Echi e colori antichi si riflettono in astrazioni dinamiche contemporanee di Silvia Galgani
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Studio Arti Floreali è una Associazione Culturale senza fini di lucro che si propone di diffondere la conoscenza e la cultura del fiore e della natura verde in genere, sollecitando una maggior sensibilità all'ambiente e alla difesa del patrimonio vegetale e artistico che ci circonda. Per raggiungere i propri obiettivi promuove ricerche e studi, ospita mostre e manifestazioni sull'argomento, organizza corsi, seminari, conferenze e visite guidate.
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Echi e colori antichi si riflettono in astrazioni dinamiche contemporanee di Silvia Galgani
L’ELEGANZA DEL BAMBÙ - Seminario di Pittura Botanica a cura di Silvana Volpato
L'eleganza del Bambù - Pittura Botanica - Silvana Volpato Il tema proposto, da osservare e poi disegnare, è il bambù per l’interessante unione delle sue componenti. Da una parte ci sono i rigidi fusti delineati da una serie di nodi orizzontali che ritmano, come onde musicali, la tensione verso l’alto e dall’altra le foglie lanceolate e leggere che ...
dal 28 settembre 2024
Studio Arti Floreali Studio Arti Floreali è una Associazione Culturale senza fini di lucro che si propone di diffondere la conoscenza e la cultura del fiore e della natura verde in genere, sollecitando una maggior sensibilità all’ambiente e alla difesa del patrimonio vegetale e artistico che ci circonda. Per raggiun...
Who's keeping an eye on the Wimbledon tennis tournament this year? We're thoroughly enjoying the excitement of it all.
Did you know? There's a small silver gilt pineapple on top of the Wimbledon gentlemen’s singles trophy. The most likely explanation is because, when Wimbledon came to its fore in the late 19th century, pineapples were rare, expensive and exclusive to the upper class.
Here's another pineapple we can't get enough of... this time, in the form of an acrylic-on-paper painting by Paul Jones. The prickly surfaces of its skin and leaves have been captured with exquisite detail and precision... and there's something about the weightiness of the perfect pineapple in the middle of the empty space which is so satisfying.
About Paul:
◽️Paul Jones studied art at East Sydney Technical College and the Julian Ashton Art School. He worked in a department store as a commercial artist before enlisting in the army in 1941. While on leave Jones painted a still life of flowers and included it in an exhibition of the Society of Artists, attracting the attention of Professor E.G. Waterhouse, a world authority on camellias. Waterhouse invited him to illustrate his two books on camellias, which launched Jones’ career as a botanical artist. Paul was awarded an OBE for his services to art in 1971, the same year his book Flora Superba was published. In 1976 he published another major work, Flora Magnifica.
◾️Paul Jones, 'Pineapple', 240 x 160, Acrylic on paper.
📍See Paul's work on the SSC site: https://shirleysherwood.com/~820.
It's the summer solstice here in the UK ☀️
In anticipation of the hot weather, here's Gillian Condy's eye-catching depiction of a plant that thrives in high temperatures: Aloe peglerae.
Native to South Africa, Aloe peglerae, otherwise known as 'Turks Cap' or, 'Red Hot Poker', is a perennial stemless aloe with spined, incurved leaves. Its red flowers bloom in July and August (South Africa's winter) and are pollinated by birds, bees and wind.
Sadly, Turk's Cap is now an endangered species due to over-collecting and is listed as illegal to take from its natural environment in the Red Data of South Africa.
We think Gillian has done a super job at recording the Aloe here, using suggestions of the dry surrounding environment to cradle its bold sculptural form.
About Gillian Condy:
◽️Gillian trained in London and worked for 35 years as a resident botanical artist at the National Herbarium, the South African National Biodiversity Institute. She organised and participated in numerous botanical art exhibitions nationally and internationally, and was a founding member of the Botanical Artists Association of Southern Africa in 1999. She received various awards, participated in the Highgrove, Transylvanian and Sydney Florilegia; illustrated two books; and curated BAW SA 2018. Gillian is currently an artist in residence at Tswalu Kalahari Reserve and illustrating world Baobabs.
◾️Gillian Condy, 'Turk's Cap Aloe' (Aloe peglerae), 760 x 560, Watercolour
📍See Gillian's work on the SSC site: https://shirleysherwood.com/~508
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