Selection tests provide a common academic measure for applicants from different school systems or universities and can assess particular capabilities, aptitudes and skills not captured by school results such as critical thinking, problem solving and higher order reasoning.
In the session, attendees will broadly review the history of selection testing and learn about the end-to-end process followed by ACER in developing and delivering robust selection testing programs, including:
- Assessment frameworks and test blueprints
- Test development and peer-review processes
- Standard setting
- Psychometric analysis
- Gain insights into the benefits and potential risks of these programs.
ACER has been working with universities and colleges for decades in support of their admissions and selection needs, including universities from Australia, UK, New Zealand, US, Europe and Asia. The facilitator of this workshop, Alistair Macleod, has been leading many ACER projects in tertiary and higher education and is currently a Director in Tertiary and Professional Education Services at Australian Council for Educational Research.
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024.* More info or register directly to the workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
ACER Indonesia
ACER Indonesia is an independent research organisation providing world-class research. See our full legal agreement at
ACER Indonesia’s mission is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning across the life span. ACER Indonesia reserves the right to delete comments that are off-topic, inappropriate, abusive, defamatory, unlawful or written in languages other than English or Bahasa Indonesia and to ban violating users.
Operating as usual
There are a large and increasing number of constructs (skills, attributes, characteristics, values, and dispositions) that are deemed important for students holistic development. There are also an ever-expanding range of theoretical frameworks that cluster and categorise these constructs into something meaningful in relation to different policies and practice. Rather than focusing on quantity, it is more manageable, sustainable, and realistic for education systems, and by proxy educators, to identify and focus on the essential skills that will have the highest impact on students learning.
This workshop will increase participants understanding of these essential skills and how they develop. Participants will see examples of assessments measuring the skills across a range of learning areas and contexts. They will have an opportunity to develop some hands-on experience of developing assessment items for their own context under the guidance of our ACER experts. Finally, participants will be provided with resources to support teacher observation and development of the skills in the classroom so they can assess and monitor growth.
This workshop will be facilitated by Dr Claire Scoular, Senior Resesach Fellow in ACER. As an assessment specialist, Dr Scoular's work focuses on the application and improvement of psychological measurement. Primarily, her expertise revolves around holistic development, with specific interest in the assessment and growth of complex constructs. She has worked directly with global organisations and ministries of education in over 30 countries to develop assessments and progress the integration of 21st century skills in learning outcomes.
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024.* More info or register directly to the workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
Individual performance is invariably dependent on factors like age, grade, gender, or learning background. Psychological and educational tests are often used to make important decisions and assess students' learning journey. Understanding continuous norming will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to navigate this powerful technique, transforming the understanding of individual performance and growth.
A senior lecturer and psychometrician, Urip Purwono, PhD spent his time in many test development projects as an author or a lead psychometrician; ranging from academic to corporate use. He is the author of psychological tests, most are widely used in Indonesia namely Test of Learning Ability, Comprehensive Cognitive Ability Test, General Cognitive Ability Test, and Multi-Factor Personality Inventory.
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024.* More info or register directly to the workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
This workshop aims to demonstrate how the modelling of growth can be done simultaneously within the IRT framework to produce both valid and reliable measures as well as estimates of initial ability and growth over time. Two different approaches to modelling growth, including linear and non-linear growth, will be explored in this workshop:
Method 1 - Involves fitting Latent Growth Item Response Models (LG-IRM).
Method 2 - Involves fitting a more classical item response model (IRM).
Both approaches offer the benefit of undertaking growth analysis within the framework of IRT and therefore allow analysts to use traditional IRT based statistics including measures of item-fit, and DIF between groups.
This session will be facilitated by Dr Dan Cloney, the co-author of ACER ConQuest 5, a computer program for fitting both unidimensional and multidimensional item response and latent regression models. ACER ConQuest is used to model data in large scale assessment studies including OECD PISA, and in national assessment programs, including the Australian National Assessment Program (NAP).
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024*. More info or register directly to the workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
Standard setting is a critical part of educational, licensing, and certification testing. It is the methodology used to define levels of achievement or proficiency and the cut scores corresponding to those levels. It is not simply a methodological procedure but rather an opportunity to incorporate educational policy into a state’s assessment system based on learning evidence. This workshop is beneficial for policy makers, test developers, measurement specialists and lecturers of educational evaluation and assessment.
The leader of this workshop, Bahrul Hayat, PhD is one of Indonesia’s leading psychometricians. He received his PhD from Chicago University, USA, with dissertation titled ‘A Mathematics Item Bank for Indonesia’ (1992). He is serving as the head of the Indonesian Education Evaluation Association (Himpunan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia, HEPI) and was the former secretary general of Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA). He is currently the Vice Rector for Academics, Human Resources, and Student Affairs at the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII).
