This government wants your reading habit to reinitiate. It is राष्ट्रिय e पुस्तकालय.
Scan and download the app.
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Alliance of Independent Knowledge., Educational Research Center, House no 5, Gali no 1A, Wazirabad Village, Delhi.
Operating as usual
This government wants your reading habit to reinitiate. It is राष्ट्रिय e पुस्तकालय.
Scan and download the app.
Seems to be a great read on Life, Choice and Philosophy.
Dear Sir/Madam,
In recognition of valuable contribution of our teachers during the pandemic and to take the National Education Policy 2020 a step forward, the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India will be celebrating 'Shikshak Parv', 2021 commencing from 4 September till 17 September, 2021 through virtual mode. The theme of this year's Parv is "Quality and Sustainable Schools: Learnings from the Schools in India".
2. There will be a one-day Inaugural Conclave on 7 September, 2021 in which Hon'ble PM Mr. Narendra Modi has consented to grace the occasion where he will address a large number of teachers, parents and students. The schedule of the inaugural conclave and webinars on the different themes are being attached herewith as Annexure I and Annexure II. The link of the Webinar is as under:
Youtube link for PM address: https://voutu.be/Trs3rClk8Z0
PM webcast link (11:00 AM on 07th September,2021): https://pmindiawebcast.nic.in
Shikshak Parv webpage link : https://education.gov.in/shikshakparv
Number matters at every sphare, save yourself.
Sign the Petition Stop the conference in USA Universities promoting Genocide of Hindus all over world
VedicVibes - YouTube Greetings to everyone,We have created this channel to provide Veda Mantras with Meanings.Please share your views on our channel
बिहार में बंद होंगे एक से आठवीं तक के प्राइवेट स्कूल! जानिए नीतीश सरकार का नया आदेश बिहार में अब पहली से आठवीं तक का कोई भी निजी प्रारंभिक स्कूल बिना सरकार से स्वीकृति लिए संचालित नहीं हो सकेंगे। सर.....
*Dear Teachers and Parents of 5th to 12th std students,*
Make available India's ancient, universal, non-sectorial, tool called *Anapana Meditation* to 5th to 12 std children studying in your school or at home, which helps them to take control of their own mind and increases their concentration, memory, and self-confidence.
This exercise of the mind at an early age helps children in studying, playing sports, developing artistic qualities, live a good, peaceful, and happy life.
For more than *30* years, this technique has been taught to millions of children in India and many other countries.
*Mitra Upakram* (since 2011), a joint initiative of the Government of Maharashtra and Vipassana Research Institute, started teaching this technique to the 5th to 12th standard students as well as teachers and govt officials.
Every day, 70 min training of Anapana Meditation is being broadcasted to YouTube at a scheduled time in 6 languages, Marathi, Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Kanada
*Information about daily Anapana Training for children, parents, teachers is as follows:*
*When? :* Every Day
*Who can attend? :* 5th to 12th Std Students, parents, Teachers
*What Should I do? :* Join 70 min Training once in a semister/6 months and 10 min daily practice 2 times a day in the morning and evening
*How can I join? :* Click on the Youtube link, join at the scheduled time & follow the instructions given on the screen
*How much is the cost to attend Training? :* It is free of cost
*Daily Timing of 70 min Anapana Training:*
*Marathi:* 8:15 am to 9:25 am and 5:15 pm to 6:25 pm
*Hindi :* 9:45 am to 10:55 am
*English:* 11:15 am to 12:25 pm
*Tamil :* 12:45 pm to 1:55 pm
*Telugu :* 2:15 pm to 3:25 pm
*Kanada:* 3:45 pm to 4:55 pm
*10 min Daily Practice in respective language:*
Played 15 mins before respective 70 min training timing
*Discourse for parents and teachers(in Hindi):* 6.30 pm to 7.45 pm
*Join the 70 min Anapana Training*
*For more details or questions :* https://forms.gle/G2xTgVDh4eRAc9M39
Vipassana Research Institute
Mitra Upakram - YouTube Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
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Look at these, how wealthy we Indian are.
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यह डॉ. विकास दिव्यकीर्ति का निजी व प्रामाणिक पेज है। उद्देश्य है - जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं पर अप
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