a philosophy of tamariki centred learning through play that embraces the great outdoors.


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139 Styx Mill Road, Casebrook

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30pm - 5:30pm