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024*. More info or register directly to the workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
For a large-scale or national assessment to achieve its desired outcomes, it needs to have the right content, and the development of this content needs to be managed properly. This one-day workshop provides invaluable insight and practical tips on managing test content for large-scale assessments.
The facilitator of this workshop, Mark Butler, is a Senior Research Fellow at the ACER specialising in Literacy and Mathematics assessment, he has managed content development for numerous national and international assessment programmes, including PISA.
Will be explored in this workshop:
- Using an assessment framework to guide test development
- Managing the development of cognitive instruments
- Managing the development of contextual instruments
- Ensuring the assessment is inclusive, accessible and fair
- Creating tools to support content developers
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia. The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024*. More info on our website or to register directly to the workshop .
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
In the current economic scenario, there is considerable discussion about the importance of integrating general competencies (sometimes referred to as 21st century skills) into school curricula. The workshop aims to help participants understand the process of transforming theoretical knowledge into an implemented programme based on practical experience.
This workshop will be led by Dr Priyanka Sharma who holds the position of Research Director in ACER India. Dr Priyanka is a research scientist who is passionate about innovations and evidence-based decisions in education systems. Before joining ACER India, she has worked in various roles and organisations, including at Khan Academy, the National Testing Agency, the Centre for Assessment, Evaluation and Research (a private-public partnership between the Central Board of Secondary Education and Pearson Foundation), and the Azim Premji Foundation.
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) in Anvaya Hotel Bali, Indonesia.
The pre-conference workshops will be conducted concurrently on Thursday, 10 October 2024*. More info or register directly to Dr Priyanka's workshop
*ACER reserves the right to cancel or change a workshop if there are fewer than 25 participants per each workshop.
ICAL 2024 features a variety of workshops facilitated by leading experts. Each workshop provides a certificate upon completion, detailing the course description and duration. Participants can join one from several concurrent workshops.
Join us in Bali on 10 October for the pre-conference workshop, and from 11 to 12 October for the main conference.
For more information about the workshops, please visit
Secure your spot now! Visit to register for the workshops and conference.
We are pleased to offer a limited number of partial grants to international participants (non-Indonesian) for the upcoming International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) 2024. Partial grants for the conference admission for international participants are available until the end of July and managed by each subsidiary.
To apply for these partial grants, please submit your Expression of Interest by visiting:
For further inquiries, please contact us at [email protected]
Dr Anindito Aditomo earned his bachelor's degree in Psychology from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia, and both his Master and Doctor of Philosophy in Education from the University of Sydney, Australia.
He was granted Georg Forster Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and was a recipient of the University of Sydney International Scholarship and Australian Development Scholarship.
Dr Anindito will give a keynote titled 'National assessment: Quality mapping and policy development' at the International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) 2024 on 11 October 2024. Register through
Sejak Agustus 2023, Labschool Cibubur bekerja sama dengan ACER Indonesia menggunakan PAT Matematika untuk mengidentifikasi titik awal pembelajaran, target pembelajaran, dan perkembangan murid. PAT didukung oleh pendekatan Progressive Achiement: gagasan bahwa semua murid dapat dibantu menunjukkan kemajuan, terlepas dari titik awal mereka.
"Data laporan PAT memungkinkan kami untuk melihat kemajuan nyata dalam pembelajaran matematika murid kami", ungkap Ibu Dian, guru matematika kelas 6 Labschool Cibubur.
Ibu Dina, guru matematika kelas 6 Labschool juga menambahkan bahwa PAT memungkinkan guru menganalisis setiap butir tes dan melaluinya mengetahui secara pasti jenis materi pembelajaran apa saja yang sudah dikuasai dan mana yang belum dikuasai, sehingga guru dapat mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dalam memberikan materi dan kegiatan belajar khusus sesuai kebutuhannya.
Bergabunglah dengan ribuan sekolah yang telah menggunakan pendekatan Progressive Achievement untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kunjungi untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
Dikembangkan oleh Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), PAT Matematika dapat menjadi pilihan asesmen diagnostik untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan murid per kelas hingga ke tingkat individu dan memonitor perkembangan mereka secara progresif. Data asesmen PAT dapat digunakan oleh guru untuk merancang proses pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien.
Tim PAT di Indonesia menyelenggarakan webinar secara berkala yang memungkinkan setiap guru dan pimpinan sekolah untuk mengupas lebih dalam teori Learning Progression dan konsep yang mendasari PAT, termasuk sistem skoring serta bentuk-bentuk pelaporan hasil belajar yang dapat dihasilkan secara instan oleh sistem PAT.
