אנו מתכבדים להזמינכם לערב השקה לספרו של ד״ר Alex Valdman ״הגימנזיסטים: חינוך, אקטיביזם ומקורות האינטליגנציה היהודית באימפריה הרוסית״ (הוצאת הספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס).
בהשתתפותם יהיו: יו״ר: פרופ׳ ישראל ברטל, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, החוג להיסטוריה של עם ישראל ויהדות זמננו, דוברים: ד"ר סבטלנה נטקוביץ' אוניברסיטת חיפה, החוג לתולדות ישראל ומקרא, ד״ר רפי צירקין-סדן, האוניברסיטה הפתוחה, המחלקה לספרות, לשון ואומנויות, ד״ר ורה קפלן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב, החוג להיסטוריה כללית.
בתי ספר תיכוניים שפעלו ברחבי תחום המושב היו עבור צעירים וצעירות יהודים רבים נקודת המפגש הראשונה - והמכוננת - עם האימפריה הרוסית. תוצאות המפגש הזה היו מפתיעות: בניגוד לציפיות הממסד, לא הפכו בוגרי בתי הספר לנתינים נאמנים של הצאר; בניגוד לחששות הציונים, רובם לא הפכו למתבוללים-קרייריסטים; ובניגוד למתואר לא אחת במחקר, רובם לא פנו לפעילות מהפכנית. כיצד בכל זאת השפיעו בתי הספר? מדוע הייתה השפעתם חשובה? "הגימנזיסטים" מברר שאלות אלה, ומציע מתוך כך מבט חדש על תולדותיהם של היהודים דוברי הרוסית בואך המאה העשרים.
האירוע יתקיים ב-4 ביוני, 16:00, בחדר 458, בניין גילמן אוניברסיטת תל אביב. מחכים לראותכם!
The Roth Institute for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism, TAU
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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The Roth Institute for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism, TAU, College & University, 30 Chaim Levanon Street, Tel Aviv.
The Institute undertakes academic research and provides a forum for discussion of issues related to antisemitism and racism, their history, and their social, institutional and cultural settings, focusing on social and political manifestations since WWII.
Operating as usual
Balazs Berkovits the researcher at our Institute, spoke at the opening event of the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism about "The critique of ‘white Jews’ and antizionism":
Balázs Berkovits: "The critique of ‘white Jews’ and antizionism" Presentation at the conference of the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Sept 2022.
ספריית וינר לחקר התקופה הנאצית והשואה שמחה להזמינכם לאירוע שני בסדרת האירועים; ׳מדברים היסטוריה - על גרמנים ויהודים׳. האירוע יעסוק בספרה של פרופ׳ שולה וולקוב, ״גרמניה ויהודיה: היסטוריה אחרת״. פרופ' שולמית וולקוב, מחשובי ההיסטוריונים של גרמניה ויהודי גרמניה, מציעה לנו בספר מרתק זה זווית ראייה חדשה ומקורית: זווית הבוחנת את ההיסטוריה הגרמנית ממבט יהודי.
האירוע יתקיים ב-29.12.2022, יום חמישי בשעה 16:00, בספריית וינר הממוקמת בבניין וינר-גרוס מאחורי הספריה המרכזית ע״ש סוראסקי, באוניברסיטת תל אביב.
הכניסה חופשית אך נדרשת הרשמה מראש:
מתרגשים לראותכם!
אנו שמחים להזמינכם לאירוע פתיחה בסדרת האירועים; ׳מדברים היסטוריה - על גרמנים ויהודים׳. האירוע הראשון בסדרה יעסוק בספרו של פרופ׳ גיא מירון, ״להיות יהודי בגרמניה הנאצית: מרחב וזמן״.
״להיות יהודי בגרמניה הנאצית״ מראה כיצד השינויים המואצים שעברו בתוך שנים אחדות היהודים הגרמנים, בני קהילה שנודעה במובהק באורח החיים הבורגני שלה עד לתקופה זו, נוגעים לסוגיות ליבה של הקיום האנושי באשר הוא. בתוך כך הספר מציע דיון חדשני על עצם האפשרות העומדת לפני בניה ובנותיה של חברה הנתונה תחת דיכוי לנקוט, למרות הכול, יוזמה פעילה בעיצוב חוויות היומיום שלה.
