The recent theft of one of Banksy’s artworks and record-breaking art sales prove he’s no longer just a street artist. With new London murals popping up, speculation about their meaning is running wild. His latest series in London is sure to have everyone talking:
Banksy’s London artworks – in pictures
The street artist’s murals have appeared across the city this month, beginning with a silhouette of a goat on the side of a building near Kew Bridge and continuing with a big cat in Cricklewood
How to teach writing – professional development course for English language teachers:
1️⃣ Understanding writing
2️⃣ Engaging with writing – process writing
3️⃣ Engaging with writing – preparing activities.
Course runs until 30 September 2024 👇
Looking to study abroad in Australia, Ireland, the UK or the USA? Here’s a simple step-by-step plan with everything you need to consider.
For more information about the importance of English proficiency tests (especially when applying to universities abroad), click here!
IELTS test sessions are available in Budapest throughout September. Book your seat now https://ow.ly/GaRw50SYhZ2
Teachers: Register for our free webinar on 25 Sep to learn how to develop your pupils’ dialogue skills to connect with people from diverse cultures globally. Register now: https://bit.ly/3UYtDEH
Ever heard the expression ‘give it your best shot’? 🎯
It means to put in all your effort and do your very best at something, no matter what the outcome may be. So go ahead and give it YOUR best shot today! You’ve got this! 💪
Apply for the 2025 and you could win a trip to the UK ✈️ The awards have four distinct categories – Business and Innovation, Culture and Creativity, Science and Sustainability and Social Action.
Which gives you the best chance to shine? Learn more about the categories and application process here: https://ow.ly/ECHL50TcmJn
YLE - Starters, Movers and Flyers in Budapest.
Register your child for a special exam created specially for young learners.
🎓 Discover how transnational education (TNE) is benefiting students, institutions, and countries in the latest episode of Our World, Connected podcast.
Host Christine Wilson speaks with Attorney Lily Freida Milla, Director of CHED International Affairs Service in the Philippines, about a policymaking perspective on TNE.
Plus, meet filmmaker Amanda Mojilip – a TNE alumna from the University of Nottingham Malaysia whose studies empowered her to advocate for Indigenous communities.
Join us as Christine and guests explore how innovative transnational education partnerships are making international learning more accessible and impactful than ever.
🎧 Listen now: https://ow.ly/bmhK50TckGh
Join us online on Monday 16 September to explore the trends shaping English as a global language and the impact this will have on education and assessment. Speakers include:
➡️ Mina Patel, Head of Research for the Future English project at the British Council
➡️ Professor Gisela Lange from the Italian Ministry of Education and Merit
Register now: https://ow.ly/4WH850Tei3Q
Communicate with Confidence! 🌟
Elevate your business English skills with our specialized Business Advanced course, where you will gain vital skills for effective communication in the business environment.
Limited spots available—register now to ensure your success!
Business English | British Council Hungary
Our business English courses focus on the situations that are most relevant to your everyday working life. Your teacher will select materials to...
TeachingEnglish: Key digital skills – professional development course for English language teachers:
1️⃣ Using word processors
2️⃣ Using slideshows
3️⃣ Using spreadsheets and search
4️⃣ Videoconferencing.
Course runs until 30 September 2024: https://ow.ly/isR850T9Rgn
🚀 Az idő szorít, a helyek fogynak! Kezdd el az IELTS felkészülést ma! 🎯
Az IELTS intenzív felkészítő kurzusaink segítenek abban, hogy a legjobb formádat hozd a vizsgán! Ne késlekedj, mert a helyek gyorsan fogynak. Foglald le a helyed most, és készülj fel magabiztosan a sikerre!
👉 Jelentkezz most: https://bit.ly/3z382CT
📚 Támogasd gyermeked jövőjét - Secondary Plus kurzusaink hamarosan indulnak! 🚀
Szeretnéd, hogy gyermeked magabiztosan kommunikáljon angolul? Secondary Plus tanfolyamainkkal fejleszthetik angoltudásukat, miközben fontos készségeket sajátítanak el a jövőre nézve. A helyek gyorsan fogynak, ne maradjatok le!
👉 Jelentkezzetek most, még van pár helyünk https://bit.ly/4e2aQPx
🚨 Ne felejtsd el! Pénteken találkozunk az Európai Nyelvi Koktélbáron!
