Calcutta Research Group

Calcutta Research Group


It addresses the issues of human rights, women’s dignity, democratic governance, forced migration

Operating as usual


Leading Bengali dailies Anandabazar Patrika and Ei Samay carried the news of Ranabir Samaddar's lecture "Urban Turn, Biopolitics and the City" at Academy of Fine Arts.

The lecture, first in the series "City Lights" will be held at Academy of Fine Arts, at 6.00 pm, on 23rd September, Monday.

All are welcome!


Today- Registration link for joining-

*CRG Webinar* - *Please register to get the joining link!*

We invite you to a webinar titled "Security at Crossroads: Land, Food, Water" on 13 August 2024, at 6.30 PM IST.

Rajendran Narayanan, Azim Premji University
Meenakshi Nair Ambujam, University of Oxford
Gopal Krishna, ToxicsWatch
Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Rabindra Bharati University

Please Register here to receive the joining link:

Webinar note:
How do states and communities engage with the contested categories of food, shelter, water, land, climate and gender?
In the first webinar of the series "Security at Crossroads" the speakers examine different aspects of human security as they play out in India--they discuss how questions of land, food and water shape the experiences of marginal groups.


Calcutta Research Group is organising Two Discussions on Michel Foucault's “Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the College de France (1977-1978)”. Professor Ranabir Samaddar [Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group] will initiate the discussions.

The first session is scheduled for 16 August 2024 [Friday] from 5:00 pm.
The second session is scheduled for 3 October 2024 [Thursday] from 5:00 pm.

Both discussions will be held at the CRG Meeting Room (IA 48, Ground Floor, Sector-3, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700097. Landmark: Tank No. 13, IA Market Gate No.2)

To join the reading group and engage in the discussions, kindly fill out the Google Registration Form following which we will send all necessary information.


*CRG Webinar* - *Please register to get the joining link!*

We invite you to a webinar titled "Security at Crossroads: Land, Food, Water" on 13 August 2024, at 6.30 PM IST.

Rajendran Narayanan, Azim Premji University
Meenakshi Nair Ambujam, University of Oxford
Gopal Krishna, ToxicsWatch
Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Rabindra Bharati University

Please Register here to receive the joining link:

Webinar note:
How do states and communities engage with the contested categories of food, shelter, water, land, climate and gender?
In the first webinar of the series "Security at Crossroads" the speakers examine different aspects of human security as they play out in India--they discuss how questions of land, food and water shape the experiences of marginal groups.

Bangladesh Students Protest 2024 । সংরক্ষণ, না হাসিনার শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবাদ? 23/07/2024

Ranabir Samaddar talks about the ongoing political crisis in Bangladesh. Click on the link to read on:

Bangladesh Students Protest 2024 । সংরক্ষণ, না হাসিনার শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে প্রতিবাদ? ‘আমরা কারা, রাজাকার’ স্লোগান তোলা পড়ুয়ারা পাল্টা হাসিনা সরকারকে ‘স্বৈরাচারী’ বলে দাগিয়েছেন। জেল ভেঙে বার করে দ....


*Job Alert*

MAHANIRBAN CALCUTTA RESEARCH GROUP (CRG) invites applications for a Research Assistant who will work in the area of urban studies (under the Distinguished Chair of Calcutta Research Group) on consolidated pay of Rs. 30,000/- per month for six months. Preferences will be given to candidates working on public health, public education, women's labour, and urban planning. Candidates must be below 35 years of age and are research scholars or have at least three years' experience in relevant professions such as journalism, mass communications, or legal advocacy. Candidates with proficiency in English, knowledge of computers, relevant publication/s and readiness to do fieldwork, and demonstrable interest in urban studies, and other strands of public research will be preferred. Selected candidates will be expected to join on 1 August 2024.
Application will have to be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, one recommendation letter, and a statement of intent. Applications may be sent by e-mail by 19 July 2024 to the Office Secretary at [email protected] or by post to Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, IA-48, Sector–III, Ground Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700097 (Phone: 91-33-23350409 and Fax: 91-33-23351522).
Applicants are requested to consult MCRG website, for information on the institution. Any enquiry on this will be welcome.


New publication alert!