Kami telah menyiapkan beberapa pilihan slot webinar sebelum tahun ajaran baru; dimulai pada tanggal 20 dan 28 Juni, serta 4, 12, dan 18 Juli.
Daftarkan diri Anda melalui
Dr Silvia Montoya is the Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics since 2015. Dr Montoya brings the Institute extensive experience in a wide range of national and international initiatives to improve the quality, management and use of education statistics, with a specific focus on learning assessments.
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), she has taken a leadership role within the international education community by helping to build consensus around the standards, methodologies and indicators needed to measure progress towards Education 2030.
Silvia will give a keynote titled 'Monitoring progress towards the SDGs' at the International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) 2024 on 12 October 2024. Register through
We see many countries that undertake reforms amount to nothing more than tweaking what they currently have, making minor modifications to existing arrangements and not engaging in deep reform. It is often the case that these countries look to teachers to solve the problem, concluding that the problem must be the quality of teachers, or the kinds of teaching methods that are being used.
In the special Teacher podcast miniseries, Professor Masters and Teacher editor Jo Earp discuss how the 5 high performing jurisdictions recognise the importance to look at the content of the curriculum, on what we now value and are looking for in young people, what kind of knowledge, what kind of skills, and what kind of personal attributes and dispositions to prepare young people for the future.
Prof Masters will give his keynote at the International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) this October 2024. Register now through the link in bio.
Access the past three keynote addresses from ICAL 2022: Geoff Masters, CEO of ACER, presenting the topic of Transforming Educational Assessment; John Hattie, Emeritus Laureate Professor from the University of Melbourne, discussing the Status of Classroom Assessment to Support Learning; Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the OECD, bringing the topic of Leveraging PISA to Build Better Education Systems – Some Lessons for Southeast Asia.
Stay tune for more update. See the current program for ICAL 2024 here
Students in the Pacific Islands face challenges to their learning, with those from disadvantaged backgrounds at greater risk of lower learning outcomes. That’s why we’re working closely with local, regional and global partners to improve quality and equity in learning in the region. Discover more >
Strengthening education in the Pacific ACER is working with partners to improve quality and equity in learning in the Pacific Islands.
Selamat Hari Pendidikan Nasional!
Telah lebih dari 30 tahun berjalan sejak Australian Council for Educational Research memulai kerja bersamanya dengan berbagai pegiat pendidikan di Indonesia,dan terhitung 9 tahun sejak Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara tempat ACER secara resmi berdiri untuk memberikan fokusnya dalam mendukung upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan nasional.
Menjadi sumber yang dapat dipercaya dalam pertimbangan pengambilan kebijakan hingga pengembangan praktif baik berbasis data komprehensif yang dihasilkan lewat riset-riset yang dilakukan tidak hanya di Indonesia namun juga di seluruh dunia, ACER berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan kontribusi yang valid dan berstandar global untuk membekali setiap anak dan pendidik dengan kompetensi yang lebih luas serta relevan dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa kini dan mendatang.
Ketika perempuan di semua lapisan masyarakat diberdayakan untuk memiliki suara, agensi, dan partisipasi yang bermakna dalam setiap bentuk pengambilan keputusan ekonomis, manfaat yang muncul akan luas dan dirasakan oleh semua pihak.
Secara global, perempuan yang hidup dalam kemiskinan sering dipaksa melakukan eksploitasi akan seksualitasnya dan anak-anak perempuan kerap kali dikecualikan dari dunia pendidikan. Pernikahan anak serta pemberian prioritas bagi anak laki-laki untuk mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak adalah hal familiar di telinga kita hingga saat ini.
Hak perempuan dan anak perempuan di semua aspek kehidupan nyatanya adalah bagian dari keharusan untuk menjamin hak asasi manusia, dan satu-satunya jalan untuk memastikan terwujudnya ekonomi yang makmur dan adil.
Tim ACER Indonesia berkesempatan untuk ikut serta dalam acara Seminar Nasional dan Pengukuhan Pengurus Himpunan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia (HEPI) UKD Lampung yang dihadiri oleh Ketua HEPI (Himpunan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia) Pusat, Bapak Bahrul Hayat, PhD, Ketua HEPI UKD Lampung, Prof Dr Undang Rosidin, MPd, perwakilan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Lampung, perwakilan Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Lampung, Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Lampung, Rektor IBI Darmajaya Lampung, perwakilan STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung, Ketua STKIP Al-Islam Tunas Bangsa Lampung, Dekan FKIP Unila, narasumber seminar, para Kepala Musyawarah Kerja Kepala Sekolah (MKKS), guru, serta segenap Pengurus Yayasan Jannatun Naim Lampung.
