: Those foreign students who intend to take admission in the 2024-2025 session may take note of the new system of first registering at the STUDY IN INDIA portal of the Indian Government (https://studyinindia.gov.in/admission/login) After filling in the form, a registration number will be generated which would be later on required for the registration at the FSR admission portal.
Study in India | Apply Now!
Namaste to All🇳🇵🇮🇳,
It's notified to all of you that we had appointed coordinators, so admission procedures gets smooth it is supposed to be.
We are requesting to all of our well wishers, kindly appluades this iniative with sharing this above message to their known one, who are looking for guidance to intake in their desired programmes and courses.
P.S.:- It's humble request with all our aspirants, try to avoid unnecessary calls to our coordinaters apart from the given time as it could be a distraction in their regular other activities such as study and all.
Note:- It's entirely student to student based mentorship or guidance, all of us are regular students pyrsuing their higher education from University of Delhi. We aren't associated neither any political nor third party agency.
The FSR Online Admission Portal 2023-24 is functional now. Kindly Mark the Last Date of Filling Form in Mind.
Also while filling form, face any difficulty feel free to Contact: +917042317044
NOTE: Our WhatsApp Admission Help Desk is Functional now feel free to Contact.
Thank You.
Team: NSADU🇳🇵
Attention: Due to the delay in the admission process of Indian nationals, the session 2022-2023 would start late. The UG classes are likely to start in the middle of October, PG classes by the end of October and the PhD coursework may begin only in the first week of November, 2022.
For More Detail Kindly WhatsApp Message: +9779828890215, +918595045009
For More details feel free to Contact +9779828890215, +918595045009 (WhatsApp Call and Message Only)
Team NSADU🇳🇵
Congratulations to all the students for their result of Class 12 (CBSE Board).Now you all have to mail Class 12th Marksheet, mail it to FSR id along with FSR Registration PDF mentioning a little overview about yourself in the mail body.
Thank You.
For More Detail Feel free to Contact: +918595045009,+977 982-8890215
The FSR Online Admission Portal 2022-23 is functional for very Short period of Time only. Kindly Mark the Last Date of Filling Form for only UG Courses
Also while filling form, faces any difficulty feel free to Contact: +918595045009,+977982-8890215 ✌
NOTE: Our WhatsApp Admission Help Desk is Functional now feel free to Contact.
Thank You.
Team: NSADU🇳🇵
List of Selected Students, Course- , Applied for Academic Session 2022-23via FSR has been Out.Nepalese Students those who have applied,Kindly Go through your Registration No in the Link below. Congratulations to Selected Students!!
and follow the FSR Link Given Below:+918595045009,+977 982-8890215
*Merit List is Combinely Presented for all Foreign National Students.
The FSR Online Admission Portal 2022-23 is functional now. Kindly Mark the Last Date of Filling Form in Mind.
Also while filling form, faces any difficulty feel free to Contact: +918595045009,+977982-8890215 ✌
NOTE: Our WhatsApp Admission Help Desk is Functional now feel free to Contact.
Thank You.
Team: NSADU🇳🇵
The FSR Online Admission Portal 2022-23 is functional now. Kindly Mark the Last Date of Filling Form in Mind.
Also while filling form, faces any difficulty feel free to Contact: +977982-8890215 ✌
Congratulations to all the student's for their results. Now you all have to mail Class 12th Marksheet, mail it to FSR id along with FSR Registration PDF mentioning little overview about yourself in mail body which is given below. Mail only to the give mail I'd and not the previous one.
।। नमस्ते।।:
Source: Indian Embassy, Kathmandu Nepal
Last Date for applying for all Bachelor's Course is extended further to June 30,2021. Applicants can apply without their final results.
Source: http://fsr.du.ac.in/deadlines.html
Admission-Foreign Students' Registry
The FSR Online Admission Portal 2021-22 is still functional now. Kindly Mark the Last Date of Filling Form in Mind.
Also while filling form, faces any difficulty feel free to Contact: +977 9828890215 .
राम नवमीको शुभ अवसरमा सबै देशवासीहरुलाई हार्दिक बधाई। यस उत्सव, मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम रामाको जन्मदिनमा मनाइन्छ, हामीलाई जीवन मा मर्यादा अनुसरण गर्न प्रेरित गर्दछ। आउनुहोस्, हामी सबै एक संकल्प लिन्छौंकि COVID-19 को महामारीलाई हामी सत्यनिष्ठा र संयमका साथ पराजित गर्नेछौं।
Hearty greetings to all countrymen on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami. This festival, celebrated on the birthday of Maryada Purushottam Rama, inspires us to follow Maryada in life. Let us all take a pledge that we will defeat the COVID-19 epidemic with integrity and restraint.
Filling up the examination form by the students for the semester examination II/IV/VI/VIII (UG, PG & Professional courses along with the Essential Repeaters,Improvement & Ex-Students) for Session May-June 2021
For More Detail Contact: +977 9828890215
Exam Form Link:- http://durslt.du.ac.in/DuExamForm_MJ2021/StudentPortal/Existing_Students/Login.aspx
Link: http://durslt.du.ac.in/DURSLT_ND2020/Students/Combine_GradeCard.aspx
For More Detail Contact: +9178273 12384,+9185976 27937 (WhatsApp Call & Message Only)
नव वर्ष प्रारम्भ २०७८ !
नयाँ सालको आगमन संगै नयाँ आयाम र नयाँ चुनौतीलाई आत्मसात गरौं ।
नयाँ वर्षमा सबैलाई सुख , शान्ति र स्वस्थकर जीवन मिलोस !
यहि शुभकामना🙏💐
New Year 2078 B.S. begins.
Let's assimilate new dimensions and new challenges with the arrival of the new year.
Happy New Year to you all.