Cheenta Academy for Olympiad & Research

Cheenta Academy for Olympiad & Research


Outstanding programs for Maths Olympiad, I.S.I. & C.M.I. Entrance, College Mathematics

Outstanding courses for Math Olympiad, B.Stat, B.Math entrances (I.S.I.), C.M.I, Physics Fundamentals and college level mathematics

Operating as usual


Non-Routine mathematics can change the way you think. At Cheenta we are passionate about this deep adventure in human mind.

In this seminar we talk about some of the tools, resources and experiences in non-routine mathematics that may help you stay inspired and get started.


In SuMON Math, we aim to comprehend non-routine problems and activity puzzles that provoke critical thinking in students every fortnight (Two weeks). These problems are inspired from puzzle-type problems of Tournament of Towns contest and Math Circles in Russian experience and Ireland. There are 4 Easy Problems and 4 Hard Problems with 14 days time to solve.

For applying free trial worksheet and for more info about our program, kindly visit

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Keep learning great mathematics!

Photos from Cheenta Academy for Olympiad & Research's post 14/04/2024

আসলে সব rectangle-ই square হতে চায়


আমাদের ছোটো ল্যাবে / In Cheenta Labs

Cheenta Physics and Electronics lab is working on the prototype of a product called "Lathi" (লাঠি)। It is an intelligent walking stick useful for the blind. The sensors in the stick use ultrasonic sound waves to identify obstacles at a distance and alert the user (using sound or haptic signals). We also plan to add artificial intelligence driven terrain mapping techniques (using computer vision) to improve the product.

If you are in Calcutta then you may visit our center at Cheenta to participate in the project. It is a lot of fun.

The learning experience includes physics, electronics, programmimg and product design. Projects like this also adds a lot of value to your resume for university applications.


আমাদের ছোট ল্যাবে একটা লাঠি বানানো হচ্ছে।

লাঠিটা অন্ধকে পথ দেখাতে পারে। কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা ব্যবহার করে লাঠির ভেতরে লাগানো সেন্সর কাছাকাছি জমি মেপেঝুকে নেয়। কোনো বাধা আছে কিনা তাও বুঝে নেয়। তারপর যে দিকে বাধা সেই দিক বরাবর হাতে একটা হালকা ভাইব্রেশন দেয়। কিছুটা ডিরেকশনাল সাউন্ডও তৈরী করতে পারে


Why in school is important?

Recently one student got accepted in Stanford and UPenn. She worked on an intense research project on hyperbolic geometry.

Learn more about school research and programs in Cheenta.


Calling all young math enthusiasts! 🚀 The Math Kangaroo Mock Test is here to help you prepare for success.

👦👧 Open to students below grade 6, this FREE mock test is your chance to sharpen your math skills.

🔥 Join us for a fun math challenge:
🕔 Fill up the form below to register:
🏡 Participate from anywhere online!

Practice makes perfect so don't miss out. Tag a friend, fill up the form, and get ready for a math-tastic adventure!

How Math Olympiad lessons are planned at Cheenta 13/02/2023

It takes a lot of work to create a lesson at Cheenta Math Olympiad program. In this video, we show you how it is done.

How Math Olympiad lessons are planned at Cheenta Cheenta Math Olympiad lessons are elaborately planned with lot of care. They draw inspiration from a variety of interesting books and contests. Here is an ex...

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Videos (show all)

How to Start with Non-Routine Mathematics | Real Olympiads | Resources, Experiences
What is Slow Maths at SuMON | Better Than Abacus or Mental Math in the Age of AI
Smart Blind Stick #cheenta #research #innovation #TechInnovation #smartblindstick
#inspiredEducation #physicsprogram আমাদের ছোটো ল্যাবে / In Cheenta LabsCheenta Physics and Electronics lab is working on...
One way to learn great physics is to do #experiments.In this video, Tanumoy Banerjee, Physics Faculty at Cheenta, showca...
Toward Harvard and MIT with Cheenta Students
IOQM 2022 - Problems, Solutions and Discussion
How 4 Students Qualified for American Mathematics Competition 10 from Cheenta
Sekar Ganesan : Mathematical Finance for Kids | The Little Big Talk at Cheenta
Join Math Circle Revolution | Cheenta Student Projects in Mathematics
Properties of Rank of Matrices | TIFR Math GS 2019 True-False 5 | College Math Program
Diagonalizability conditions | TIFR Math GS 2019 True-False 4 | College Math Program




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