heartwrenching stuff. A boys strength and knowledge of CPR saved his dad's life. let's get these courses rolled out in schools asap.
RH Training Services
RH Training Services offer First Aid qualifications all certificated by the FAA. RH Training Services specialises in your first aid training needs.
We offer a full range at competitive prices with working hours that suit your business. We provide you with trainers with a wealth of experience and knowledge in first aid.
Operating as usual

see our previous posts about what to do if someone is choking. this happens too often and the escalation and change in your child's ability to breathe is rapid. would you know what to do?
Mum's Warning After Daughter Choked - 'In so much silence, she was struggling to breath, her skin colour started to change' Shannon Mcwilliam has taken to Facebook to share a safety warning after her daughter got a lollipop stuck in her throat.

As a follow up from a previous Blog and the news of CPR to be taught in schools, we thought it appropriate to promote the importance of AED awareness. What is an AED? How do you access one? How do you use one? find out in our blog.
AED/Defibrillator awareness – RH Training Services AED/Defibrillator awareness January 7, 2019 Leave a comment Good morning, our previous blog delved into the importance of CPR and how fantastic it is that it will be implemented into the UK national curriculum for secondary schools as of 2020. As promised in our previous blog, we wanted to also ensu...

What we think of the planned introduction of basic first aid, CPR and AED training to schools in the UK and a step by step guide of how to give CPR.
Basic First Aid, CPR and AED training introduced into UK schools by 2020. – RH Training Services Basic First Aid, CPR and AED training introduced into UK schools by 2020. January 3, 2019 Leave a comment Good evening, and welcome back to another instalment of our Blog. We felt we should address the UK news today regarding basic First Aid, CPR and AED training to be introduced into schools by 202...

Finally catching up with other countries and recognising the need for CPR to be taught in schools the use of an AED should also be included in this.
All children to learn CPR and basic first aid in school Teaching basic first aid in schools will be compulsory by 2020 but schools will be supported if they want to start earlier.

We're seeing alot more public defibrillators out on our travels now which is comforting to see. However have you had AED training and do you know how vital these are in saving someone from a cardiac arrest? you never know when you'll need one, make yourself AED aware.

Help protect your employees and colleagues from work related stress which can lead to all types of serious illnesses, which in the future can lead to time off work. take one of our mental health first aid courses available from February.

How important is the health of your workforce? with 30.7 million working days lost in the UK due to workplace injuries and illnesses can you afford to cut back on training? We could save you money on your training costs and still deliver on quality, knowledge and experience. Try a new training provider today. We offer a range of First Aid courses including First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid, CPR and AED, Manual handling, Fire safety awareness and health and safety level 1&2 and Mental Health First Aid courses coming soon.

If you feel like you need a refresher on how to treat a choking casualty or you don't know how to treat choking then take a read of our blog. It takes 5 minutes and could save a life. Follow the link below.

Back to work and organise annual training is on your to do list? Look no further. We offer professionally developed courses meeting HSE, OFSTED and EYFS standards at fantastic prices.

One of our plans for 2019! We believe Mental health first aid could save lives and give employers and colleagues the ability to spot warning signs long before a mental health situation becomes life threatening. To see all of our plans for next year and the full range of courses we offer visit our website www.rhtrainingservices.co.uk (link in bio)

Merry Christmas from RH Training Services Limited! Our story so far and our plans for 2019.... A big thank you to all our customers!
RH Training Services- The beginning to now. – RH Training Services RH Training Services- The beginning to now. December 18, 2018 Leave a comment As the year comes to a close we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers. Our reviews speak for themselves that we continue to provide excellent experienced instructors, fantastically compiled cour...

RH Training Services Limited performing well on Google!
Are you a UK based company? For all your mandatory training needs contact us now for excellent training rates. www.rhtrainingservices.co.uk

Is your company or workplace meeting their Health and Safety requirements? Take a read of our Blog for some reminders.
Are you meeting your Health and Safety requirements? – RH Training Services Are you meeting your Health and Safety requirements? December 11, 2018 Leave a comment Hi from RH Training Services As a new year approaches and successful trading continues into 2019 for many businesses we wanted to ensure you and your business are meeting the health and safety requirements for you...