Selain mengokohkan kerjasama dengan seluruh UKD HEPI, tim ACER Indonesia juga secara langsung memberikan sesi informasi mengenai Progressive Achievement Test (PAT) kepada seluruh peserta seminar untuk mendukung upaya pengukuran capaian pembelajaran murid di tingkat SD, SMP, hingga SMA di Lampung.
ACER Indonesia serta perwakilan tim PAT yang menghadiri acaranya secara langsung, Program Manager ACER Indonesia, Bapak Dona Dinata, Project Officer Ibu Raisha Sastri, dan Product Assistant Tamma Musholeha berterimakasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan oleh HEPI UKD Lampung, semoga kerjasama dapat terus terjalin dengan baik.
Early bird registrations for are now open!
High quality education is critical for creating global peace and prosperity. That’s why significant work has been undertaken by education stakeholders around the world to enable countries to monitor progress towards SDG 4.
This year, ACER's biannual event the International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) will specifically highlight the importance of high-quality assessment evidence for monitoring learning and informing practices within the classroom, projects, and policy-level.
ICAL 2024 is initiated by the Australian Council for Educational Research-Indonesia in collaboration with the Indonesian Educational Evaluation Association (HEPI), and the Indonesian Psychometric Association (APSIMETRI). This initiative is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) Republic of Indonesia.
Join us in Bali on 10 October for the pre-conference workshop and 11 to 12 October. Visit our website for the current program and more to come!
welcomes abstracts from a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives. Submissions are organised into streams and substreams*:
• Educational assessment
• Monitoring & evaluation
• Professional & capacity development in education
• Applied psychometrics
• Psychology & education
*Read details
Start creating your presenter's account through our abstract submission system ConfTool
For questions about the submission process and other inquiries, please email [email protected]
Save the date! The 2nd International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL) is coming with the theme of 'Learning from Evidence: Assessing Progress and Impact'.
Join us to participate in the selection of workshops on 10 October and get access to the latest insights and research in the two-day conference on 11 and 12 October 2024 in Bali, Indonesia.
Mengawali tahun ini, tim ACER Indonesia menghadiri diskusi bersama Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta untuk membahas kerjasama yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendukung upaya peningkatan hasil pembelajaran murid di tingkat SD, SMP, hingga SMA dan SMK.
Terima kasih atas kepercayaan yang diberikan oleh tim Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta kepada kami, semoga kerjasama yang baik dapat terus berlanjut dan membawa manfaat.
ACER Indonesia berterima kasih kepada para mitra atas pencapaian kolektif yang telah diraih sepanjang tahun 2023. Bersama-sama berkontribusi meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia; dari tingkat pendidikan anak usia dini hingga pendidikan tinggi, dari kuliah umum hingga pengembangan profesional, dan asesmen ruang kelas hingga tingkat nasional.
Di tahun 2024 ini, kami berharap terus dapat berjalan bersama para mitra dalam berbagai program dan aktivitas bermakna.
The ever-growing number of school-based mental health and psychosocial wellbeing programs makes it challenging to identify those that are effective. That’s why Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski and Katherine Dix conducted a review on behalf of the GEM Centre to understand how mental health and wellbeing programs in schools can influence academic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. Read about our findings:
Dr Katherine Dix will also present an upcoming webinar to further discuss the multi-dimensional aspects of wellbeing. The webinar will also look at how mental health and wellbeing programs in schools can influence academic outcomes through our research-based best practices.
Topic: Fostering Both Happiness and Achievement Among Students: How Can We Make It Work?
Date: Thursday, 7 December 2023.
Time: 13:00 - 15:00 Jakarta Time || 17:00 – 19:00 AEST
The webinar will be conducted in English via Zoom Meeting. Register yourself through this link:
Identifying effective school-based mental health and wellbeing programs New study finds school-based mental health and wellbeing programs have the potential to improve student academic outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
Anak-anak dengan tingkat wellbeing yang lebih baik cenderung lebih berprestasi di bidang akademis serta terlibat secara aktif dalam berbagai inisiatif di sekolah, baik saat ini maupun di kehidupannya di masa mendatang.
Pemahaman yang lebih mendalam terhadap aspek wellbeing yang sifatnya multidimensi diperlukan sebelum kita dapat membuat perbandingan langsung antara wellbeing (yang sering digunakan bergantian dengan istilah kebahagiaan) dan prestasi akademis. Aspek fisik, psikologis, sosial, hingga kognitif adalah beberapa komponen utama yang perlu dimengerti dalam kerangka wellbeing.