Read Ranabir Samaddar in conversation with Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury on "Chronicles of Urban Justice" .

Read the conversation at :

Photos from Calcutta Research Group's post 25/06/2024

New publication alert.

The 63rd issue of our journal Refugee Watch: As South Asian Journal on Forced Migration has just been published! Guest edited by Sanam Roohi, Ish*ta Dey, Sahana Basavapatna and Samata Biswas, this issue features ten articles, three book reviews, an introduction and a report on "Migrant Asia", thinking through the Asian region from migrations and mobilities, both historically and in the contemporary period.

The full issue (and all back issues) are available open access on


Everyone is cordially invited for this timely and important discussion at CRG on Wednesday, the 22nd May 2024 at 4.30pm!

Photos from Calcutta Research Group's post 16/04/2024

CFA!! Of CRG’s flagship programme-

The CRG with IWM Vienna is organising a conference on “City as the Southern Question” on 13-14 November 2024 in Kolkata. Please find the concept note of the conference below as also in the attachment!

“The pre-eminence of cities as sites of human history is inextricable and so are the instances when
cities metamorphosed themselves as characters acting on the formalisation of orders and
institutions that shape our world and the cities in it presently. The rise of Urban Studies as an
academic field speaks of the importance of cities. However, the emergence of modern cities, the
ones that we see and live at now, has much to do with the rise in a multitude of factors. Over the
years, scholarship on the emergence of cities has focussed on various aspects of their growth.
Engels’ Condition of the Working Class in England, squarely links the city with the condition of
the working class; Walter Benjamin talks of cities as a place of desire of commodities produced
by capitalism; Henri Lefebvre terms cities as ‘produced space’; postcolonial studies look at cities
as sites of the politics of the governed and so on and so forth. The culmination of all these
perspectives leads to what is now called the ‘urban turn’. Cities today conjure up the ‘people’ the
‘mass’ and the ‘multitude’ and these are sites of investment and logistical services providing
multi-functional services like acting as trading marts, converging points of mega infrastructure
projects, sites of specialised services, haven for refugees and migrants, and centres of
administrative management, besides functioning as venues of parliamentary-democratic politics
notwithstanding the impact of their location and the controls of regional geography.
Cities, thus, are an amalgamation of too many factors at play, the understanding of which
requires a multipronged approach. Cities are now living monsters. They suck anything and
everything including human life. As if, they do not need the countryside. They do not require
hinterlands. As if, they have no pre-history or history. Yet the discussion on cities often fail to
face frontally this unprecedented phenomenon of the city becoming a part of human history. We
now have different categories of cities—port cities, steel cities, car making cities, smart cities,
railway towns, trading towns, tourism hubs, capital cities, etc. But various categories of cities
were there earlier too. Some probably became less vibrant in the course of time, while some new
were added. The question still remains, what drives the hyper growth of some cities of the global
South today? What is its broader significance?
The genesis of cities is crucial to understanding contemporary political and economic orders. As
the world grapples with uncertain challenges exacerbated with the threats of climate change,
disease outbreaks, diminishing resources, etc., it becomes crucial to study cities for what they are
becoming now. It is no accident that of the twenty largest (most populous) cities of the world,
seventeen are from the non-Western world. The other three in this league are Tokyo, Osaka, and
New York City. The U.N. designation of a city includes a mixture of city proper, metropolitan
area, and urban area and these huge urban holdings are evidence that cities are pushing growth
today economically and demographically—worldwide and nationally. The important rise of
global Southern cities now calls for the attention of scholars and public policy analysts working
on Southern histories and their global significance. As the cities are in a constant state of
‘becoming’, it is also important to talk of how the futures of these will look like.
Antonio Gramsci’s unfinished note ‘Some Aspects of the Southern Question” (1926), known
simply as ‘The Southern Question’ sheds light on the geopolitical context of the problematic of
the politics and culture in the Mediterranean region at large, a region which can be conceived of
as an expression of the larger construct, now referred to as the Global South. While the Southern
cities are now integral part of world capitalism, yet they carry the marks of Southern
globalisation and the lineage of the colonial time. Large Southern urban concentrations are
islands of industry, services, and development—working at the same time as giant branches of
Northern corporate capital and determining the grotesque, unbalanced structure of Southern
economies. Their role as logistical hubs (which is why they are often port cities) is therefore no
accident. In this sense, the Gramscian hypothesis may have to be little modified in order to
understand the nature of the ‘Southern urbanisation’ of our time and its crucial role in twenty-
first century globalisation.
The Conference on City as the Southern Question (13-14 November 2024, Kolkata) aims to
talk of cities and the questions that need to be asked and thought of by taking into consideration
Gramsci’s ‘The Southern Question’. The Calcutta Research Group (CRG) in collaboration with
the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, invites papers from academicians, scholars,
researchers and practitioners on the following themes (but not limited to):
• Urban Future(s)
• Urban Care, Protection and Responsibility
• Urban Space and Civic Organisations
• Diseases and Public Health
• Urban Planning and Logistics
• City, Refugees, Migrants and the Stateless
• Urban Violence and Justice
• City, Climate Change and Sustainability
• The City in Literature, Films, Plays and Popular Culture
Submit the application with an abstract (500-600 words), a title and institutional affiliation by 15
May 2024 at
*Selected participants will be notified once the selection process is over following which full
papers would be due by 12 October 2024. To facilitate participation in the conference, CRG will
only be able to provide accommodation in Kolkata (Check-In: 12 November 2024; Check-Out:
15 November 2024)”.
Queries with the subject line “Annual Conference 2024” may be sent to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]


