A+ Tutoring Services

A+ Tutoring Services


Helping students secure their potential in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Combined Science & English

Operating as usual


I’ve been a bit quiet today! In fact, I’ve been making the most of the peace and quiet, contacting some people on our group waiting lists and getting myself familiar with the GCSE exam papers I’m marking this year.

I’ll be tutoring tomorrow and Thursday so get in touch tonight if you’d like to be added to the list for Kitty’s next group trials in Maths & Science - for current Year 9 and 10s!!

Photos from A+ Tutoring Services's post 17/06/2024

What a beautiful Monday morning!

The school run is done, I’ve planted my squash and runner beans from their pots into their final homes (a bit late!) and I’m about to have a cup of tea and some breakfast before starting my day. I don’t usually have such a ‘lazy’ Monday morning but I wanted some time to myself and the weather has made the garden the best place for that ☀️

I’m feeling really lucky today. Lucky and grateful. Exams are almost over so I can relax a little. I have familiarisation marking and invoices to do this week so I’ll be spending a lot of time on my laptop but it’s all things I can do flexibly. I cannot tell you how important that is for me as a parent. It’s allowing me to be there for my son at his sports day today 😁 He’s so excited I’ll be there and told me he’s most excited about the welly wanging! 😂👢🥾

It’s another busy, but exciting week with A Level exams, tutors tied up with exam-marking and then the National Tutoring Awards finishing the week on Friday. Thank you to all who voted for me and supported me along the way. We have some very special families in our community and I’m also very grateful for that!

Good luck with the last exams 🍀 Have a lovely week everyone! 🌺


You can tell it’s almost summer! We had a little time to grab a lunch and compare notes on all things tuition!

It’s always lovely catching up with tutor pals especially in real life!

I had a great afternoon catching up with A+ Tutoring Services and English Tutoring with Lisa and had some tasty food and lots of tutor chat!

It definitely beats staff meetings! Thank you ladies xx


🍀🍀🍀 Good luck to our combined scientists and our physicists today with Physics Paper 2!

Do your best, don't leave anything blank and use those equations to help you with methods, explanations, units, definitions, as well as the calculations.

Plan longer answers and be methodical in longer questions. Keep language technical - use your key words. Check for unit conversions and SHOW YOUR WORKING!

I hope the paper is a nice one. You know I’ll be just as nervous as you!! 😂😂

Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the course. We have thoroughly enjoyed tutoring this cohort and found you to be exceptional, bright and hardworking. The future is in good hands!

Claire, Kitty & Nicola


Well, that’s a wrap folks!

Claire, Kitty, Nicola and Becky have had their last Year 11 and 13 lessons now. No more exam lessons this year. No more past papers. Time to look forward to the next cycle! We still have students with exams next week and don’t worry - we’re still here for you! It’s not goodbye just yet!

Kitty’s groups are ongoing until the end of the school year and we have Becky’s Maths resit / prepare for next year 1:1 lessons taking place from now, through the summer to the autumn. Daytime IGCSE physics and chemistry lessons with Claire are also bookable. I have to be honest, we are almost full for September already so do not delay if you’re thinking of enquiring about taking lessons with us. We expect to be full by the end of June and are welcoming trials over the next few weeks!!

Speaking of which, Kitty’s groups have spaces for trials (no obligation!!) starting next week! If you have a teen in Years 9 or 10, why not book them a place on a taster so they can see for themselves whether online group tuition is for them? Kitty’s students gain confidence in maths and science and just look at the progress made! Groups are small in size and learning exam focused.

Tuesdays 7-8pm GCSE Maths taster
Thursdays 7-8pm GCSE Combined Science taster

Cost £22.50 per session. Held on Zoom (you don’t need to pay separately - we cover this!). Term time only. Access to Google Classroom. UK qualified current school teacher with DBS and a huge enthusiasm for STEM subjects.

Taster sessions are limited so contact me to book on asap!

Photos from A+ Tutoring Services's post 13/06/2024

Looks like another practical!!! 👏

How nice is it to get away from past papers 😂

Disclaimer … you can make your own cabbage indicator (fun and smelly!) or buy it … other brands are available 😉

We did kitchen squeaky pops! What gas was made? How did we do it?


When starting a new topic, it’s always great to assess what a student thinks about that topic.