האירוע יתקיים בהשתתפותן של פרופ‘ אלונה נצן-שיפטן מהטכניון, ופרופ׳ יפעת וייס מהאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. פרופ׳ ז׳וזה ברונר, מנהל אקדמי ספריית וינר, ינחה את האירוע.
האירוע יתקיים ב-07.12.2022, יום רביעי, בספריית וינר, הנמצאת מאחורי הספריה המרכזית ע״ש סוראסקי, באוניברסיטת תל אביב. יוגש כיבוד קל.
מתרגשים לראותכם!
We are delighted to announce that the podcast with Prof. Jan Grabowski, the recording of which we faciliated, has now been published and is available for listening and even watching.
We are happy to cordially invite you to the International Workshop titled "Defining Antisemitism between history and politics".
The workshop will provide a space for leading scholars from different disciplines (including political science, law, philosophy, linguistics, and history) to examine the current debate over definitions of antisemitism and to explore what is at stake in this debate. In this workshop we will address one of the most controversial issues, namely, the relationship between different forms of criticism of the State of Israel – its existence, its constitutional foundations, its identity as a Jewish state, its history, policies, or practices – and antisemitism. The workshop will address questions pertaining to definitions of antisemitism from diverse historical, theoretical, methodological, and political points of view, aiming to give historical and theoretical depth to a heated political debate.
The workshop will take place on May 30 to June 1, 2022, at Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. Please note that not all talks will be open to the public, as specified on the poster attached to this email.
A number of events will be broadcast live. Those interested will be able to watch the broadcasts here:
The closing session will be broadcasted here:
The two greetings and the lecture by Moshe Halbertal will not be broadcast but it will be recorded and made available for the public at a later date.
We hope to see you - in person or virtually - next week.
On Campus & Online | Closing Session | What Is Antisemitism - The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute On Campus & Online | Closing Session | What Is Antisemitism | אירועים של מכון ון ליר בנושאים: דת, חילון ויהדות, החברה הערבית והמזרח התיכון, פילוסופיה, תרבות ואמנות, פמיניזם ומגדר, מדע וטכנולוגיה...
We are thrilled to invite you to a special guest lecture by noted historian of the United States, Prof. Steve Ross (University of Southern California).
The title of his talk: The Secret War Against Hate: American Resistance to White Supremacy After 1945
The event will be held (in English) on Tuesday, May 17, at 17:00, in Webb 001, Tel Aviv University.
Center for US Studies at TAU
The Roth Institute for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism, TAU
How did ancient portraits come to be viewed as bearing importance on twentieth century Jews in Poland? What visual and material processes did the panel portraits undergo in the process? And what intellectual and political ends were they intended to serve?
Read in an article by our Institute's director, Prof. Amos Morris-Reich, in the e-catalogue of the Met Museum in New York.
Curatorial Interpretation: Portrait of a Youth (09.181.4) and Inserted Panel Portrait (11.139) One of the strangest chapters in the history of the ancient panel portraits from the Fayum region in Egypt took place in the 1930s and 1940s in N**i Germany. In a process that involved archeologists, art historians, scholars of ancient Judaism and early Christianity, and geneticists, the panel portr...
The Stephen Roth Institute for Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism, in collaboration with leading institutions for the study of antisemitism, is cordially inviting you to the International Workshop titled "Defining Antisemitism between history and politics".
The workshop will provide a space for leading scholars from different disciplines (including political science, law, philosophy, linguistics, and history) to examine the current debate over definitions of antisemitism and to explore what is at stake in this debate. In this workshop we will address one of the most controversial issues, namely, the relationship between different forms of criticism of the State of Israel – its existence, its constitutional foundations, its identity as a Jewish state, its history, policies, or practices – and antisemitism. The workshop will address questions pertaining to definitions of antisemitism from diverse historical, theoretical, methodological, and political points of view, aiming to give historical and theoretical depth to a heated political debate.
