Tallinding Islamic Institute School Red Cross Link

Tallinding Islamic Institute School Red Cross Link, is a page which keep its members together and for ever.

Tallinding Islamic Institute School Red Cross Link page, is to bring all the volunteers of red cross society together in humanity service founded 29th september 2014 by Marabi Sheriff Hydara.


The KM - DAKAR Camp O.C met earlier today and agreed in some of the following points/activities.
1⃣ Three classes ie First Aid, Dissemination and Singing Classes.
2⃣ Singing and Dancing Competition
3⃣ Visits to historic and tourist sites.
4⃣ Sports
5⃣ Goudi Hahaatai
6⃣ Camp Fire
7⃣ Miss, Master n Miming
8⃣ Beach sided
9⃣ Indoor games
1⃣0⃣ Cultural night

Certificate of Attendance will be issued to all camp participants.


Assalamu'alaykum to you.You're kindly inform that the KM Volunteers day(SALIBO EVE) is on the 2nd day of Koriteh at the KM Branch Office in Bundung.
The activity will start with a football game between the junior and senior(ELDERS) volunteers at Serrekunda East Park starting 10am, which will be followed by a BANTABA with senior volunteers, Quiz(Red Cross General Knowledge), Poetry abduction Drama by volunteers by 4pm. Please spread the information with your schools and Home Links.
There'll be lunch, ebbeh, snacks and wonjo.
In the service of humanity, i always remain yours.


After the KM-DAKAR summer camp OC meeting earlier today, the meeting agreed on the following points.
🇨🇭Camp fees is D250.00
1⃣ 200 camp forms to be printed and distributed to links
2⃣ All the 11 Home links should receive 6 camp forms each.
3⃣ 10 Senior Schools both English and Arabic identified and each to be given 3 camp forms.
4⃣ 10 Junior Schools identified and each to be given 3 camp forms.
5⃣ 3 tertiary Schools identity and 3 camp forms to given to each.
6⃣ 6 Teacher coordinators identified and each should be given a camp form.
The last day for the submission of all camp is on the 8th JULY after which payment shall be open to active volunteers.



Assalamu'alaykum to you all. You're hereby invited to the annual IFTARR and ISLAMIC Conference of Bundung Home Red Cross Link.
The topics to be preached by great oustasses/scholars are as follow:
1. The importance of voluntary services in Islam by Oustass Muhammad Lamin Khan
2. Life in the grave by Oustass Sarjo Singhateh
3. The difference between a Muslim and a Believer.
There'll also be Quranic Recitation and ANASHEED( Islamic Songs) by the volunteers
Venue: KM Branch office.
Date: Saturday 17th June, 2017.
Time: 2pm onwards.
In the service of Islam i always remain yours.
Marabi Hydara
IEC Chairperson


The Geneva Conventions apply at times of war and armed conflict to governments who have ratified its terms. The details of applicability are spelled out in Common Articles 2 and 3. The topic of applicability has generated some controversy. When the Geneva Conventions apply, governments have surrendered some of their national
sovereignty by signing these treaties.
Common Article 2 relating to international armed conflicts
This article states that the Geneva Conventions apply to all cases of
international conflict, where at least one of the warring nations have ratified the Conventions. Primarily:
The Conventions apply to all cases of
declared war between signatory nations. This is the original sense of applicability, which predates the 1949 version.
The Conventions apply to all cases of armed conflict between two or more signatory nations, even in the absence of a declaration of war. This language was added in 1949 to accommodate situations that have all the characteristics of war without the existence of a formal declaration of war, such as a police action. [21]
The Conventions apply to a signatory nation even if the opposing nation is not a signatory, but only if the opposing nation "accepts and applies the provisions" of the Conventions. [21]
Article 1 of Protocol I further clarifies that armed conflict against colonial domination and foreign occupation also qualifies as an
international conflict.
When the criteria of international conflict have been met, the full protections of the Conventions are considered to apply.


The 1929 conference yielded two conventions that were signed on July 27th 1929. One, the " Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field ", was the third version to replace the original convention of 1864. [11][8] The other was adopted after experiences in World War I had shown the deficiencies in the protection of prisoners of war under the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 . The " Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War" was not to replace these earlier conventions signed at The Hague, rather it supplemented them.[12][13]
Inspired by the wave of humanitarian and pacifistic enthusiasm following World War II and the outrage towards the war crimes disclosed by the Nuremberg Trials, a series of conferences were held in 1949 reaffirming, expanding and updating the prior Geneva and Hague Conventions. It yielded four distinct conventions:
The First Geneva Convention " for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field " was the fourth update of the original 1864 convention and replaced the 1929 convention on the same subject matter. [14]
The Second Geneva Convention "for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea " replaced the Hague Convention (X) of 1907. [15] It was the first Geneva Convention on the protection of the victims of maritime warfare and mimicked the structure and provisions of the First Geneva Convention. [8]
The Third Geneva Convention "relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War" replaced the 1929 Geneva Convention that dealt with prisoners of war.[16]
In addition to these three conventions, the conference also added a new elaborate Fourth Geneva Convention " relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War". It was the first Geneva Convention not to deal with combatants, rather it had the protection of civilians as its subject matter.


Hello family, be inform that Saturday is set settal, and we are invited by Tallinding Home Link to join them in cleaning the Tallinding Lower and upper Basic School. we will be meeting at Mahad 8:30am. please be there on time. in the service of humanity, I remain.


Hello members and ex-student of Tallinding Islamic Institute, I am hereby informing you that we will love to here from your contribution, questions, and comments. we will really appreciate that. you can also ask about our activities, our roles at the school premises, and any other necessary things.
thank you all for been there always

Photos from Tallinding Islamic Institute School Red Cross Link's post 04/02/2016



Hello family, be inform that Tallinding Islamic Institute Red Cross Link will be having there annual capacity building training. This time they are inviting seven arabic schools to come and train together. Venue: Ali bun abi talib islamic institute, sukuta. Date: 14th feb. To 19th fev. 2016. Classes: First Aid and Dissemination. For more information call Sheriff Marabi Razaak Hydara as there acting link leader/ President. 3018075/ 6978212.


Happy new year to you all. May we live longer to witness many more of it with so many joy and happiness. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016.


Life is a battery and smiling is an electricity, wen ever u smile d battery gets charge so keep on smiling and have a long life...


The life that you live is the story that wil remain then let's try to leave a better and execellence live inorder to live a better and wonderful live behind us for it to remain for ever.


If you live long, you will see every defeat turn to victory and every victory turn to defeat.


hello family, Hope u doing good with the ramadan? i miss u all family...happy laylatul kadri to u all may u live longer to witness many more to come, may allah accept our fasting,,,dnt frgt about my salibo plz send it to me or i will come for it lol...


Happy tobaski to all of u, may u live longer to witness many more to come.....and am reminding tallinding islamic institute volunteers that our noble teacher/ustass Abdoullah Nijie invited us for endu at his home, all of u r highly welcome thank u...........

Henry Dunant 01/10/2014

the heroes.........

Timeline photos 01/10/2014


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