Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies

INADIS is a non-profit, public policy research organization based in Jakarta. Board of Trustees:
- Prof. Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjara Jakti
- Prof.

INADIS serves as an independent interdisciplinary government economic and social policy research organization. The institute was developed with the aspiration to provide a balanced analysis on the mechanisms of public policy and administration in order to provide cutting edge solution and advice on policy and decision making. The institute is therefore also committed to equally provide information

Operating as usual


Semangat persatuan dan ketahanan telah membawa Indonesia untuk lebih maju.

Hari Kemerdekaan adalah sikap untuk menghormati pengorbanan para pahlawan dan kekuatan komunitas yang beragam.

Senantiasa berjuang untuk masa depan sejahtera dan inklusif, di mana setiap suara didengar dan setiap mimpi terwujud.

Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia 🇮🇩


Pada 28 Juni 2024, Suzie Sudarman yang merupakan Area Studies Expert dari Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies (INADIS) berkesempatan untuk diwawancara oleh MetroTV yang membahas Debat Perdana Pemilihan Presiden Amerika Serikat.

Silakan klik pada tautan di bio kami untuk mengakses video.


Kunjungan terbaru Putin ke Korea Utara menegaskan kembali hubungan dekat yang tak berubah antara Rusia dan Korea Utara. Meskipun tidak ada perkembangan baru, kemitraan mereka tetap kuat, didorong oleh tantangan geopolitik bersama.

Untuk lebih lengkapnya, baca artikel penuh dengan mengakses link pada bio.


Berkaca pada krisis 1997 di Asia hingga krisis subprime mortgage di AS, kita melihat bahwa interkonektivitas ekonomi global dapat menyebarkan dampak krisis dengan cepat dari satu negara ke negara lain. Inovasi finansial memberikan manfaat besar tetapi juga menghadirkan risiko baru yang perlu dikelola dengan baik. Pentingnya manajemen risiko dan regulasi yang ketat menjadi kunci untuk mencegah krisis di masa depan.

Klik link di bio untuk membaca lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana interkonektivitas ekonomi dunia bisa menjadi berkah sekaligus tantangan besar.


“Did you know that we’ve had a 32+ years of relationship with Ukraine??

. or that they did help with our independence??

this is now your time to find out! save the date! links in our bio to register to this event to get a free e-certificate and a chance to meet with the Ukrainian Ambassadors and our experts!”


Photos from Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies's post 03/06/2024

Last week, INADIS, in collaboration with the United States Embassy and the University of Indonesia, hosted a vital dialogue between Southeast and West on the role of cybersecurity services and the state in creating a functional system during crises. This discussion was incredibly important, teaching us how to prevent and mitigate national-level issues from external attacks or power outages and how to manage systems in times of crisis.

A special thank you to Mr. Beau Woods, Ms. Sylvia Sumarlin, and Ms. Sherly Haristya for leading such an important discussion. We look forward to seeing you all in our future conversations! -INA75


We live in a time where digital technology is essential. But, with this reliance comes growing cybersecurity dangers. Indonesia, being the world’s fourth most populous country and having a large number of social media users, faces these threats too. The country’s young population means its digital world is growing fast, offering both opportunities and challenges.

Do not forget to join our upcoming public lecture in collaboration with the sign yourself up through the link See you there!✨


Menulis ini bersama Rafi Alif, Gibraltar Andibya Muhammad (research fellow INADIS) mencoba menganalisis bagaimana narasi politik berbasis afeksi (emosional) ini sangat efektif dalam memobilisasi suara di kalangan Gen-Z pada pemilu 2024 lalu. Alhasil, cara ini digunakan oleh ketiga paslon dibalut dengan strategi “marketing” yang ciamik dan menarik pada banyak wadah media sosial.

Sila baca selengkapnya melalui tautan di bio

Photos from Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies's post 20/05/2024

📱🚫 Stop the Spread of Misinformation! 🚫📱

Did you know that misinformation affects our health, politics, social harmony, and economy? False claims about COVID-19 vaccines, fake news during elections, and financial frauds are just some of the issues we face. Let's unite and tackle these challenges head-on!

Join the fight against misinformation and be part of Indonesia's digital future. Want to learn more? Check out the ASEAN Report: 'One Divide or Many Divides?' and empower yourself with knowledge.

Photos from Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies's post 17/05/2024

Did you know digital literacy can open doors to endless opportunities? Whether you're in a bustling city or a quiet village, mastering digital skills can set you on the path to success. From navigating the web safely to creating amazing content and debunking fake news, let's team up to create a super tech-savvy generation!

Want to understand how digital literacy is shaping our future? Check out the ASEAN Report: "One Divide or Many Divides? Underprivileged ASEAN Communities’ Meaningful Digital Literacy and Response to Disinformation."