The workshop will take place on May 30 to June 1, 2022, at Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. Please note that not all talks will be open to the public, as specified on the poster attached to this email.
We are glad to announce that Prof. Jan Grabowski is visiting Tel Aviv in May, and he will be giving a number of public lectures.
The following lectures will take place:
Public Lecture of the Institute for the History of Polish Jewry and Israel-Poland Relations and the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center
The Lecture will be held on Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 12:00
Room 496, Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv
Inter-University Research Seminar in Russian and Eastern European Studies for advanced students and research fellows
The Seminar will be held on Sunday, 1 May 2022, 18:00
Room 133, Gilman Building, Tel Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv
Workshop for research students in collaboration with the Wiener Library
for the Study of the N**i Era and the Holocaust
The Workshop will be held on Sunday, 15 May 2022, 10:00 – 14:00
Wiener Library, Tel Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv
We are glad to announce that Mr. Stephen Naron from Fortunoff Video Archives for Holocaust Testimonies will be giving a presentation titled "Fortunoff Video Archives for Holocaust Testimonies".
Originally a 1979 film project collection in New Haven, Connecticut, the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies was donated in 1981 to Yale University and is today part of Yale University Library. The Fortunoff Archive currently holds more than 4,400 testimonies, which are comprised of over 12,000 recorded hours of videotape. Testimonies were produced in cooperation with thirty-six affiliated projects across North America, South America, Europe, and Israel, and each project maintains a duplicate collection of locally recorded videotapes. The lecture will discuss the archive’s collections and projects, ranging from testimonies to ethnomusicological recordings, documentary film series, podcasts and networks.
The presentation will take place on Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 18:00 on ZOOM. To receive a link register here:
One of the strangest chapters in the history of the ancient panel portraits from the Fayum region in Egypt took place in the 1930s and 1940s in N**i Germany. In a process that involved archeologists, art historians, scholars of ancient Judaism and early Christianity, and geneticists, the panel portraits became scientific, "racial" evidence in the study of ancient and contemporary "races," and in the "biological history" of ancient Egypt and ancient and contemporary Jews. How did ancient portraits come to be viewed as bearing importance on twentieth century Jews in Poland? What visual and material processes did the panel portraits undergo in the process? And what intellectual and political ends were they intended to serve?
Read more in our director's, Amos Morris-Reich's, curatorial interpretation to "Mummy with an Inserted Panel Portrait of a Youth A.D. 80–100".
Mummy with an Inserted Panel Portrait of a Youth | Roman Period | The Metropolitan Museum of Art Until recently, the list of references for this panel portrait included a variety of publications in which this piece is discussed. Among these books and articles, one could have also found its controversial use in a 1943 publication entitled Das Antike Weltjudentum (The Ancient World Jewry)
We are glad to announce the second episode of our podcast series "Antisemitism, Holocaust Memory and National Narratives in the Former Eastern Bloc".
Hungary’s Jewish community is the largest in central and eastern Europe, and its regime the most ‘advanced’ among its neighbors in undoing the tenets of liberal democracy. How does this affect the memory of the Holocaust in the country, as well as Jewish life more broadly?
Dr Raphael Vago, retired Senior Lecturer in History and research fellow at the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University, joins us in the studio.
Jewish Life in the Time of ‘Illiberal Democracy’ - Tel Aviv Review Hungary's Jewish community is the largest in central and eastern Europe, and its regime the most 'advanced' among its neighbors in undoing the tenets of liberal democracy. How does this affect the memory of the Holocaust in the country?
The Stephen Roth Institute would like to invite you to an event organized with the Inter-University Partnership in Russian and East European Studies, "The Holocaust in Hungary in Comparative Perspectives", talk by Dr. Gabor Kadar. The talk will discuss with the role of the Hungarian state in the deportation of Hungarian Jews, through “zooming out” and embedding the Hungarian story into the wider European picture.
Dr. Attila Novák, senior researcher at the Goldziher Institute, Budapest, Hungary, and the National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary.
Dr. Balázs Berkovits, researcher at the Stephen Roth Institute, Tel Aviv University, and the Bucerius Institute, University of Haifa.
