Xin Nian Kuai Le everyone!
Today we will be learing about Chinese New Year thorugout the nursery. This year is the year if the Snake!
We will be joining with with a multitude of activties thorugout the day and then enjoying out Chinese themed tea for dinner!
Today we are celebrating International Lego day, We are holding our Parent play sessions and hope everyone has fun creative fun with all types of Lego, Duplo and Mega blocks. What can you build?
Today we are celebrating Australia Day. Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Observed annually on 26 January, it marks the 1788 landing of the First Fleet and raising of the Union Flag of Great Britain by Arthur Phillip at Sydney Cove, a small bay on the southern shore of Sydney Harbour.
The children have enjoyed talking about Australia, looking at the animals that live their, making their flag and they look forward to an Australian inspired BBQ tea.
Today we a celebrating Burns Night, a Scottish tradition, where the children can enjoy learning about Scottish Culture and particularly some poems and songs written by Robert Burns. We are wearing blue, white or tartan and look forward to a delicious neep and tattie soup for dinner with shortbread and raspberries for pudding! Tomorrow will have been Burns' 266th birthday!
Another beautiful, crisp day today. We are making sure that we wrap up really warm so that we can go and explore outside - we have been really interested in the ice and frost in our gardens.
We wish everyone a very Happy New Year
After getting into trouble with the other toys at nursery yesterday, Speedy tried to be helpful today by doing some wrapping… not sure the photocopier, children’s chairs and display boards were very helpful, but good try Speedy!!
Yesterday the toys were cross with speedy’s antics so they took matters into their own hands !!!
Our cheeky elf, Speedy Pickle Pants, has been very mischievous overnight and has decided that all the classrooms Christmas trees needed further decorations added! He does make us laugh :)
Can’t believe our ‘mince pies’!! Speedy and his friends have been cooking cup a storm!!
Snow place like home!! Speedy made an igloo and some snowmen out of toilet rolls last night!! Is he missing home???
Helpful speedy made breakfast for the children this morning!! Delicious!!
Our Christmas elf returns again! Speedy Pickle Pants was sent back the nursery from the North Pole to make sure the children are all on the nice list… but knowing this cheeky elf over the years, I think it’s the children that will need to help Speedy stay on the nice list!! Let the chaos begin!!
Last night we explored Dark Play in the Gardens, using glow sticks, torches, light boxes, christmas lights, fibre optic wands and glow in the dark tape and insects! The children had such a great time invesgtaing the dark and built their confidence in this environment!
Children in Need fundraising total
We are delighted to announce that the donations from the fireworks, bake sale and dressing up last week has helped to raise a whopping £230.55 for Children in Need!
Thank you so much and well done to you all!
This week we have been joining in with Children in Need. The children and staff have enjoyed dressing up in rainbow colours, pyjamas, people who help us, sportswear and today Pudsey or Peppa. We have also held a little cake sale and look forward to seeing how much our wonderful families have helped to raise when we count up the pennies....