Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre

Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre


We are a small St Albans based preschool our outdoor area has been designed with curiosity in mind.

Operating as usual


“Learning to fall, getting up again, and moving on is the best preparation for life.”
-Magda Ge**er ✨

Magda Ge**er was a pioneering infant educator who founded the RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers) approach.
She believed in respecting infants as competent individuals and advocated for allowing them to learn through their own experiences.
Magda emphasized the importance of letting children fall and learn from their mistakes, fostering independence and resilience from a young age👶








I love all the learning Kaiako Jan is currently doing with our 4 - 5 year old tamariki developing the importance of Kaitiakitanga- learning how to be guardians of our environment. Love all the planting they are doing.


“Because children grow up, we think a child’s purpose is to grow up.
But a child’s purpose is to be a child”
-Tom Stoppard


It is very natural when hearing the word risk to automatically think of hazards and danger. As parents we want to do all that we can to prevent our children getting hurt so hearing the words risky and play together can feel a bit hazardous in terminology alone...follow the link to read more


At Pascals St Albans Early Learning we celebrate all our childrens cultures and today we celebrated Diwali. Our families came and read stories about Diwali to the children and then showed the children how to make Rangoli patterns and Diya lights.




Looking for a fun sensory activity to do with your child?
Give Oobleck a go!

This magical mixture of cornstarch and water is a hands-on way to explore non-Newtonian fluids with your child!
Watch their amazement as it turns from a liquid to a solid with a simple squeeze.

Science has never been so fun—or so delightfully messy! 👨‍🔬👩‍🔬


Instead of focusing on making your child’s life easier, help them to recognise they are capable of handling hard things.
-Dr Siggie


Our children Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre are loving the hoilday program. They had a blast enjoying messy play today.
Looking forward to our Disco Day tomorrow.


Today Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre our tamariki have loved bringing their favourite book to share with their friends.


Some lovely spring painting in our Kumanu room with our 1 - 2 year old children.


So lucky Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre, to have Lynnette from ChCh library come and share stories and songs with our 3-4 year olds.


Wheels Day Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre is always a favourite ❤️


Ordering or making burgers?
Try these words and phrases with your friends, whānau and within your community 🍔✨

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Videos (show all)

I love all the learning Kaiako Jan is currently doing with our 4 - 5  year old tamariki  developing the importance of Ka...
At Pascals St Albans Early Learning we celebrate all our childrens cultures and today we celebrated Diwali.  Our familie...
Our children Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre are loving the hoilday program. They had a blast enjoying messy pla...
Some lovely spring painting in our Kumanu room with our 1 - 2 year old children.
So lucky  Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre,  to have Lynnette from ChCh library come and share stories and songs ...
Wheels Day Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre  is always a favourite ❤️
Just some of the beautiful engaging learning experiences our tamariki are enjoying today Pascals St Albans Early Learnin...
What great mahi our tamariki did pulling the weeds (and some vegetables) out in our vegetable garden today. Ka pai tamar...
More from Lynnette. We just love having Lynnette visit Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre
Watch this beautiful time our 3 year old tamariki had with Lynnette from the Christchurch Library today. They were so en...
Lots of excited children at Pascals St Albans Early Learning Centre looking forward to soon share their learning about M...





26 Somme Street, St Albans

Opening Hours

Monday 7:45am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:45am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 7:45am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7:45am - 5:30pm
Friday 7:45am - 5:30pm