How were you kind today?
Holy-Trinity Pre-School offers discovery and learning through play in a safe and happy environment.
Operating as usual
How were you kind today?
These are the songs we are singing each day.
🌟 Are you ready for the best year in your children’s calendar? 🌟
World nursery rhyme week has come round again! We’re starting off with a classic, Jack and Jill (although you can listen to our Piccolo Music version with a twist on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and all your streaming services!)
We’re excited to see all your wonderful musical activities so please do share so we can follow along on the journey!
We’re joining in with World Nursery Rhyme Week too!
Have you had the chance to check out the 5 official rhyme videos for WNRW23?
Little Baby Bum TV are our Headline Sponsors this year and have released 5 wonderful new videos 😍
We'll be featuring them all next week but you can take a sneak peak now here https://www.worldnurseryrhymeweek.com/free-nursery-rhyme-videos/
On Friday 17th November, we will be fundraising for Children in Need. Please use the link to donate money to our justgiving page.
Holy Trinity Pre-School's fundraiser for BBC Children in Need Help Holy Trinity Pre-School raise money to support BBC Children in Need
Our Ofsted report was published today
We are good! Our team are amazing and I couldn't be prouder of them and the early education and care they give our families.
Find an Ofsted inspection report We use cookies to collect information about how you use this website. We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve Ofsted services.
To all our families celebrating today.
Pray for Ukraine
An opportunity to gather to pray for peace with justice - Holy Trinity Church, Knaphill
Friday 24 February 10am - 9pm
24 February 2023 marks the first anniversary of the illegal and brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the forces of the Russian Federation.
Please join us as we open our church for all to pray for those affected by this catastrophe. A prayer path will focus our minds on the different people caught up in the war and also reflect our belief in a God who is still working to establish a kingdom of peace and justice.
The day will conclude with an hour of worship, praise and prayer from 8pm.
24 лютого 2023 року виповнюється перша річниця незаконного та жорстокого повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну військ Російської Федерації.
Будь ласка, приєднуйтесь до нас, коли ми відкриваємо нашу церкву для всіх, щоб помолитися за тих, хто постраждав від цієї катастрофи. Молитовний шлях зосередить наш розум на різних людях, які потрапили у війну, а також відобразить нашу віру в Бога, який все ще працює над встановленням царства миру та справедливості.
День завершиться годиною поклоніння, прославлення та молитви з 20:00.
All welcome - Ласкаво просимо всіх
*Turkey-Syria Earthquake*
Charities and their local partners are responding to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake by working with locally-led relief efforts to help provide rescue as well as medical aid, emergency shelter, food and clean water.
Here's how you can help these charities provide assistance where it's best needed: https://htandstschurch.org/giving/earthquakeappeal/
We pray that survivors would be quickly rescued, for wisdom and protection for all emergency and medical staff and for all who mourn to be comforted.
Happy Lunar New Year to all our families celebrating.
We have a new LinkedIn page, please share and follow us!
Holy Trinity Pre-School Ltd. | LinkedIn Holy Trinity Pre-School Ltd. | 2 followers on LinkedIn. Discovery and learning through play, in a safe and happy environment. | We provide nurturing educational environments in Holy Trinity Church, Knaphill and St. Saviours Church, Brookwood. Enhancing the educational and personal development of ove...
It's our last week of toddler sessions before Christmas. Book a free place for Monday 5th December https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/6zz1payn
and for Thursday 8th December https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/ksfb46bx
Wishing all our families a wonderful Christmas and we'll see you back in January for more toddler fun!
The team at Holy Trinity Pre-School renewed our first aid training in November. Looks like our defibrillator training is going to be useful.
❤️ Holy Trinity now has a defibrillator ❤️
❤️And it's accessible for use 24/7! ❤️
With thanks to Acute First Aid for the initial nudge, Bryant Electrical for the installation and British Heart Foundation for the funding assistance, support and advice.
Our warm spaces open this coming week!
Warm Welcome Pop-Up Lounges will complement our Pop-Up Coffee sessions as well as our other activities. Fully free, fully warm and fully welcoming.
Tuesdays 12-3:30PM / Holy Trinity
Tuesdays 7:30-9:30PM / Holy Trinity
Wednesdays 12-3:30PM / Holy Trinity
Fridays 12-3:30PM / St Saviour's
More info: https://htandstschurch.org/warmwelcome/
Wow! It's December this week, Christmas is coming!
Book a free place at our toddler sessions on Monday 28th November https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/i4qcidmn
Thursday 1st December https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/xnh4u4zi
Thank you to everyone who helped us reach our total by donating.
Thank you so much to all those who contributed to this fantastic total for Children in Need, raised by our Pop Up Coffees and Holy Trinity Pre-School this week.
Toddler sessions this week are on Monday 21st November: https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/b9tdnb5w
Thursday 24th November: https://htandsts.churchsuite.com/events/ru95vsob
Click the link to book a free place!
🌟Twinkle twinkle little star is such a beautiful nursery rhyme combining simple and repetitive lyrics with actions.
If you’d like to teach it to your little one in French or Spanish - please see the You Tube links below.
🇫🇷Brille, brille petite étoile – https://youtu.be/5LTE_VFLgS4
🇪🇸Brilla, brilla estrellita - https://youtu.be/M4_khHOdpCQ
World Nursery Rhyme Week Early Years Alliance Early Years Leadership NDNA - National Day Nurseries Association Early Years Resources
It's one of our favourite tomorrow. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!
Tomorrow, it's going to be very spotty at pre-school. Please come wearing spotty clothes and we'll be facepainting spots too!
To donate to Children in Need got to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/holy-trinity-st-saviour-s-church
It's Thursday, so it must be B.I.N.G.O as our rhyme today!
Tomorrow, it's the turn of 5 Little Speckled Frogs as our rhyme to sing.
Glug, glug!
So we can start practicing early! Here's tomorrow's rhyme.
Monday | 8am - 2:45pm |
Tuesday | 8am - 2:45pm |
Wednesday | 8am - 2:45pm |
Thursday | 8am - 2:45pm |
Friday | 8am - 2:45pm |
St John's is a one form entry Primary School and Nursery which has a real family feel.
Seedlings Pre School runs sessional care for children age 2-4yrs. Sessions run Mon-Fri from the newl
A lovely montessori nursery for 2-5 year olds.
Welcome to the official page for Ripley Nursery, part of the Toad Hall Nursery Group.