Trump’s shadow hangs over US-Cuban rapprochement President-elect wants Havana to speed up reforms at a time of weakening growth
Student society at Bocconi University. Organizing and promoting events regarding geopolitics, global trends and international economics.
Trump’s shadow hangs over US-Cuban rapprochement President-elect wants Havana to speed up reforms at a time of weakening growth
Dollar and Treasury yields surge on Fed rate outlook Stock markets cautious and gold hits 10-month low
Britain will discover that distance still matters in trade It will be tough to replace access to EU services markets with business elsewhere
A Trump victory - currency markets are asking what if? - As Hillary Clinton convalesces, the foreign exchange market is stirring. Medical bulletins about the Democratic nominee are helping to shake investors from their seeming indifference about the US presidential election, forcing them to at least
Has the time for QE infinity reached its end? How should policymakers design their future strategy?
Find out in this review by Alberto Gallo on
Turning Europe from a good trade into a good investment - Quantitative easing is broken. Central bankers have fought the crisis with low interest rates and asset purchases. This playbook has worked in the US but failed in Europe and Japan, due to their bank-centred financial systems and ageing demographics.
China agrees EU deal to assuage steel dumping concerns - China and the EU have agreed to set up a bilateral steel “platform” to address European concerns over Chinese steel dumping, smoothing the way for Europe to grant China its coveted market economy status. A jump in steel shipments from China had
Is India really the most open economy for FDI? Check out this article from the Financial Times.
Is India really the most open economy for FDI? - Narendra Modi claims his relaxation on foreign direct investment, announced this week, makes India “the most open economy in the world for FDI”. India attracted $55bn in the year to end-March, up from $36bn two years earlier, the final year of the
Brussels attacks: so far 18 killed and 90 injured. President Françoise Hollande tweets "c'est toute l'Europe qui est frappée - all Europe has been hit". Here live update by BBC.
Our thoughts are with the families and friends of victims.
Brussels airport attack: Latest updates - BBC News We use JavaScript to ensure we can give you the best experience on our website. JavaScript is not supported in your browser. For a better experience, enable JavaScript or redirect to the No JavaScript version of the page.
ECB cuts rates to new low and expands QE - The European Central Bank has unveiled a series of new measures to strengthen the eurozone’s recovery, with policy makers expanding their quantitative easing package and cutting benchmark interest rates to a new low. The ECB has raised the amount of
Super Tuesday results: big wins for Trump and Clinton - Super Tuesday results night in pictures Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were on course for strong results on “Super Tuesday” after the Republican and Democratic frontrunners each won a swath of states in the biggest single night of primaries to
What are the real risks involved with Brexit?
BlackRock warns of economic dangers of Brexit - BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, has warned that Britain’s economy would be hit hard by a vote to leave the EU, with equities, sterling and the London property market all likely to suffer. In a gloomy report for clients, it also warns
Argentina reaches a deal with its creditors The agreement is a victory for the country’s new president
Argentina in $6.5bn offer to debt holdouts - Argentina has offered to pay about $6.5bn in cash to US holdouts that refused debt restructurings after its 2001 default on $100bn, in an attempt to put an end to a decade-long legal dispute dubbed the “sovereign debt trial of the century”.
EU, UK and City of London. What are the latest terms of the deal.
What EU plan means for Cameron and City - FT Comment - World & Global Economy Video - FT political editor George Parker analyses the draft deal from the European Council on the UK’s relationship with the European Union and what it means for prime minister David Cameron, the City of London, the migration issue and the Conservative party.
Growth is slowly picking up in France and Spain, but unemployment remains high. Does this mean that structural unemployment has increased? Share your thoughts!
France emerges from stagnation but rising unemployment persists - France emerged from three years of stagnation in 2015, helped by cheap energy prices and low interest rates, but the growth was still not enough to curb rising unemployment. The eurozone’s second-largest economy grew 1.1 per cent last year,
How serious do you think this could be? Leave a comment!
