
Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru! Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn Korean.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-4 I called a little while ago. 08/03/2024

R: Hello.
Y: Hello. This is Yujin. I called a little while ago.
Y: Is Mr. Maru back?
R: Not yet.
R: He'll be back after 3.
Y: Ah, I see. I'll try again later.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-4 I called a little while ago. R: Hello. Y: Hello. This is Yujin. I called a little while ago. Y: Is Mr. Maru back? R: Not yet. R: He'll be back after 3. Y: Ah, I see. I'll try again later.

Kmaru Practical Korean 07/03/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "설날"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '설날'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 06/03/2024

Do you know the word "adult" in Korean ?

Kmaru DIC '어른' means 'adult' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-3 May I take a message? 05/03/2024

R: Hello. Kmaru speaking.
Y: Can I speak to Mr. Maru?
R: He's not here now.
R: May I take a message?
Y: Yes, please tell him to call Yujin back.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-3 May I take a message? R: Hello. Kmaru speaking. Y: Can I speak to Mr. Maru? R: He's not here now. R: May I take a message? Y: Yes, please tell him to call Yujin back.

Kmaru Practical Korean 04/03/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "섞다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '섞다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 03/03/2024

Do you know correct pronunciation of "잊다" ?

Kmaru DIC '잊다' means 'forget' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-2 I think you’ve got the wrong number. 02/03/2024

R: Hello.
Y: Hello. Is this Maru's house?
R: No, I think you’ve got the wrong number.
R: There is no one by that name here.
Y: Oh, sorry.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-2 I think you’ve got the wrong number. R: Hello. Y: Hello. Is this Maru's house? R: No, I think you’ve got the wrong number. R: There is no one by that name here. Y: Oh, sorry.

Kmaru Practical Korean 01/03/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "뽑다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '뽑다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 29/02/2024

Do you know the word "fish" in Korean ?

Kmaru DIC '생선' means 'fish' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-1 Is this Maru’s house? 28/02/2024

R: Hello.
Y: Hello. Is this Maru's house?
R: Yes, it is. May I ask who is calling?
Y: This is Yujin. May I speak to Maru?
R: Just a moment, please. I will go get him.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 12-1 Is this Maru’s house? R: Hello. Y: Hello. Is this Maru's house? R: Yes, it is. May I ask who is calling? Y: This is Yujin. May I speak to Maru? R: Just a moment, please. I will go get him.

Kmaru Practical Korean 27/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "뺏다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '뺏다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 26/02/2024

Do you know correct pronunciation of "있다" ?

Kmaru DIC '있다' means 'be' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-5 I have three cats at home. 25/02/2024

M: Which animal do you like, Mr. Roi?
R: I like cats.
R: I have three cats at home.
M: I prefer dogs to cats.
M: I have two dogs in my house.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-5 I have three cats at home. M: Which animal do you like, Mr. Roi? R: I like cats. R: I have three cats at home. M: I prefer dogs to cats. M: I have two dogs in my house.

Kmaru Practical Korean 24/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "빵집"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '빵집'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 23/02/2024

Do you know the word "color" in Korean ?

Kmaru DIC '색깔' means 'color' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-4 Can you play the piano? 22/02/2024

M: Can you play the piano?
Y: No, I can't.
Y: But I can play the guitar pretty well.
M: Oh, really? I want to learn how to play the guitar.
Y: I'll teach you during vacation.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-4 Can you play the piano? M: Can you play the piano? Y: No, I can't. Y: But I can play the guitar pretty well. M: Oh, really? I want to learn how to play the guitar. Y: I'll teach you during vacation.

Kmaru Practical Korean 21/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "빛깔"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '빛깔'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-3 I especially like basketball. 19/02/2024

Y: Mr. Maru, Do you like sports?
M: Yes, I do.
M: I especially like basketball.
Y: Then, let’s go watch the professional basketball game this weekend.
M: Ah, I already have an appointment this weekend.
Y: That's too bad. We should go next time.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-3 I especially like basketball. Y: Mr. Maru, Do you like sports? M: Yes, I do. M: I especially like basketball. Y: Then, let’s go watch the professional basketball game this weekend. M: Ah, I already have an appointment this w

Kmaru Practical Korean 18/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "빗물"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '빗물'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 17/02/2024

Do you know the word "belly button" in Korean ?

Kmaru DIC '배꼽' means 'belly button' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-2 My hobby is mountain climbing. 16/02/2024

Y: Mr. Maru, What's your hobby?
M: My hobby is mountain climbing.
M: Do you have any hobbies, Ms. Yujin?
Y: I like to swim.
M: Oh, really?
M: We should go to the pool together sometime.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-2 My hobby is mountain climbing. Y: Mr. Maru, What's your hobby? M: My hobby is mountain climbing. M: Do you have any hobbies, Ms. Yujin? Y: I like to swim. M: Oh, really? M: We should go to the pool together sometime.

Kmaru Practical Korean 15/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "붙다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '붙다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 14/02/2024

Do you know correct pronunciation of "신다" ?

Kmaru DIC '신다' means 'put on' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-1 What color do you like? 13/02/2024

M: What color do you like?
Y: I like red.
M: How is this red hat?
M: Do you like it even with the stripes?
Y: I like anything with red.
Y: I also like the hat.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 11-1 What color do you like? M: What color do you like? Y: I like red. M: How is this red hat? M: Do you like it even with the stripes? Y: I like anything with red. Y: I also like the hat.

Kmaru Practical Korean 12/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "붓다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '붓다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 11/02/2024

Do you know the word "vacation" in Korean ?

Kmaru DIC '방학' means 'vacation' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 10-5 I’m just going to rest. 10/02/2024

M: What are you going to do this weekend?
Y: I’m just going to rest.
M: Any other plans?
Y: No, nothing special.

Kmaru Practical Korean : 10-5 I’m just going to rest. M: What are you going to do this weekend? Y: I’m just going to rest. M: Any other plans? Y: No, nothing special.

Kmaru Practical Korean 09/02/2024

Can you pronounce correctly the word "붉다"?

Kmaru Practical Korean Kmaru provides the easiest way to learn '붉다'. Enjoy Korean! Enjoy Kmaru!

Kmaru DIC 08/02/2024

Do you know correct pronunciation of "뵙다" ?

Kmaru DIC '뵙다' means 'meet' in English. Kmaru DIC! provides 7,500 words for English-Korean Dictionary.

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Kmaru Practical Korean : 1-1 Hello?




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