Spritual Doctor
Skpe: syla3syla3 A well known spiritual healer, well known around the globe for his dealing with all forms of spiritual ailment.
Specialised in solving the following problems: Land and compound issues, Marital problems, Financial issues, Travelling difficulities, Legal cases, Depression and anxiety, Spiritual healing for all problems. He hailed from a family of devoted Muslims and marabouts, the knowledge has been in the family for generations and many prominent people both here and abroad can attest to this fact. During h
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Brikama Jamissa
Brikama Jamisa
Basic Lower, Cycle and Senior Secondary
Kembujeh Makasutu Highway
The main purpose of the page is for unification of both ex, current students and teachers, to give
Brikama Campus, West Coast Region
Brikama, 00220
We provide a meaningful address to student concern and perspective at Gambia College and also sensitize senior school students about computer literacy and undertake initiative aimed at bridging digital divide.
Brikama, Gunjur High Way
Tawfic Islamic institute is one of the best Arabic institute in the Gambia.
We launched the Qur'an Academy for Muslims around the world through our available campus or our online platform who desire to memorize the Quran but don’t have means or time to travel.
Brikama Sanneh
Brikama, 00220
This page is to empower the education of the children as we all know the children are the future leaders of tomorrow we need to ensure with our time and ability to make sure that they get educated.