Gyere el szeptember 13-án, és fedezd fel, hogyan fejlesztheted angoltudásodat a British Council Hungary segítségével! Standunknál részletes információkat kapsz kurzusainkról és vizsgalehetőségeinkről. 📚
📅 Dátum: 2024. szeptember 13.
📍 Helyszín: Istituto Italiano di Cultura Budapest
👉 Találkozzunk ott! https://www.facebook.com/events/1048555336948882
Examples are a great way to say more about a point.
But if you’re giving a lot of examples, you can accidentally repeat yourself a lot. Here are some alternatives to switch up your vocabulary when doing IELTS Speaking:
‘Social media has transformed how people communicate.’
‘Imagine how many people are checking Instagram right now.’
‘For instance, many businesses chat to their customers through Facebook.’
‘Let’s say you open a shop. You can use social media to advertise your products.’
‘Suppose that you get good news – isn’t social media the first place you’d go to to share it?’
‘To illustrate, people send over 34 million TikTok videos per day.’
Can you write a sentence using one of these five phrases? Share it in the comments.
Find out more about the and how to write a good application, tips and guidance – join our ‘How to apply’ webinar on 13 September at 10.00 UK time (BST). Sign up here 👉 https://ow.ly/qX2N50T9No4
🎯 Több, mint nyelvtanulás - Ne maradjatok le Secondary Plus kurzusainkról!
Secondary Plus tanfolyamaink nemcsak az angoltudást fejlesztik, hanem olyan készségeket is, amelyek segítenek a tinédzsereknek a jövő kihívásaira felkészülni. Kurzusainkon kreatív, interaktív órákkal várjuk őket.
A helyek gyorsan betelnek, foglaljatok időben!
📅 Foglaljatok helyet még ma:https://bit.ly/4e2aQPx
⏳ Ne maradj le! Helyeink gyorsan fogynak az IELTS intenzív felkészítő kurzusokra.📚
Ne hagyd az utolsó pillanatra a felkészülést! Intenzív kurzusainkon segítünk fejleszteni a szükséges készségeket, hogy a legjobb eredményt érd el. De figyelem, a helyek korlátozottak és gyorsan betelnek!
Jelentkezz most 👉 https://bit.ly/3z382CT
🎉 Celebrating Talent at Ars Electronica 🎉
We’re proud to support and recognise amazing artists at Ars Electronica 2024:
🏆 Digital Deal Award: The Q***r Muslim Project (IN) – Supported by British Council India
🏆 Award of Distinction: Gabriel Massan (BR) – Supported indirectly through our Circular Cultures programme
🏆 Honorary Mention: Karen Palmer (GB) – Directly supported by the British Council
🏆 Honorary Mention: Tomo Kihara (JP), Daniel Coppen (GB) – Directly supported by the British Council
Their innovative work addresses critical social issues, showcasing the power of art and technology.
Calling all English teachers! Join us on 11 September for a special TeachingEnglish mini-event on using AI to create personalised and engaging learning experiences. This event features three expert-led sessions designed to help you enhance your lessons and explore real-world applications of AI in English classrooms worldwide.
📅 **When?** 11 September 2024
📍 **Where?** Live on Facebook or via Zoom
🔗 Register now and find out more: https://ow.ly/V2zF50T9Iw3
🌍 Csatlakozz hozzánk az Európai Nyelvi Koktélbáron! 🎉
Szeptember 13-án mi is ott lesz az Európai Nyelvi Koktélbáron! 🌟 Gyere el, és tudd meg, hogyan segíthetünk neked az angoltudásod fejlesztésében tanfolyamainkkal és vizsgáinkkal.
🎓Játékos és izgalmas programokkal várunk!
📅 Dátum: 2024. szeptember 13.
📍 Helyszín: Istituto Italiano di Cultura Budapest
👉 További részletek itt: https://www.facebook.com/events/1048555336948882
'There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing.' 🇬🇧 🌦️🌈
Discover seven things you never knew about studying in the UK in our blog with international students 👉 https://ow.ly/uFKn50SKR8N
Cambridge Assessment English felkészítő tanfolyamaink segítségével alaposan felkészülhetsz a vizsgára, legyen szó akár nyelvtanról, szókincsről vagy íráskészségről. Tanáraink támogatásával és a valós vizsgahelyzeteket szimuláló gyakorlatokkal magabiztosan vághatsz bele a vizsgába. 🎯
👩🎓👨🎓 Kezdj el felkészülni velünk még ma: https://bit.ly/4dIEbP5