These latest project-based training programs will feature exhaustive PYTHON + R training modules and daily PYTHON/ R projects for case studies of all the key 5G wireless technologies such as Multi-user, Massive MIMO, mmWave MIMO, NOMA, Cooperative, Cognitive Radio technologies. Participants will also be able to thoroughly learn the modern PYTHON and R programming languages starting from basics. Each theory module will be followed by state-of-the-art PYTHON and R-based projects for design, simulation and analysis of 5G systems. There are a total of 18 PYTHON/ R projects in each program! The school comprises of two independent programs below
PYTHON + R Projects for 5G MU Massive MIMO and mmWave MIMO 15th to 26th February 2021
PYTHON + R Projects for 5G NOMA, Cooperative and Cognitive Radio 8th to 19th March 2021
More information about this course, detailed list of topics, PYTHON/R 5G projects and schedule can be found at
How does this program benefit YOU?
UG/ PG students: Learn the latest programming techniques in PYTHON, R together with principles of 5G technology for projects/ thesis and also gain an edge in the job market
PhD Scholars/ Faculty members: Advance your research to the next level with PYTHON and R programming skills and also establish labs or guide projects based on PYTHON and R programming for 5G
Industry and R&D personnel: Enhance your skills by learning about the principles and algorithms for 5G technology along with highly efficient implementation of these technologies using open source PYTHON and R program modules
Master the latest 5G Technology and PYTHON/ R Programming to advance your career!
Experience our unique Project-based hands-on learning approach for leadership in 5G technology!
Prof. Aditya K. Jagannatham
IIT Kanpur
e-mail: [email protected]
To learn all the principles of Linear algebra for ML, wireless, data science at one place
Fundamental course on signals and systems for all UG students and those preparing for competitive exams/ interviews
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