Anyone out there who took our classes up for a review?
Photography Classes in Seoul
Learn from a seasoned, bilingual and published foreign photographer with experience teaching and pub
Getting Christmassy for photo class back in 2009!!
Photo class, outdoor session in 2014. Hard to remember life without a mask.
Photo class in 2015.
Our earliest iteration of our studio back when we were in Mapo in 2009.
Our new, post-COVID digs are here!
Studio, Golmok(스튜디오 골목)
Studio, Golmok(스튜디오 골목) · 49-1 Hangang-daero 14ga-gil, Hangangno 3(sam)-ga, Yongsan-gu, Seoul Photography studio
Going to officially restart photo classes since Covid regulations are coming down. Stay tuned as I restart this little business. Since we are “with Covid” now, gross up to 10 ppl can meet and with vaccinations, there are far fewer restrictions in general. And since we now have a new studio/classroom, it’s time to really get off to a new, post-Covid start. And we can even do Squid Game shoots!!!
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Contact the school
#706, Da-dong, 135, Misagangbyeonhangang-ro, Hanam-si
Seoul, 12902
"I had a great experience in South Korea! Thanks to Appletree I was placed in an outstanding school,
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