Lug Sapienza

Studenti Sapienza appassionati di Linux, informatica ed open-source,
desiderosi di creare un luogo dove condividere esperienze e conoscenze.

Un Linux Users Group è un gruppo composto da persone che osservano i principi del software libero e contribuiscono alla diffusione dei sistemi operativi basati sul kernel Linux. Il LUG Sapienza è stato ideato da un gruppo di studenti Sapienza, con l’intento di offrirvi questo servizio gratuitamente, insegnandovi quanto appreso nel nostro percorso universitario(e non solo), ed apprendendo ciò che voi altri vorrete insegnarci.

Normali funzionamento

How Do I Roll Back a Kubectl? 14/09/2021

How Do I Roll Back a Kubectl? One of Kubernetes' notable features is its ability to do Rolling and Rollback Deployments. When a Deployment is not secure, such as when it crashes looping, you want to roll back the Deployment. By default, the system saves all of the rollout history so you can roll back any moment.

How to Show or Hide an Element on Website using JavaScript 14/09/2021

How to Show or Hide an Element on Website using JavaScript Throughout web development, users need to hide or show some elements. These elements can be a button, some animation, or a navigation bar etc. Most of the time the user wants a button or a navigation bar to be visible for the desktop viewpoint but not for the mobile viewpoint. This article explains....

Xrdp configuration on Debian 14/09/2021

Xrdp configuration on Debian Setting up xrdp on Debian to connect from a Windows device is pretty easy. Any Linux user level can achieve a connection between different operating systems. Unlike TeamViewer, XRDP is an open-source implementation, which makes this alternative preferred over TeamViewer, neither open source nor free...

Michael Cheng Joins the Linux Foundation Board of Directors - 13/09/2021

Michael Cheng Joins the Linux Foundation Board of Directors - We’re pleased to announce that Michael Cheng joined the Linux Foundation Board of Directors earlier this year. Michael is a product manager at Facebook, currently supporting open source and standards work across the company. Michael is a former network engineer and M&A attorney. He previously led ...

How to Install PHP 8 on Debian 11 09/09/2021

How to Install PHP 8 on Debian 11 PHP is a free, Open-source, and most popular server-side programming language used for creating dynamic websites. In this tutorial, I will show you ho...


How do you convert a Char Vector to a String Vector in C++? Characters in an array of chars, ending with the nul character, \0 is a string. An array string literal and a constant pointer to character sequence literal are the same things underneath. There is no really need to convert a vector of array strings to a vector of string literals in double-quotes. I...

How to check Java Version on Linux Ubuntu 07/09/2021

How to check Java Version on Linux Ubuntu Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language. Most things one can do in Python can also be done in Java. Jpython is a Python version that runs on Java in JVM (Java Virtual Machine). This article will dive into the procedure of looking up the Java version on Ubuntu Linux.

Software Supply Chain Town Hall: Videos - 06/09/2021

Software Supply Chain Town Hall: Videos - If you missed the Software Supply Chain Town Hall, all the videos from the event have now been posted. These include presentations on: Supply Chain Cybersecurity with David Wheeler Generating SBOMs for IoT Generating SPDX SBOMS in CI using ORT Software Supply Chain with the Yocto Project Securing GC...

Ent Joins the Linux Foundation - 06/09/2021

Ent Joins the Linux Foundation - Today, the Linux Foundation announced that Ent, an entity framework for Go that was developed and open sourced by Facebook in 2019, has moved under the governance of the Linux Foundation to help accelerate its development and foster the community of developers and companies using it. Ent was designe...

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Our Story

Linux User Group (LUG) Sapienza, è un gruppo formato da studenti che osservano i principi del software libero ed impegnate nel diffondere i sistemi operativi basati sul kernel Linux.
Questo gruppo fondato nel 2016 da Alejandro Ontivero e Gabrio Tognozzi, è stato ideato per offrire servizi gratuitamente, come corsi o consulenze...

Imparare gli uni dagli altri, crescere come persone, divertirci, sono solo alcuni dei pilastri di questo grande progetto.



Via Ariosto, 25

Orario di apertura

Lunedì 14:00 - 19:00
Martedì 14:00 - 19:00
Mercoledì 14:00 - 19:00
Giovedì 14:00 - 19:00
Venerdì 14:00 - 19:00
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