Thank you to 360info and the Calcutta Research Group for their work on a Rohingya content special for our members across Asia and the Pacific. A terrific combination of videos and articles, analysis and reportage, suitable for broadcast, web or social media. At a time more deaths at sea seem inevitable, it's important to report on the factors pushing people to take the biggest risk of all.


*Deadline Extension*

We are happy to inform you that we have extended the deadline for the CFA of Crg’s flagship programme the ‘Ninth Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants’. We encourage students, scholars working on migration studies, journalists or practitioners working in the field to apply!

Applicants can directly apply through the Google Form link (

The Last date of application now is 18 March 2024.
For details, please visit the website or contact us at the [email protected].


Crg cordially invites you to a reading session where Prof. Ranabir Samaddar will deliver a talk on Antonio Gramsci’s “The Southern Question” (1926).
Date - 11 March 2024.
Venue - Office of Crg (address given in poster).

If you are interested to attend please mail at the id mentioned in the poster below, so that we are able to share with you the concerned reading for engaging during the discussion.


We are happy to inform you that the Call for Application for Crg’s flagship programme the ‘Ninth Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants’ is now open! We encourage students, scholars working on migration studies, journalists or practitioners working in the field to apply!

Applicants can directly apply through the Google Form link (

The Last date of application is 8 March 2024.
For details, please visit the website or contact us at the [email protected].


Crg in collaboration with a few partner organisations is organising a workshop on ‘Global Protection of Refugees and Climate-Induced Migrants’ from 20 (evening)-21 February 2024 at Hotel the Sojourn, Saltlake, Kolkata.

1). You are cordially invited to attend the Valedictory lecture of the workshop on 21 February 2024 from 6-7pm by :
Sajal Nag, Distinguished Professor in History, Assam Royal Global University on “Revisiting Bamboo-Flowers, and Rat Famine in Northeast India: An Unknown Ecological Disorder”!.

2). To register for the Keynote lecture by Professor Arupjyoti Saikia, IIT, Guwahati on 20 February 2024 from 5.30-6.30pm, please contact us here or email at [email protected].
Title of his talk is : “Where Rain Becomes History: How the Monsoon Carved Assam’s Destiny”!.


A Two-Day Youth Meet on Urban Caregiving and Protection: Histories and Contemporary Practices
Date: 29-30 March 2024, Bolpur, India
Organised by Calcutta Research Group In collaboration with Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna
For participation in the programme CRG will reimburse upto 2AC train fare (roundway) for overnight
journey to Bolpur and provide 3 nights’ stay (twin sharing accommodation) and local hospitality at
the venue of the programme.
Apply Here on Google Form:
Attachments: SOP/Motivation Letter (500-700 words), CV, Photo & Bio-Note (100 words).
Application Deadline: 6 February 2024
For any queries write to [email protected] with the Subject “Query: Youth Meet


We are happy to invite you to a film screening session & lecture by award winning documentary filmmaker Nagehan Uskan on 22 January 2024, Monday, from 5-7pm at CRG. Her bio and event poster are attached to this mail.