Mari bergabung dalam webinar ini di mana kami akan membahas berbagai konsep di atas berdasarkan praktik terbaik berbasis riset yang telah kami lakukan secara global.
Daftarkan diri Anda melalui tautan berikut:
Webinar ini bebas biaya dan akan dibawakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Sertifikat elektronik akan diberikan pada peserta setelah acara.
Pada tanggal 18-19 November 2023, mitra kerja kami, HEPI (Himpunan Evaluasi Pendidikan Indonesia) menyelenggarakan International Conference on Educational Research and Evaluation (ICERE) 2023 yang mengangkat tema “Enhancing Students’ Achievement Through the Assessment of Learning Progression”.
Dalam konferensi ini, Direktur School and Early Childhood Education Services ACER, Jarrod Hingston, Ph.D. diundang sebagai pembicara di sesi panel. Melalui presentasinya, Jarrod menjelaskan bagaimana ACER selalu menggunakan hasil riset dalam mengembangkan seluruh produknya, termasuk asesmen diagnostik di mana pengidentifikasian akurat mengenai posisi awal serta perubahan yang terjadi di sepanjang perjalanan belajar peserta didik menjadi kunci utama bagi seluruh stakeholder pendidikan yang bertekad untuk melakukan pembelajaran tertarget demi kemajuan setiap murid.
ACER berterimakasih untuk kerjasama yang telah terjalin, dan menantikan kolaborasi yang akan datang.
Dari kiri ke kanan: Prof. Dr. Drs. Muchlas Suseno, M.Pd. (Guru Besar Bidang Ilmu Evaluasi Pendidikan,UNJ), Dr. Jarrod Hingston (Direktur School and Early Childhood Education Services ACER) Prof. Dr. Dedi Purwana ES, M.Bus (Direktur Program Pascasarjana, UNJ), Dr. Abdul Kahar, M.Pd. (Kepala Pusat Layanan Pembiayaan Pendidikan, Kemendikbudristek) Dra. Asrijanty, M.A., Ph.D. (Kepala Pusat Asesmen Pendidikan, Kemendikbudristek), Prof. Dr. Ari Saptono, S.E., M.Pd. (Wakil Rektor II Bidang Umum dan Keuangan, UNJ), Ibu ST Mariam Kartikatresni, M.M (Direktur, ACER Indonesia), Bpk. Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D (Ketua Umum HEPI), Prof. Dr. Awaluddin Tjalla, M.Pd. (Koordinator Program Doktor Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, UNJ), Bpk. Temu Ismail, S.Pd., M.Si. (Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan, Kemendikbudristek), Prof. Wang Yonghui, Ph.D. (Central China National University)
Dikembangkan oleh Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) merupakan asesmen diagnostik untuk melakukan pembelajaran sesuai target dan pengajaran terdiferensiasi. Dukungan yang diberikan oleh PAT juga dapat meringankan beban guru dalam hal administratif seperti pembuatan asesmen diagnostik secara mandiri dan pelaporan setelah asesmen dilakukan.
Webinar yang dibuat untuk para guru, pimpinan, dan pemangku kebijakan sekolah ini akan mengupas lebih dalam mengenai teori Learning Progression dan konsep yang mendasari PAT, termasuk sistem skoring serta bentuk-bentuk pelaporan hasil belajar yang dapat dihasilkan oleh sistem PAT.
Kami telah menyiapkan beberapa pilihan slot webinar yaitu di tanggal 29 dan 30 November, serta 7 dan 8 Desember 2023. Daftarkan diri Anda melalui link berikut:
There is increasing international recognition of the need to foster engaged, active and critical learners that take action for sustainable development. That is why global citizenship education is included as a target under SDG 4.7.
To help support countries in the Asia-Pacific region implement and monitor global citizenship education, we’ve been working with Unesco Apceiu to develop a new framework and tools. These resources are based on a review co-funded by the ACER-Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade GEM Centre.
Click the card below to discover more.
Being and becoming global citizens New GEM Centre framework and tools will support countries in the Asia-Pacific region to effectively implement and monitor global citizenship education.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Our Story
ACER works closely with governments, international agencies and not-for-profit organisations that seek to implement and evaluate effective policies and practices on the basis of good evidence.
As an independent not-for-profit organisation with more than 90 years of experience and world-class research capability, ACER is well placed to support such organisations in the development and implementation of regional, national and international assessment and evaluation programs, and boasts substantial capability as a result of longstanding involvement in such programs.
The expertise, skills and resources at ACER, not only to develop research-based knowledge, products and services for its clients, but also with its clients, is second to none.
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