CTD - Coaching, Training & Development

CTD - Coaching, Training & Development

CTD, Coaching, Training & Development, from the experience of Palmina La Rosa, Founder and Trainer,

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Empowering Talent and Career Choices 21/06/2024

🌟 Join me for an unmissable event! 🌟

🔜 On Wednesday, June 26th at 4:00 PM, I will deliver an online lecture on "Empowering Talent and Career Choices: Effective Coaching Practices for High School and University Students". This is part of the ERASMUS project "Inspiring the Minds" coordinated by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Alicante University, Istanbul Kültür University, G-Force and SolCo (NGO).

We will explore together two coaching practices that have transformed the paths of high school and university students, helping them discover their talents and make informed career choices. Don't miss this unique opportunity for growth and discovery!

👉 Register now and join us!


Empowering Talent and Career Choices Empowering Talent and Career Choices: Effective Coaching Practices for High School and University Students

Teamwork: A Magical Mixture of Life Competencies 30/05/2024

I had the pleasure of delivering a webinar organized by the International House World Organisation titled “Teamwork: A Magical Mixture of Life Competencies.” This event brought together teachers from around the globe to explore the vital role of teamwork in education and the development of essential life competencies.

Teamwork: A Magical Mixture of Life Competencies I had the pleasure of delivering a webinar organized by IHWO. This event brought together teachers from around the globe to explore the vital role of teamwork in education and the development of essential life competencies.


🌟 Teamwork: a magical mixture of life competencies 🌟

In case you missed it, here's a quick summary:

I discussed the importance of teamwork and life competencies, covering teaching versus coaching dynamics, essential skills like creative thinking and communication, and strategies for student development.

A big thank you to Iatefl for the opportunity, and to all participants from around the globe who joined in!

Tailored for English teachers working with teens and young adults, it was a practical session to enhance teaching practices.

Stay tuned for future events!


Il 4 maggio terrò un webinar per Iatefl dal titolo "Teamwork: a magical mixture of life competencies.

Per ulteriori informazioni e iscrizioni:
👉 https://www.iatefl.org/events/541

Join us for our next IATEFL Monthly Professional Development webinar this Saturday on "Teamwork: a magical mixture of life competences" presented by Palmina La Rosa.

For more information and to register visit: https://www.iatefl.org/events/541

Metodi e strumenti pratici per favorire lo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali degli studenti 29/04/2024

Manca poco alla 2a edizione del ciclo di webinar che terrò per ASNOR Associazione Nazionale Orientatori dal titolo Soft Skills: strategie per lo sviluppo personale e l'orientamento.

📆 L'inizio è previsto per martedì 7 maggio.

✍️ Per chi fosse interessato è il momento di iscriversi. I posti sono limitati.

Per maggiori info 👇👇👇👇

Metodi e strumenti pratici per favorire lo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali degli studenti Iscriviti e/o richiedi maggiori informazioni

Photos from AISLi - Associazione Italiana Scuole di Lingue's post 21/03/2024

Siamo allo stand W51 ospiti di per la presentazione di Palmina La Rosa su Future Skills Agency, progetto di cui Cambridge è partner.
📌’Future Skills Agency: Il Futuro dell’Istruzione inizia con le Soft Skills’
Il progetto Future Skills Agency propone un approccio innovativo alla didattica, concentrato sullo sviluppo delle future skills. Oltre a promuovere competenze trasversali, il progetto include la formazione dei docenti in tecniche di coaching per supportare gli studenti nel potenziamento delle loro soft skills. Le linee guida delineano obiettivi, strategie e coinvolgimento di genitori, studenti e personale didattico, con la flessibilità di adattarsi alle esigenze specifiche. Il progetto si estenderà dalle scuole associate AISLi alle scuole statali tramite Future Skills Partners, contribuendo a diffondere la cultura delle future skills. Gli aggiornamenti periodici basati su incontri, scambi e formazione assicurano una continua evoluzione e sono elementi essenziali per un apprendimento dinamico e orientato al futuro.


So, you have seen SPIRE being posted on social media or Blog posts on the GIGA international House Catania CTD Website and maybe wondering, what is SPIRE?
Well, SPIRE stands for Setup…Perform…Inspire…Review…Empower and they are more than just words. They encompass an approach in leading teams by using coaching techniques.

Palmina La Rosa, Founder & Trainer and a ICF Certified Coach has developed a program and model called SPIRE, just for you, a model that has been designed to help teachers develop teamwork, project class management, while developing students’ life competencies.

If you are interested in changing your focus to a student-oriented approach and coaching your students to successful projects, check out our website and send an email to be a SPIRE Model Ambassador. A place where you can be part of the community and learn how to transform your way of thinking for project-based learning or you might want to incorporate simple coaching techniques into your teaching toolbox.

Visit us today at https://www.spiremodel.coach

SPIRE. Acronym for Setup, Perform, Inspire, Review, Empower 17/01/2024

Before the holidays I had the opportunity to present my vision and my model SPIRE.

This presentation gave its attendees the inner workings of the SPIRE model and also introduced them to some of the activities and how you can introduce this way of thinking to your students and prepare them for successful project-based learning.

SPIRE. Acronym for Setup, Perform, Inspire, Review, Empower Before the holidays I had the opportunity to present my vision and my model SPIRE


🌹🌷You need a flower to improve your English!

Have you ever thought that growing a flower can teach you the basics of project management?
And have you ever considered that through project management you can enhance your students’ awareness of environmental issues?
And, last but not least, have you ever reflected that project management and environmental issues together can develop your students’ communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creative skills?

If your answer is no, this session would have been for you.

During the seminar I showed some coaching techniques that can guide participants through a new methodology when dealing with projects in the language classroom and support them when approaching environmental issues to increase students’ awareness. We analyzed which 21st century skills are enhanced when working on projects.

"I have a Dream" - Vision/dream, goal setting and action plan 15/12/2023

I had the opportunity to present to educators and university students attending an event organized by LEND (Lingua e Nuova Didattica) held at the University of Catania Palazzo delle Scienze.

This seminar was held both in person and online and was titled titled “I have a Dream” and focused on...

"I have a Dream" - Vision/dream, goal setting and action plan Seminar for educators and university students at the University of Catania organized by LEND (Lingua e Nuova Didattica)


You are not too late to sign up for the SPIRE event!

Are you still looking for ways to inspire your teenage students or you, as a teacher, would like to learn an innovative method to coach your students through successful projects.

If you would like to learn more about Coaching and help on how you can change your focus. Then you are invited to the launch of “SPIRE” a model that has been designed to help teachers develop teamwork, project class management, student’ life competencies and do this with the entrepreneurial mindset.

This event is happening online today from 3-4 Rome Standard Time.

Don’t miss this event and please sign up and visit our website at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_u47OJhtpRl63nTWV63AdTg

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