Congratulations to all the Selected PGDC Power Plant Engineering Trainees of NPTI Kerala.
All the best for your career...
National Apex body for Training and HR Development in Power Sector under Ministry of Power
Operating as usual
Congratulations to all the Selected PGDC Power Plant Engineering Trainees of NPTI Kerala.
All the best for your career...
03 Days Training Program on "Renewable Energy & Grid Interface technology" inaugurated today by Shri. P Muthusamy, Director, NPTI Kerala. Executives from Andhra Pradesh New and Renewable Energy Development Centre and Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited are attending the program.
03 Days Training Program on " Power System Communication, SCADA and EMS" inaugurated today by Shri. P Muthusamy, Director, NPTI Kerala. Participants from KSEBL and KMML are attending the program.
Admission Notice for Job Oriented Post Diploma Courses @ NPTI Kerala
Admission starts for Job Oriented PGDC Courses @ NPTI Alappuzha, Kerala
Successfully concluded first batch of PGDC in T&D on 27.10.2021.
Best wishes to them.
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Kerala, an undertaking by the Higher Education Department of the Kerala Government visited Npti Alappuzha and discussed about mutually launching training programs in Kerala
NPTI Alappuzha Announces 6 month PGDC course on Transmission And Distribution Systems with 100% Placement assistance.
For details Please follow this link:-https://npti.gov.in/six-months-pgdc-transmission-and-distribution-npti-alappuzha
For Applying go to this link :- https://forms.gle/ottjmGYRuCY34yZv8
Three Days Online Training Program on “RENEWABLE ENERGY & GRID INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES” will be conducted by NPTI Kerala from 06th Oct, 2021-08th Oct, 2021. Utilities/organizations may send Nomination letter to [email protected]. For others, i.e. self-sponsored, candidates may register by filling Google Form on link given below:-
Three Days Online Training Program on “ENERGY AUDIT & ENERGY CONSERVATION” will be conducted by NPTI Kerala from 27th Sep, 2021-29th Sep, 2021. Utilities/organizations may send Nomination letter to [email protected]. For others, i.e. self-sponsored, candidates may register by filling Google Form on link given below:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from National Power Training Institute, Kerala...
We take the pleasure to inform you that National Power Training Institute (NPTI), Alappuzha, Kerala is organising 4-Week Online Internship Programme On“Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution” to be held from 1st February to 26th February, 2021.
The objective of the programme is to develop the fundamentals of Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution. It will provide a platform for an in-depth discussion with eminent faculties from academic background and industry.
You are requested to kindly nominate your students for participation in the above programme The brochure is attached herewith. For accessing the Registration Form, click the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y8na527y
For further details please contact:
Shri Anuj Pathak, Assistant Director (T/F)/Course Coordinator
Mobile/WhatsApp Number: +91-8001192258
Email ID: [email protected]
Registration Fee: The registration fee is Rs.4000/- (Inclusive of GST@18%).
All payments should be made through State Bank of India, SBI Collect.
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NPTI Kerala is announcing Placement oriented 26 Weeks Online Post Graduate Diploma Course in T&D Systems. Dates has been revised, last date to apply is 28.01.21
For Enquires : 0478 2955800, 8380097758.
For details please visit https://npti.gov.in/online-26-weeks-post-graduate-diploma-course-transmission-distribution-systems-pgdc-tdat-npti-kerala
Academic qualification is an inseparable part which enables us to apply for employment.
Each type of knowledge has value but from engineering point of view, Practical knowledge is more valuable than theoretical knowledge.
We at NPTI Alappuzha provides you practical exposure to you in the Core engineering.
We will train you INDUSTRY READY in the Core Sector
NPTI is Creating Power Engineers Since Five Decades
We mold your Engineering learnings in to Practical skills.
Amid COVID19, We are bringing physical classes to your home. (16 weeks Online + 10 weeks contact classes)
100% Placement Assistance
For more detail visit https://bit.ly/33GXOoW
Feel free to call 0478-2955800
210 MW TPP Simulator Training conducted Successfully for PGDC batch of NPTI(SR), NEYVELI (3-16 Sep'20)
3 weeks Online Internship Programme on Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution is being conducted in NPTI Alappuzha, Kerala from 07/09/2020 to 25/09/2020. Total 90 students from pan India engineering colleges have registered in the program.
Monday | 9:30am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 9:30am - 6pm |
Wednesday | 9:30am - 6pm |
Thursday | 9:30am - 6pm |
Friday | 9:30am - 5pm |
It is a coaching centre which provides personalised coaching at the most reasonable fee. It is an initiative of 'SSC Kerala'. Provides coaching for different central government exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, CPO, STENO and railway exams(RRB).
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