Day Care & Preschools in Jakarta - Page 2

Find Day Care & Preschools in Jakarta. Listings include Kidee Childcare, TKIT Talenta Kids and Bumble Bee Preschool Taman Permata Buana. Click on each in the list below the map for more information.

Kidee Childcare A Kidee Childcare
Jalan Laksana No. 16 Senopati
Jakarta, 12190

KiDee ChildCare... The only homy daycare around Senopati who gives your child the feeling of being at home.

TKIT Talenta Kids B TKIT Talenta Kids
Lenteng Agung

TKIT Talenta Kids menumbuhkan seluruh potensi buah hati Anda pada masa “ The Golden Age” yang hanya sekali di lalui dalam hidupnya.

Bumble Bee Preschool Taman Permata Buana C Bumble Bee Preschool Taman Permata Buana
Perumahan Taman Permata Buana, Jalan Pulau Laki IV, Blok K6 No.15
Jakarta, 11610

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