


With our e-learning platform students create notes collaboratively validated by their teachers for s

With our e-learning platform students create notes collaboratively validated by their teachers for studying wrapped in a social media environment to connect to each other, their professors and future profession.

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Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.

Cogito - “Making education a community, not just an institute.”

For hundreds of years institutional education was the basis of great opportunities, and it still is, but we believe that nowadays we could provide more with ideas that extend beyond classrooms, books, and standards.

People interact with each other using platforms which ten years ago didn’t exist. We use it to connect, to inspire, to learn, and to grow, but are these platforms truly optimal for education?

In a time where 90% of information on the internet was created in just 2 years reliable information is more important than ever.

People love to be involved in creating. Because in the process they understand and they learn.




Király Utca 26