The Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome

The Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome


Founded and directed by the American painter Timothy Joseph Allen. Group courses focus on oil painti

Cost of courses can range from €25 to €40 per lesson depending on the time. The fee does include the model fee (if applicable) but does not include materials. For all details, please visit the "Courses" page on our website:

If you prefer, private lessons are also possible:

Normali funzionamento


This semester we will run our longest portrait painting class to date: 14 sessions, 2.5 hours each session, for a total of 35 learning hours, of which at least 20 will be dedicated to working from the model. In addition, we'll be painting on canvas glued to a wood panel and exploring the various uses of resin (Dammar). As always, an exciting expedition into the craft of oil painting! Total cost: €735. Register by Feb 2nd and save €75. Places are limited. Register today:


Interested in working from the model on the same pose for many hours? "Studio Time" is here to save the day. Starting Monday, February 3rd, from 18:00 to 20:00, we'll run the same pose with the model Enrico for 8 sessions, 16 hours total. Book your place at the easel:


Join us for our OPEN DAY on Saturday, February 1st. Raul Portella will present a demo the of rabbit-skin glue to attach a canvas to a wood panel, a preview of the upcoming course, The Portrait from Life: Canvas on Wood and Experiments with Resin. Timothy Joseph Allen will also be there to present in detail all upcoming courses. FREE and open to the public. Please register to participate:


Join us for another portrait painting workshop with Nicholas Chaundy March 10th to the 14th, 2025. 5 days, 24 learning hours, €800. Register by January 30th and save €50 using the coupon code MARCH-SAVE50-NICK. Places are limited. Learn more:


Life Drawing starts again on Thursday evenings, January 23rd from 18:00 to 20:00 and Saturday mornings from 11:00 to 13:00 on January 25th. Be a part of growing international community of artists and amateurs. Beginners welcome! Book your place at the easel:


Special thanks to all who attended the lecture, ‘Decoding Caravaggio’ last September 23rd! Stay tuned for more updates on the current course, “In the Skin of Caravaggio”.


We were delighted to welcome the Dott.ssa Beatrice De Ruggieri who presented her lecture on her studies of the Manuscript of Symonds from 1650. That very manuscript will serve as a guide of the upcoming Portrait Painting Class from Life which will start on Wednesday, October 2nd.
This will be a unique opportunity to combine painting techniques with art history. If you are interested, please follow the link on bio to register.


"Painting the Figure: In the Skin of Caravaggio" starts October 5th! Space is limited. Register today. Follow the link in the bio or visit:


"The Fundamentals: Painting the Still-Life" starts October 1st! Space is limited. Register today. Follow the link in the bio or visit:


Join us for the third of three events in September: Raul Portello presents "Preparing your Canvas: How to Stretch it and Use Rabbit-skin Glue", a precursor to the portrait and figure painting courses that starts in October. I hope you will join us! Space is limited. You must register to attend. Follow the link in the bio or visit:


Join us for the second of three events in September: Timothy Joseph Allen presents "Decoding Caravaggio: Bridging the Gap between Technical Analysis, Theory, and Performance", a precursor to the figure painting course that starts in October, "Painting the Figure: In the Skin of Caravaggio". I hope you will join us! Space is limited. You must register to attend. Follow the link in the bio or visit:


Join us for the first of three events in September: Dott.ssa Beatrice De Ruggiero presents "Lo Bottetga Roma nel 1650", a precursor to the portrait painting course that starts in October, "The Portrait from Life: The Symonds Manuscript from 1650". I hope you will join us! Space is limited. You must register to attend. Follow the link in the bio or visit:


The Last Days of Life Drawing… for the Spring! Only three sessions left. Join us Thursday evening or Saturday morning before the summer break.

Photos from The Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome's post 18/05/2024

Another gorgeous Saturday afternoon painting along the Tiber. Complimenti a John, Alison, and Paolo!


The Fundamentals, end of Phase 2: six lessons working on a shell. Tanti complimenti to Nellia (left) and Valerio (right).

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Our Story

Group Classes in Oil Painting and Drawing in the heart of Trastevere since 2010.

Cost range from €25 to €45 per lesson depending on the time. The fee does include the model fee (if applicable) but does not include materials. Open Studio formula on Thursdays evenings for the Figure Drawing course: if you are not interested in instruction but only wish to work from the model, you may do so for €15 for the two hours. For all details, please visit the "Courses" page on our website:

If you prefer, private lessons are also possible:

Video (vedi tutte)

Register online.  Follow the link in the bio.
@mcasalvieri rides again with “The Portrait alla Prima”, starting Friday, April 26th from 17:15 to 19:15.  Space is limi...
“Painting the Landscape: from Life to Concept” starts again Saturday, April 13th.  Follow the link in the bio or visit t...
What’s better than learning to draw?  Learning to draw in good company.  My sincere thanks to all who have continued… an...
Wondering how best to tone a white-colored canvas?  @nicholaschaundy shows us how to do an ‘imprimatura’ in preparation ...
At tonight’s exhibition, Seeing Is Believing, with PADASOR alum, Nadia.  Many thanks to all who came out!  Join us again...
What a glorious day for painting en plein air along the Tiber!  Many thanks to all who have joined me for this this roun...
Day 4 with @nicholaschaundy - Drawing, drawing, drawing.
Day 2 of our workshop with @nicholaschaundy
A glorious start to our SOLD OUT workshop with @nicholaschaundy





Via Cardinale Merry Del Val 19b