B.P.S. (Batanagar Paranormal Society) is a team of Paranormal Investigators who investigate and rese
Operating as usual
May the Festival Of Colours build a stronger-than-ever bond between you and your loved ones. Happy Holi.
Aggressive Spirit - Paranormal Lockdown INDIA
31 October, 2019 - The Times Of India.
The Times of India Indian Paranormal Society
Come Back with NEW Q&A after a long time.
Come Back with NEW Q&A Come Back with NEW Q&A after a long time. -----------------------------------------------...
Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 2)
Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 2) Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 2) ...
During an investigation.
Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 1)
Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 1) Conversation Questions-Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstitions (Part 1) ...
In this video, we're just trying to answering all of your questions.
Trying to answering your questions Trying to answering your questions -----------------------...
So, Let's talk about this...
So, Let's talk about this So, Let's talk about this ----------------------...
Paranormal Meetup in Kolkata.
Venue: Ranikuthi (Neat Bidhan-Nagar Railway Station)
Date: 16th April, 2023 (Sunday)
Terms & Conditions:
a) Please carry a valid ID proof along with you.
b) No dangerous or potentially hazardous objects including but not limited to weapons, knives, guns, fireworks, lazer devices, bottles will be allowed in the venue and may be ejected with or without the owner from the venue.
c) The sponsors/performers/organizers are not responsible for any injury or damage occurring due to the event.
d) People in an inebriated state may not be allowed entry.
e) Organizers hold the right to deny late entry to the event.
Venue rules apply.*
After a long time, we've read a good article. So, here is some snapshots of that article.
Lots of people asked us the same questions, so it can be helpful for you all.
Thanks to Mr. Jay Alani.
Thank you Indian Paranormal Society for sharing our footage.
Date: 5th January 2019.
Passion vs Jimmedari Jarurat
Stay Tuned.
Happy New Year, 2013.
In this video, we're talking about why you need to stay open-minded. Because things aren't always as they seem to be!
Why You Need To Stay Open Minded? this video, we're talking about why you need to stay open-minded....
In this video, we're talking about why we don't support Planchette.
Why we don't support Planchette this video, we're talking about why we don't support Planchette...
Promotional Video for Online Classes- https://youtu.be/qt5sVmAL-tc
In this video, we're talking about The Methods of Summoning A Spirit.
The Methods Of Summoning A Spirit In this video, we're talking about The methods of summoning ...
Client Feedback Interview #1
Thank you, Subham Paul
Client Feedback Interview #1 In this video, we a...
Congratulations! Srabani Acharya. You had completed the Professional Paranormal Investigator (PPI) course from Batanagar Paranormal Society. Wish you the best of luck.
--Thanking You,
BPS Team
(Batanagar Paranormal Society)
Near Death Experience v/s Share Death Experience
Near Death Experience v/s Share Death Experience In this video, we're talking ab...
Congratulations! Chandrajit Chakraborty. You had completed the Professional Paranormal Investigator (PPI) course from Batanagar Paranormal Society. Wish you the best of luck.
--Thanking You,
BPS Team
(Batanagar Paranormal Society)
The next video will be coming soon...
What Exactly Is Astral Projection?
What Exactly Is Astral Projection? this vide...
Fake or Real, what do you want to learn from this page?
Team BPS speaks about Planchette.
Full Video Link-
Team BPS speaks about Planchette In this video, we're talking about Planchette----...
Founded on July 10, 2016
Our main goal is to research and bring forward the real facts to eliminate superstitions and fear from the common people so that they no longer have to get entrapped by those fake exorcists.
Department Of Microbiology St.Xavier's College,Kolkata
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This Page Content are all Creative So Always I will Make Creative Content Like Education Related
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