The documentary film screening will be followed by a brief lecture & discussion with Prof. Uskan on:

"Collective interventions in Visual Self-representation of Migration: Kino video collective from Lesvos Island".

Details of the films to be screened :

1. What is a pushback? (Kino Mosaik, Lesvos, 2022, 8').
Film made together with migrants, activists, students and NGO workers after Visual Storytelling as a Resistance workshop. It describes the border violence in the Aegean waters with found footage and with the testimonies from migrants who were victims of pushbacks.

2. That’s what we call a prison (Kino Wish, Lesvos, 2022, 7,30').
Film made together with the women collective Wish, Afghan feminists in Lesvos. It speaks about the difficulties of life in camps, from the women's perspective.

3. Me too (Kino Lesvos LGBTq+ Refugee Solidarity, 2021, 28').
Special mention award at Divergenti Film Festival Bologna, Italy (December 2022). Lesvos LGBTQI + Refugee Solidarity members talk about the difficulties of LGBTQI + migrants in Lesvos by changing roles between interviewers, interviewees, camera operators, sound technicians, translators and editors. The difficulty of being q***r in the country of origin, the migration routes, the detention camp, the future that can bring potential freedom and the strength to be connected as a family and create a community of solidarity as a form of resistance in troubled situations ...How to talk about our situation without the need for someone else to come and film us? How to have a collective q***r identity with pride when you have to hide your identity for security reasons? The documentary is a search for self- representation while remaining anonymous, it is the expression of the complex dynamics of q***r migrants´ lives on the island of Le**os. With love and rage ...

4. Khalas (Kino Wish, Lesvos, 2020, 6,30').
Film made together with the women collective Wish, Afghan feminists in Lesvos. The topic is very similar to "That's what we call prison", but it was made 2 years before it, while Moria camp was still active.

5. Natives of the New World (Kino Mosaik, Lesvos 2018, 13').
A group of migrant filmmakers documented their daily lives on Lesvos with their mobile phones. It became a collective story about borders, repression, solidarity and resistance.

All are welcome!


The South Asia Network for Communication, Displacement and Migration (SAN-CDM), in collaboration with CRG and DW Akademie is organising its final online discussion of the year, "Reporting at Risk: Conflict, Disasters and Journalism Today" on 29th December, 2023, Friday at 6.30 PM IST.

Bharat Bhushan will moderate the discussion while Patricia Mukhim, Bashana Abeyawardane, Swati Bhattacharjee, Gulalai Najib, Aireen Jaman and Nirasha Piyawadini will join the discussion.

Please register on this link to join the webinar:

Here is the concept note:
Danish Siddiqi, an award-winning photojournalist, was killed in Afghanistan in 2021 during the Taliban takeover. Siddiqi had achieved prominence with his evocative photos capturing humans on the move, at the very margins of society. The proliferation of digital technologies in the post-truth world order lays extra responsibility on journalists to ensure balanced news coverage in a polarised world; however, historically, journalists at the front lines or those reporting on powerful regimes and corporations have always been at risk.
The webinar, "Reporting at Risk," is a discussion by journalists and editors about the various fault lines and risks journalists constantly negotiate along ethnic ties, physical harm, and perceived national interests to do their jobs. The webinar focuses on South Asia while drawing on lessons from the rest of the world.



6.30 PM IST
(Registration link in the first comment below)

South Asia has been marked by historic movements of displaced people, following political upheaval, wars, riots. Be it the forced displacement of people between India and the two Pakistans in 1947 during the partition of British India, the continuing refugee movement in the 50s and the 60s, the forced.migration during Bangladesh's Liberation war, the protracted displacement of Tamils from Sri Lanka, the historic movement of Afghans into Pakistan, especially at the onset of two Taliban regimes---there are multiple instances of people's forced displacement in the South Asian region, stemming from wars, violence, ethnic conflicts, political change, insurgencies, riots.