The talk will happen over ZOOM, on 12 December 2021, 18:00 Israel time.
Registration is required and can be done by clicking here: https://bit.ly/3xnobh5
The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism is glad to extend the invitation to conversation with Sol Golberg and Scott Ury discussing their co-edited volume on antisemitism:
Please join us on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 1:00PM (EST) / 20:00 (Jerusalem) for a conversation with Sol Goldberg and Scott Ury on their co-edited volume (together with Kalman Weiser) Key Concepts in the Study of Antisemitism. Leading the conversation with Goldberg and Ury is Stefanie Schuler-Springorum.
Sol Goldberg is Associate Professor in the Department for the Study of Religion and the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto; Scott Ury is Senior Lecturer in Tel Aviv University's Department of Jewish History where he is also Director of the Eva and Marc Besen Institute for the Study of Historical Consciousness and Senior Editor of the journal History & Memory: Studies in Representation of the Past; and Stefanie Schuler-Springorum is Historian and Director of the Center for Research on Antisemitism in Berlin as well as member of the Board of Directors of the Selma Stern Center for Jewish Studies Berlin-Brandenburg.
Registration is required to attend this Webinar event. Register in advance here: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DswXeXOYTXGryWISnsrsYg
The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism would like to share this call for papers for an international workshop on the topic of Defining Antisemitism.
The workshop aims to provide a space for scholars from different disciplines (including political science, law, philosophy, linguistics, and history) to examine the current debate over definitions of antisemitism and to explore what is at stake in this debate. In this workshop we wish to address one of the most controversial issues, namely, the relationship between different forms of criticism of the State of Israel – its existence, its constitutional foundations, its identity as a Jewish state, its history, policies, or practices – and antisemitism. The workshop will address questions pertaining to definitions of antisemitism from diverse historical, theoretical, methodological, and political points of view. It aims to give historical and theoretical depth to a heated political debate.
Scholars of all disciplines are invited to submit proposals for lectures to be delivered at the workshop.
Proposals (500–700 words) and a curriculum vitae should be submitted by email to [email protected]
by November 15, 2021
We are overjoyed to announce the first podcast in a series our Institute has organized with Tel Aviv Review on TLV 1. The series is a part of the project "Antisemitism, Holocaust Memory and National Narratives in the Former Eastern Bloc", dealing with forms and functions of antisemitism and the politicization of memory. The first episode is an interview with Dr Radu Ioanid, Romanian Ambassador to Israel and historian of Romanian Jewry, discussing his book "The Ransom of the Jews: The Story of the Extraordinary Secret Bargain between Romania and Israel", and Holocaust memory in contemporary Romania.
We invite you to listen to the podcast here:
From Romania, For Cash - Tel Aviv Review Dr Radu Ioanid discusses how, over decades, hundreds of thousands of Romanian Jews were exchanged for money, livestock and goods
The Stephen Roth Institute is happy to extend the invitation to an international POLIN conference titled "What’s New, What’s Next? Innovative Methods, New Sources, and Paradigm Shifts in Jewish Studies", which the Institute coorganized. At the conference, we will be looking for answers to the following questions: What constitutes Jewish studies today and in which direction should we be heading? Which paradigms are guiding the field today? How are theoretical and methodological developments in the humanities and social sciences shaping Jewish studies? How are scholars working in a broad range of disciplines – history, social sciences, literature, visual and performing arts, and other disciplines – contributing to the field? What are interdisciplinary approaches contributing to the field? What is the impact of studies of Jewish life in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on a wider understanding of world history?
4 Keynotes:
François Guesnet, "The Narcissism of Small Differences? Reflections on Jewish Studies and Jewish Area Studies";
Havi Dreifuss, "Beyond traditional methods: Five Thoughts of what is New and What is Next in Jewish Studies";
Marcin Wodziński, "What's Next in Jewish Studies: Prospects and Challenges";
Gerben Zaagsma, "Exploring Jewish History in the Digital Age".
The online conference will take place on 3-7 October 2021.