The diaspora as a new diplomatic power asset should be accompanied by a comprehensive policy so that the diaspora can increase the strength of Indonesian diplomacy. But, what happened actually with the diaspora policy? For further reading please click the link in our bio.


As the Indonesia Navy considers its options for expanding its submarine fleet in view of potential purchases from either France or Germany, it needs to consider issues related to training, maintenance and interoperability as well as costs, not least safety costs regarding our sailors. For more reading please click the link on our bio.


On Friday night (22/3/2024) the world was shocked by the terrorist attack that occurred in Krasnogorsk, a suburb of Moscow, Russia. The act of terror was carried out at the Crocus City Hall concert hall which was hosting a concert by the local music group, Picnic, which involved mass shooting by several people, followed by a gr***de explosion which caused a fire and the roof of the building collapsed. For further reading please click the link on our bio.


Contemporary international relations have redefined approaches and studies towards sources and instruments of power. In addition to military and economic power which are commonly defined as ‘hard power’, discussions on ‘soft power’ instruments which involve ‘attraction’ instead of coercion have been a popular topic of discussion. One of the key instruments of soft power is tourism. Museums are an important media of tourism, including in European countries. Many European countries have museums as top tourist destinations, such as the British Museum in the UK, Musee du Louvre in Paris, Hermitage Museum in Russia, and many others. In this article, we're gonna find out about how a museum can become a soft power in Europe. Read the full article through the link in our bio.


The state plays a very important role in the development of digital technology. One of them is creating policies that support innovation and research. Currently, the use of digital technology can easily be found in every aspect of human life. Not only by individuals, the use of digital technology is also used in government administration. Executive Director of the Center for Security and Foreign Affairs (CESFAS) Dary Mulyaman, who is also a lecturer in International Relations, gave his views on this issue. What does Dary Mulyaman think? Check it out via the link in our bio.


On April 18, 2024, Suzie Sudarman, who is an Area Studies Expert from the Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies (INADIS), had the opportunity to be interviewed by CNN Indonesia discussing tensions between Israel and Iran. Click the link on our bio for further watch.


•Mukjizat Sungai Han•

Bergabunglah dalam diskusi kuliah tamu yang menjelajahi pesatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Korea Selatan!

Diskusi ini akan membahas periode pertumbuhan ekonomi yang pesat di Korea Selatan, mulai dari faktor-faktor kunci yang mendorong pertumbuhan hingga dampaknya yang signifikan dalam skala regional maupun global. Melalui diskusi ini, mari bersama-sama mengungkap bagaimana inovasi, investasi, dan kebijakan yang tepat menjadi pendorong utama di balik transformasi ekonomi yang mengesankan ini.

Kegiatan yang merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Laboratory of International Relations & Sustainable Development dengan Center for Security and Foreign Affairs Studies Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Kristen Indonesia ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
📅 Hari/Tanggal: Rabu, 24 April 2024
🕒 Waktu: 11:00-14:25 WIB
📍 Tempat: Ruang Video Conference, Gedung AB, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

•Darynaufal Mulyaman, S.S., M.Si. (Direktur CESFAS HI UKI)
•Suray Agung Nugroho, Ph.D. (Wakil Dekan FIB UGM, Dosen Prodi Bhs & Kebudayaan Korea UGM, Peneliti Center for Korean Studies UGM)
•Cha Seung-Ho, B.S., M.S. (Ex-Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
•Yokie R. Ischjwansjah, S.H., M.A. (Cand). (Research Assistant INADIS) / Pemantik Diskusi

*Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi: Hans (+62-815-1922-8284)


On April 14 2024, Suzie Sudarman, who is an Area Studies Expert from the Indonesian Institute of Advanced International Studies (INADIS), had the opportunity to be interviewed by BTV on the topic of conflict in the Middle East. Watch the video via the link or through our bio.


The Philippines was shocked by the statement of its former president, Rodrigo Duterte, who sharply criticized the current president, Ferdinand 'Bongbong' Marcos Jr. because it is considered to want to change the constitution to allow him to rule for more than one period according to the Philippine constitution. Read more through the link in our bio.


Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking to enhance your understanding of transactional dynamics or a curious mind eager to delve into the complexities of human interactions, this book is your indispensable companion. Don't miss your chance to unlock the secrets behind transactional dynamics and enrich your perspective on the world around you. Grab your copy now and embark on a transformative journey of discovery! The link is on our website.


Let's take a closer look at the dynamics of sustainable development with 'Varia Dinamika Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Asia Barat dan Sekitarnya'. Explore the changes, challenges, and innovations that are changing the face of development in the region. Get deep insights and inspiration for a sustainable future! Get this book through the link on our website.


The dynamic world of K-Pop is expanding into Indonesia's political landscape, making us wonder: is this just a flashy campaign fad or a transformative movement? This is a strategic play to seek general and widespread public attention and engagement, but is this more than just a trend? Read more through the link on our bio.


On Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at Ruang Seminar, lt. 3, Gedung AB, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, INADIS Foundation through Yokie Isjchwansyah provided a presentation regarding Challenges and Opportunities for the Indonesian Defense Industry for the Domestic Economy. The fourth presentation from INADIS was continued by Darynaufal Mulyaman with the title "ALERTA Middle Power ALERTA Middle Class." For more reading please check it up through our link.


•Disrupsi: Diaspora, Politik, & Keberlanjutan Diplomasi•

Mari bergabung dalam perjalanan eksplorasi melalui Focus Group Discussion yang mengangkat tema; diaspora, politik, dan keberlanjutan diplomasi!

Diskusi informatif ini akan membedah peran multifaset yang dimainkan komunitas diaspora dalam membentuk lanskap politik dan mendorong upaya diplomatik yang berkelanjutan. Dengan menyoroti diaspora bukan hanya sebagai demografis, tetapi sebagai aset strategis, diskusi ini bertujuan untuk memetakan arah menuju peningkatan keahlian dan sumber daya mereka bagi kemajuan bangsa Indonesia.

Kegiatan yang merupakan hasil kolaborasi antara Prodi HI UKI & Departemen Hubungan Internasional Universitas Indonesia bersama Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Kristen Indonesia ini akan diselenggarakan pada:
📅 Hari/Tanggal: Selasa, 26 Maret 2024
🕒 Waktu: 11:00-13:30 WIB
📍 Tempat: Gedung Graha William Soerjadjaja, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

•Hamdan Hamedan (Tenaga Ahli Kemenpora)
•Leonard F. Hutabarat, Ph.D. (Konjen RI Toronto 2018-2021)
•Laurens Ikinia, B.C.I.S., M.C.S. (Peneliti Institute of Pacific Studies)
•Dr. Audra Jovani, M.P.S. (Dosen Ilmu Politik FISIPOL UKI)
•Darynaufal Mulyaman, S.S., M.Si. (Direktur Pusat Kajian CESFAS HI UKI) / Moderator
*Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Lunch set

Untuk info lebih lanjut, hubungi: Hans (+62-815-1922-8284)

Didukung oleh:
Dept. HI UI


On March 5 2024, Suzie Sudarman, who is an Area Studies Expert from the INADIS Foundation, had the opportunity to be interviewed by BTV discussing the Israeli genocide in Gaza. For more details, please watch via the YouTube channel, the link in our bio.



Persiapkan dirimu dalam perjalanan intelektual yang memikat di seminar kami yang mendalam, di mana para pemikir terkemuka dari berbagai disiplin akan bersama-sama menjelajahi aspek-aspek penting dari *INDONESIA’S ECONOMIC CHALLENGES 2024* yang merupakan hasil kolaborasi oleh CESFAS HI UKI dan Himpunan Mahasiswa Politik UKI.

Bergabunglah bersama kami pada tanggal 20 Maret 2024, dari 12:00-15:00 WIB, di Ruangan Seminar Gedung A/B Universitas Kristen Indonesia yang diisi dengan:
• Diskusi dan Presentasi oleh para ahli dan pakar mengenai Ekonomi dan Investasi Indonesia 2024 serta berbagai pemahaman lainya

• analisis yang tajam, dan wawasan yang mendalam, mendorong pemahaman yang lebih dalam dan perspektif yang lebih luas tentang tantangan dan peluang yang ada.


Prof. Asc. Dr. Darmadi Durianto (Anggota DPR-RI Komisi VI F-PDIP(

Sarman Simanjorang* (Wakil Ketua Umum KADIN RI)

Rizky Wisnu Praditya (MRM TL Bank Syariah Indonesia Area Yogyakarta - Katamso)

Dr. Andaru Satnyoto, M.Si. (Dosen Prodi Ipol FISIPOL UKI)

Darynaufal Mulyaman, S.S., M.Si. (Direktur Pusat Kajian CESFAS HI UKI)

Yokie R. Isjchwansjah, S.H., M.Soc. (Cand). (IPE Research Assistant INADIS)

Gaston Otto Malindir, M.I.P.
(Dosen Ilmu Politik FISIPOL UKI) / Moderator

*Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Info lebih lanjut: Zico (0812-9137-4066)


Directing Indonesia's foreign policy amidst the many challenges in the next five years is an important task for the elected president which will most likely be mandated to Prabowo Subianto. Therefore, this article talks about what the government needs to pay attention to in managing Indonesia's good relations with Russia and Ukraine. Please read more through our bio.

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Financial globalization can bring both positive and negative impacts on global economy. It can be a positive thing in te...
Repost from @agency21pk. ⁣⁣⁣⁣To commemorate the World Environment Day 2021, @agency21pk made this short video to remind ...



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