Shock/ Mobility: Displacement in South Asia takes into account both the historical and contemporary instances of such displacement in the region. In this webinar, experts reflect on specific instances of conflict induced displacement and their representation in the media. How do journalists and mediapersons tell stories that go beyond immediate humanitarian considerations, analysing causes and effects of massive displacements? What role do different forms of media- local, national, international- play, in shaping different narratives about conflict induced displacement? What is the responsibility of the media in balanced and nuanced coverage of conflict induced displacement, with attention to the conflict's historical roots and immediate flashpoints? How do drastic measures such as internet shutdown affect reporting--what role do such shutdowns play in highlighting only one portion of the narrative, while hiding many others? Can local, grassroots, community led media activity bring balance to media reporting?

Problematic Portrayal of Migrant Workers in Malayalam Print Media: An Analytical Reading 27/11/2023

As part of CRG's Eighth Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Migrants and Refugees, participant Shebeen Mahaboob AP developed an article on the problematic portrayal of migrant workers in Malayalam language media. This article has been published on ReRefugee Watch Online

Problematic Portrayal of Migrant Workers in Malayalam Print Media: An Analytical Reading Throughout its history, the southern Indian state of Kerala has been distinguished by significant migration, both inward and outward. This phenomenon has evolved over the centuries and played a vit…


Distinguished Chair's Lecture 2023
Speaker: Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group
Moderator: Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Department of Political Science, Rabindra Bharati University


Edit: deadline extended to 23.09.2023

Media Conference in Nepal: Call for Applications
Connecting the Dots: Debating Displacement in South Asia
The South Asian Network on Communication, Displacement and Migration (SAN-CDM) aims to connect journalists, community members and researchers interested in (forced) migration across South Asia. The intention is to improve the representation of refugees and migrants in the media in South Asia. We would like to discuss with you how this could be achieved! Therefore, SAN-CDM invites you to the second in-person network conference from November 3-6, 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
"Connecting the Dots" aims to connect the dots between local, national, regional movements and protracted, silent migrations, across and within borders and boundaries, due to acts of violence, disasters, and conflict, and the way they are reported. The conference will challenge notions such as regularity and irregularity in migration practices, safe and unsafe routes, and the interplay between agency and trafficking.
This conference is a platform for exchanging ideas across borders, making connections and creating collaborations. To this end, we invite refugees, migrants, journalists and researchers from the South Asian region to participate in this conference by organizing hands-on workshops, sharing a current project, share lived experience/narrative, or share a performance.
Please apply here by 23.09.2023
Three stories/ news published as a result of the conference will be awarded a prize by DW Akademie on a competitive basis.
You will find more information here:


Professor Ranabir Samaddar, Distinguished Chair in Migration and Forced Migration Studies, Calcutta Research Group will deliver a Public Lecture on "Texts from The Void: Machiavelli's The Prince and Lenin's What is to be Done? The Lecture will be held on 18 September 2023 (Monday) at 5:00 pm (IST) at the CRG Conference Room (IA-48, Ground Floor, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700097, Beside IA Market Gate No. 2). The lecture will be moderated by Professor Sabyasachi Basu Ray Chaudhury, Honorary Director, Calcutta Research Group and Department of Political Science, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata.

There are limited seats available to listen to this lecture physically. We request you to confirm at the earliest possible date by dropping a mail at [email protected]

For those who want to participate online, Register at

* No participation certificates will be given for this event.

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Videos (show all)

Texts from the Void: Machiavelli's The Prince and Lenin's What is to be Done?
Imprints of The Populist Time: A Discussion
Urban and Environmental Histories: The Legacy of Mike Davis
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants & Seventh Criti...
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants & Seventh Criti...
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants & Seventh Criti...
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants & Seventh Criti...
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants & Seventh Criti...
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants
Lectures: Seventh Annual Research and Orientation Workshop on Global Protection of Refugees and Migrants
25 Years of CRG: Public Lecture Series- Universalism of the Oppressed: B.R. Ambedkar’s Annihilation of Caste, Lecture by...
As the West Goes to War, Crafting Peace Today





Opening Hours

Monday 10:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 10:30am - 6pm
Thursday 10:30am - 6pm
Friday 10:30am - 6pm
Saturday 10:30am - 2pm
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