We played a game with one of our EOTAS students, this morning, to get ideas about how the game works. This student is selectively mute so is given an opportunity to write down their thoughts.

This was an introduction to Unit 2: Electricity of the Edexcel iGCSE specification.


Have you got an after exam bucket list yet?! 😂

It might sound silly but sometimes, having something to look forward to helps.

I have a crazy long to do list after exams - so much to prepare for next year and new tutors to look after! Not to mention all the exam marking!! I’m trying to fit in some nice things too, plus some relaxing!

Whats on your ‘after exams to do list’?


Good luck to our Chemists with GCSE Paper 2 today!

We know you’ll be just brilliant!


Happy Monday and good luck to all students with exams today! You absolute are capable of amazing things! 🤩💫

Many of our students have GCSE Maths Paper 3 today and Chemistry to revise for tomorrow. It’s a big one with GCSE Physics Paper 2 finishing the week on Friday.

With that being the case, I have lots of extra 1:1s this week and also standardisation for exam marking to do, so any admin requests will be dealt with later than usual. Please appreciate I am usually very quick to reply but do need a little patience when the pressure is on, as the students taking exams really do have to come first.

A big thank you to our parents who have seen the work that’s been going on behind the scenes and have sent kind words of encouragement and support. It been so lovely to receive your feedback and appreciation and you have no idea how much it’s helped us tutors and the students keep going during a very long exam preparation period!!! You’ve really made a difference and I’m so glad we’ve built such a wonderful community, all striving for the wellbeing and success of the students. We’re almost there! 💪🙌👏

🍀 Good luck Mathematicians!!!! You’ve got this!!

Photos from A+ Tutoring Services's post 09/06/2024

Are you looking for science group tuition to help support your child to reach their potential in Summer 2025 or 2026?? We have the group for you!

- Combined Science
- Physics
- Biology / Chemistry

- Set practical guidance and support

- iGCSE Physics Y1, Y2 or masterclass
- iGCSE Chemistry Y1
- iGCSE Biology (coming soon)

🔸 All classes taught by DBS Checked, referenced, qualified UK-based teachers.
🔹 Home ed tutor shortlisted for this year’s tutoring awards - ‘Best Homeschooling Tutor’.
🔸 Small groups allow collaborative learning in a safe environment with a tutor your child gets to know and vice versa
🔹 You receive access to a Google Classroom where resources can be shared and safe communication between all parties can happen.
🔸 Online lessons develop IT skills and prepare your child for the world of work.

Prices from £5 (masterclass) to £25 (small group).
Contact Claire by messenger to book!

Photos from A+ Tutoring Services's post 08/06/2024

Came back home from the Razzamataz run to this from one of my students, R.

What a lovely surprise! It’s real … they’re leaving me 😩 There I was, determined not to get emosh until after Physics Paper 2!!!! 😭

I will be spending the rest of the day pulling myself together so I can teach next week and then cry in a corner on Friday 😂😂😂

Thank you again R for being the most beautiful person inside and out and such a pleasure to teach. I’ve loved supporting you and getting to know you and will always wish you the best for your very bright future # #


We are so happy to share the exciting news that we are sponsoring Razzamataz Theatre Schools Sutton Coldfield’s, ever amazing, annual show this year!

Followers and parents will know I’m big into developing confidence and supporting the mental wellness of our students, understanding that without resilience and self esteem, students find it difficult to reach their potential academically and in other areas of life.

Our local Razzamataz, in Sutton Coldfield, run by a truly dedicated team of professionals are so fantastic at building up our local young people - helping them to take risks, put themselves out there and succeed at things they never knew they could, all while developing such a strong sense of community. I know this first hand because my daughter has been going weekly, enjoying the opportunities and learning there for three years, including two summer schools! I would only ever sponsor a cause I believe in. It really is a pleasure for us to sponsor ‘Razz’ and we’re really looking forward to this year’s show, which my daughter already tells me will be incredible (it always is)! 🤩🎩👏

Follow their socials to see how show preparations are going!! 😄👯

It’s time to learn a little more about this year’s show sponsors and give them huge thanks!
Our Golden Sponsor this year are the amazing A+ Tutoring Services
Local tutoring service and STEM Specialists. Give them a follow to see the incredible work they do.
Sending the most heartfelt thank you for your contribution to your community and helping to make the incredible experiences our students will have, possible. [AD]


Back to good vibes only because IT’S FRIDAAAAAY!!!!