Another manual handling course with a fantastic bunch of carers. care homes get a bad rep, I met a large group of carers today who showed so much compassion for their residents. They can now concentrate on their own safety a little more after completing a level 2 manual handling course with RH Training Services Limited.

Not sure what training provider to go with for your mandatory training? read what our customers think of us in the link below.
For all your First aid, anaphylaxis, health and safety, manual handling and fire safety training needs.
Reviews – RH Training Services Claire Field Consultancy- Emergency paediatric First Aid- December 2018 "I enjoyed the training- was a good refresher. Good balance of teaching methods." "Thank you- really enjoyed learning. Trainer was very knowledgeable and helpful." "I would look into using your company again for other First a...
Another example of why it is important for everyone to know CPR. Are you first aid trained? you should be.

Are there asthma sufferers in your workplace? or do you have asthma? if you find it gets worse in the winter months, take a read of our tips and advice to keep yourself, employees and colleagues healthy and free from asthma attacks this winter.
How to help asthma sufferers more comfortable in the workplace with some simple tips. – RH Training Services How to help asthma sufferers more comfortable in the workplace with some simple tips. December 3, 2018 Leave a comment Hi from RH Training Services, We’re back with some useful First Aid at Work tips to help improve the physical health of your employees or colleagues. Asthma symptoms are set to in...

At JD gyms today teaching their PT's emergency first aid at work. refreshing to see an easily accessible debfrillator in a workplace.

A fantastic morning teaching year 5's at Peter's hill primary school in Brierley Hill. All graduated as mini medics! knowing how to give CPR, use a Defibrillator, help someone if they were choking, how to put someone in a recovery position and how to bandage a wound.

Ofqual regulated and awarded through the FAA First Aid at Work courses, CPR and AED courses OFSTED and EYFS approved paediatric courses, Fire safety, manual handling and heath and safety courses at a price that'll suit your company. We operate 24/7 and train within your workplace for your convenience. Contact us now for a quote and availability.

Check out our first aid tips in the link below for the upcoming icy conditions and the injuries these conditions can cause.
Preparing for the icy and cold winter conditions with some First Aid at Work and Health and Safety tips. – RH Training Services Preparing for the icy and cold winter conditions with some First Aid at Work and Health and Safety tips. November 22, 2018 Leave a comment Hi from RH Training services, With winter nearly upon us the risk to ourselves, colleagues and employees increases with trips, slips and falls and other winter i...

Do your little ones attend a nursery? Ensure all nursery staff have a valid level 3 paediatric first aid OFSTED and EYFS approved qualification when choosing your child's nursery, you want to know your children are in the safest hands possible.

Take a little read of our latest blog for some news and latest thoughts on the first aid industry.
CPR face shield to be made an essential item within your first aid at work first aid kit – RH Training Services CPR face shield to be made an essential item within your first aid at work first aid kit November 13, 2018 rhtrainingservices Leave a comment Hi from us here at RH Training Services, I wanted to bring up an issue that concerns a lot of colleagues of mine when discussing the contents of a first aid a...

First aid training is set to become part of the national curriculum in 2020. Keep up with the kids! get yourself trained!

read our Blog! we've had some fantastic paediatric first aid classes the last 2 weeks. www.rhtrainingservices.co.uk for prices that'll save you money on your training costs.
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Pendeford Community Hub, Whitburn Close, Pendeford
Wolverhampton, WV95NJ
First Aid and Youth First Aid services and classes in and around the Pendeford Area. Badgers: 5-10yrs Cadets: 10-18yrs Adults: 18yrs+
Wolverhampton, WV81DW
Multi Award winning First Aid classes for all the family.
71 Tempest Street
Wolverhampton, WV21AA
At MHFA (Midlands) we teach internationally recognised training courses. These courses give YOU the