John Cabot University-Institute for Creative Writing & Literary Translation

John Cabot University's Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation is a thriving community of and for writers in Rome.

Since its founding in 2009, John Cabot University's Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation has quickly become a thriving community of and for writers in Rome. With workshops in the major genres (fiction, poetry, creative, nonfiction) and literary translation, the Institute is the place for creative writing students to spend serious time on their writing as they become familiar wit

Normali funzionamento

Interview with Professor Carlos Dews 16/06/2021

Interview with Professor Carlos Dews Alumni Affairs Coordinator Natalie Arrowsmith hosts a virtual interview between alumna Marialaura Grandolfo (Class of 2017) and current English Professor Car...

John Cabot University Celebrates the Classes of 2020 and 2021 20/05/2021

Congratulations to all the Creative Writing graduates in the JCU classes of 2020 and 2021!

John Cabot University Celebrates the Classes of 2020 and 2021 On May 17, John Cabot University honored the Classes of 2020 and 2021 in a hybrid Commencement event, in compliance with anti-COVID-19 safety protocols.

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Sito :

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Rome, 00193

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