I have been so impressed with our students this week. Calm, meaningful hard work being done all round with a good balance of normal life. We are so proud of you all!

Biology today! We know this afternoon exam can give you a bit of a wobble when you’re used to morning exams. Try to stay relaxed. No need to cram - if you don’t know it now… A clear head is always going to work best.

Parents - have a treat lined up for tonight or tomorrow - try to get your brain-fried teen out of their bedroom, if possible, and away from their desk. Go for a milkshake or a walk or something nice.

Biologists …
It’s all about those key words. Remember to use them! No synonyms in science 😉
Don’t leave anything blank 😁

Let me know how you get on!!


BIG DAY for our students and tutors today. English Language Paper 2 for our GCSE and iGCSE students 🤞🏼💪🍀 And A Level Physics for our Year 13s! 🚀👏🤩

Our tutors could not be more proud of our students - the effort has been incredible! Our students are very lucky to have our English and A Level Physics tutors - Abbi & Nicola 🙌🥰

I bet it’s not hard today. I bet it’s very doable. But it was hard to get here … lots of work and many hours put in. You deserve success today 🎓💫


Going back to exams after a week off (likely revising) is hard on our young people. Don’t underestimate the sheer grit and determination needed to keep going over content, start another past paper, set the early alarm to ensure we’re at our exam on time. Burnout can happen in these last weeks and it’s important to support our children / tutees with their wellness while they’re uber focused on their success.

Here’s a simple check in you can use to help them stay well and keep up their mental stamina through the last push! If you need strategies to support with any of these, give me a shout or ask your tutor 😁


Time is going so fast! June brings the end of exams, saying goodbye to students I’ve taught for almost two years, tutors leaving for the summer, exam marking, new iGCSE courses starting and (of course!) the National Tutoring Awards! 👩‍🎓

🌟If you haven’t yet, you’re welcome to vote for me in the People’s Choice Award! I’d appreciate you taking the time to click the link https://forms.gle/kvPcKoSXqtjGz5hX8 and complete the short form. Thank you! 🌟


Happy Monday and welcome back!

Good luck to our students taking exams today. We have lots of students taking GCSE / iGCSE Maths Paper 2 and an A Level Physicist taking A Level Further Maths today. So, don’t forget your calculators!!



Ok, excited is not the word! 🤣🚀📘

As we prepare to return to the Moon, it’s been a huge amount of fun to write this book, with Steve Cole about where we might go next…and how! Cosmic Diary of a Future Space Explorer is out this October.

Thank you to the very talented for the fabulous artwork.

For pre-orders 🚀

Hachette Children's The Soho Agency


As our Year 11s leave us soon, it’s time for a new cohort of amazing scientists to join Kitty’s evening group.

Held on Thursdays at 7pm until 8pm, these small classes focus on GCSE content to help Combined Scientists ace their GCSEs. Our students get great reports from parents’ evenings and improve in their school assessments, due to the expert tuition and small group interaction provided by our evening qualified science tutor, Kitty.

If your child is in year 9 or 10 and they’d benefit from some extra science tuition, in a supportive online environment, please get in touch to book a trial lesson at the cost of just £22.50. Comment or message via the page.


Last chance to sign up to tomorrow’s booster on the harder conservation of momentum questions. Remember, these questions often have a lot of marks so if you get stuck, you’re at a disadvantage. I will cover the ‘explosion’ type questions as well as collisions and will tell your child the likely places in the calculations that they’ll slip up.

Suitable for grades 6-9 (higher papers only).

Any exam board.


Message me to book on. We have 3 spaces left.


It’s half term so that means there’s a day where you have to get your jobs done. This was especially true when I taught in schools and couldn’t have time off during the term time weeks. For us, today is that day! We have a family dentist visit and then the ophthalmologist. Feels like we will be in waiting rooms most of the day and I have to say, I’ve been dreading it! 😂😂

I still have an enormous list of things to do - possibly need some admin help from September … and a cleaner … and a chef, masseuse, hairdresser that can come to my office while I work 😂😂 We can but dream eh?

I’m looking for some solidarity parents / teachers … who else is doing half term jobs today?