Registration opened on 13 September, and can be done here:
International conference "What’s New, What’s Next?" - registration opens on September 13 | Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN w Warszawie We invite scholars working in Jewish Studies to propose panels for the international interdisciplinary, online conference. The conference will explore new directions in the study of East and Central European Jews.
Happy and Healthy New Year to all our friends!
The Roth Institute mourns the recent passing of Prof. Yechiel (Hilik) Klar of TAU's School of Psychological Studies.
Trained as a social psychologist, Hilik specialized in the study of memory and its relationship to collective identity and inter-group reconciliation. He was a frequent participant and contributor to different events at TAU's Roth Institute over the past decade and his rare combination of intellectual curiosity and academic generosity will be missed by his many colleagues, students and friends in Israel, Central Europe and North America.
Copies of many of Hilik's publications can be found on his personal webpage:
Hilik Klar | Tel Aviv University - Academia.edu Academia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
We are glad to share an article exploring the discourse in which Jews have come to be defined as "white", written by Balazs Berkovits, a researcher at our Institute.
"How have Jews come to be defined as “white” in much of present-day critical discourse? Why has it become an important matter to be able to describe Jews as being part of the dominators and privileged in society, and to label Israel as a “settler colonial” entity based on Jewish, or at least, white supremacy, as a practice in apartheid? “Whiteness” symbolizes majority status and dominance, and, in a global perspective, even conquest and subjugation of other ethnic/national groups. True, when Jews are dubbed “white” in this sense, it certainly has a special flavor to it."
What Color Are the Jews? (Part I) - Jews, Europe, the XXIst century How did Jews come to be defined as "white" by a critical discourse in vogue today? Why do we label Jews as dominant or privileged - and Israel as a colonial entity practicing apartheid motivated by Jewish and white supremacism? Part one of an essay by Balázs Berkovits on the supposed color of Jews....
The Stephen Roth Instute staff had the honor of meeting His Excellency Romanian Ambassador Dr. Radu Ioanid, who is also a historian of antisemitism, fascism and the Holocaust in Romania. We discussed the work of our Institute and Dr. Ioanid’s contribution to Holocaust studies and fighting global antisemitism, as well as potential joined future projects involving research of Holocaust memory in Eastern European countries and a podcast on the topic.
Roth Institute Statement Regarding the Current Wave of Violence:
We would like to invite you to an event titled "Defining Antisemitism: Expectations and Fallacies", A Panel Discussion
Following the Publication of the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA), chaired by Prof. Vivian Liska University of Antwerp; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with panellists Prof. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, The Center for Research on Antisemitism (ZfA), Berlin, Prof. Amos Morris-Reich, the director of Stephen Roth Institute, Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Raef Zreik, Tel Aviv University; The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
The event will take place on Sunday, TODAY, 9.5.2021, 20:00 Israel Time, 1:00PM EST, on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/vanleer.institute, and the The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Website Vanleer.org.il See less
We would like to invite you to an event titled "Defining Antisemitism: Expectations and Fallacies", A Panel Discussion
Following the Publication of the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA), chaired by Prof. Vivian Liska University of Antwerp; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with panellists Prof. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, The Center for Research on Antisemitism (ZfA), Berlin, Prof. Amos Morris-Reich, the director of Stephen Roth Institute, Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Raef Zreik, Tel Aviv University; The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
The event will take place on Sunday, 9.5.2021, 20:00 Israel Time, 1:00PM EST, on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/vanleer.institute, and the The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Website Vanleer.org.il
We would like to invite you to an event titled "Defining Antisemitism: Expectations and Fallacies", A Panel Discussion
Following the Publication of the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism (JDA), chaired by Prof. Vivian Liska University of Antwerp; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with panellists Prof. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, The Center for Research on Antisemitism (ZfA), Berlin, Prof. Amos Morris-Reich, the director of Stephen Roth Institute, Tel Aviv University, and Dr. Raef Zreik, Tel Aviv University; The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
The event will take place on Sunday, 9.5.2021, 20:00 Israel Time, 1:00PM EST, on Facebook live at https://www.facebook.com/vanleer.institute, and the The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Website Vanleer.org.il
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