Zika virus: Latin America’s ills compound crisis - Isla de León, a slum on the outskirts of Cartagena on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, is a lesson in how to manufacture and transmit the mosquito-borne Zika virus. Ramshackle hovels with dirt floors, crooked wooden walls and zinc roofs line sun-baked
Troublemaker Italy’s prime minister is picking fights with Germany and the EU
Rouhani in Italia: riparte una relazione storica | ISPI Oggi e domani il Presidente iraniano Rouhani sarà in Italia per incontrare i maggiori rappresentanti del mondo politico ed economico, tra cui...
Where is the American recovery heading?
Not yet out of the woods The good times are ending before they had really begun
So much potential in this country, but is Macri the right leader to unlock it?
Mauricio Macri takes power with pledge to unite Argentina - Mauricio Macri promised to end poverty, fight drug trafficking and unite Argentines as he was sworn in on Thursday as the new president of South America’s second-largest economy. But before the new era could begin, an almost farcical squabble broke
Quick update on the outlook for the financial sector of Italy.
Burden-sharing The government tries to relieve banks of non-performing loans
This is an interesting one. Canada's economy has been solid in the last decade, and handled the 2008 crisis surprisingly well. But this every-growing housing bubble could cause a lot of trouble, and some analysts say it's about to burst. What are your thoughts?
Canada's ever growing housing bubble: As Alberta's market tumbles, the rest of the country... Some of the more bearish economists think Alberta's malaise may spread to other parts of the country, but there are some things the rest of Canada can learn from Alberta's troubles
Could the EU interfere with Renzi's economic plan? And what would this imply for his political support? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
Brussels warns Italy over violating EU budget rules - Italy is in danger of violating EU fiscal targets and should make changes to its expansionary 2016 budget, but it could still be granted some “flexibility” to comply with the rules, the European Commission said on Tuesday. The mixed verdict from
Summary of what happened last night in Paris: an historic event in the current geopolitical scenario.
We share thoughts for the 128 people killed and send condolences to their families.
Vive la France!
Ce que l’on sait des attentats de Paris D’après la justice, un millier de personnes auraient été en contact au cours de la soirée avec les assaillants, en qualité de témoins ou de victimes (morts et blessés).
Is this it for the BRICs brand?
Goldman Sachs closes BRIC fund, by the numbers Goldman Sachs is shutting down its BRIC fund. We take a look at other emerging markets funds and how they've performed since the Recession.
People tend to forget that this is still the third largest economy in the world in nominal terms. What are your thoughts on Japan's political and economic outlook? Read the article and let us know what you think in the comments below.
The Japanese solution Despite Shinzo Abe’s best efforts, Japan’s economic future will be a leap into the unknown
This deal can really change the history and the balance of powers of a critical world region - the Middle East. This is why we have decided to dedicate our first event of next year to a deep analysis of the deal and its potential implications. Stay tuned for details about the event!
Iran nuclear talks: 'Historic' agreement struck - BBC News After years of negotiations, world powers reach a deal with Iran on limiting Iranian nuclear activity in return for the lifting of sanctions.
A goring concern THE slowdown in China’s property market has been cruel to makers of wooden flooring. After double-digit growth for much of the past decade, sales have slumped....
We would like to thank all those who participated to our first event today. We really appreciated your presence, each one of you. Thank you
Ente di Formazione accreditato dal Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito per la formazione e l’aggiornamento del personale della Scuola secondo la Direttiva Ministeriale 170/2016
ITER organizza eventi B2B su temi di forte impatto innovativo, realizza corsi di alta formazione, pubblica manuali professionali e confeziona servizi di supporto alle vendite.
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Hands - Health AND Urban Space in Chamanculo, Mozambique is a research sponsored by Polisocial, the social engagement and responsibility programme of Politecnico di Milano. Partner del progetto: AICS Maputo, AVSI, ASF Italia, Univesidade Mondlane