Here is a BIG THANK YOU to all of our wonderful students who gave up time on bank holiday Monday to do revision with me and Nicola. What dedication you show!

To the rest of the students and tutors with lessons booked through the rest of the holiday, in preparation for exams … make the time count. Please also make sure you get some rest - it’s very important 🥰

A big thank you to our fab team for how much they’ve put into planning and teaching our students this half term. It’s been phenomenal watching the progress made. Unbelievable, in fact! Kitty, Abbi, Becky, Nicola and Nicola 🙌💙💛🙌


Happy Monday and happy half term!

Our May physics boosters mean I have a full day tutoring - back to back!! I will get back to your enquiries at the end of the day.

There are still places on our two Friday boosters:

9am - the Big Bang / redshift
11am - conservation of momentum (trickier questions)

Message me by Wednesday to book.


Good luck to Nicola’s A Level Physics group in your exam today. We know how much you’ve overcome and are extremely proud of your work ethic and progress over the last weeks.

Keep believing like we do 💪

You’ve got this 🎓💫🚀


Need help with GCSE physics?

We still have spaces in these physics boosters, tailored to your child’s specification. You can book online by card until 3pm tomorrow (link in comments). Each booster is £22.50 but there is a small discount if you book 3 or 4.

Here’s a reminder of the boosters available:

Monday 27th May
10am Electromagnetism - motors and FLHR
11am Transformers

Friday 31st May
9am Big Bang and Redshift
11am Conservation of Momentum


I can’t believe I’m writing this! 😁

I am very honoured to have been shortlisted for Homeschooling Tutor at the National Tutoring Awards 🎉

The category of Homeschooling Tutor is a special one - thank you The Tutors’ Association! How fitting I heard about the shortlist on the day my first online home educated student took her first physics exam 👩‍🎓

🌟I am also automatically entered into the People’s Choice Award! This means you get to vote for me! I’d appreciate you taking the time to click the link https://forms.gle/kvPcKoSXqtjGz5hX8 and complete the short form. Thank you! 🌟

There are so many wonderful tutors - many colleagues in my network - that have also been shortlisted. Congratulations to you all 🎉


It seems our students have walked out smiling from their exam this morning - well done! 👏

I doubt the paper was ‘easy’ but that shows you what great preparation can do 🙌

We’re very proud of you all!

Good luck for English tomorrow 🍀💪


Good luck to our physicists!! We wish you the best 🍀


There’s just over 24 hours left to take advantage of the discount on the half term physics boosters.

Let me know which ones you want to book. £15 each, back to £22.50 from Thursday.

Here’s a reminder of the boosters available:

Monday 27th May
10am Electromagnetism - motors and FLHR
11am Transformers

Friday 31st May
9am Big Bang and Redshift
11am Conservation of Momentum

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college in Wolverhampton?

Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Good luck to our students taking #EnglishLiterature today! We are still very busy with #exams but aim to deal with enqui...
We are unbelievably lucky to have Nicola on board to tutor our Physics A Level, GCSE and iGCSE! Nicola’s CV is out of th...
😎 Saturday morning lessons are always great fun! We revise GCSE Maths and Science, preparing for this summer. 👩🏼‍🔬 Wheth...
🎉 🌟🎉 Another Grade 8 for iGCSE Physics!! ⭐️🌟⭐️At just 13 years old, our very talented EHE student has achieved a grade 8...
We know you love 1:1 lessons but they do get snapped up quickly 🐊😌 We have a few 1:1 daytime, afterschool and Saturday m...
Don’t forget to book your place on our home education daytime boosters - preparing for iGCSE or GCSE exams this summer! ...
🚀 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … The GCSE Boosters have lift off!That’s it - no more waiting - science boosters are good to go for the ...
🚀 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … The GCSE Boosters have lift off!That’s it - no more waiting - science boosters are good to go for the ...
A day full of GCSE Science today! 🔭 I’m excited because I love my subject! ⚛️ I also love hearing the fantastic question...
A few things we’ve been getting up to in #science over the last week or two! We often get asked what we do for our #SEND...
#WellnessWednesday💙💛 Here is your reminder to be kind to your mind! Hump day can be a challenge and workloads ever incre...





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First Class Learning Wolverhampton West First Class Learning Wolverhampton West
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