It was so lovely to see this lovely bunch of unaccompanied forest folk at Willow's Forest Preschool yesterday. We have missed them so much.
They have been coming to us for 7 weeks now and we are so thrilled to see how far they have come.
We certainly noticed, how the children have formed a lovely friendship with one another. They certainly missed their peers over half term and were so happy to be back together again and it was great to see.
We thought, as they have been able to show us how to stay safe when using tools, we thought it was the right time to introduce fire lighting. Wow, what a great call this was, they demonstrated all of the safety rules and each individual had a go with Amanda and some got sparks straight away and others needed a helping hand, but either way they were all delighted.
The children participated in a group activity with Nina and really enjoyed facts about growing and they all got to sow their own runner bean.
For them to identify their own pot, they whittled holly sticks with Caroline and they were really independent and Caroline noticed how less and less guidance from her was needed, so instead she kept a very watchful eye.
When we came to the end of the session, we asked if the children would like to toast a marshmallow / apple and more than half the group held the long toasting stick with minimal help from us.
It is truly amazing how far they have progressed in every element, in such a small amount of time.
Next week we are so looking forward to greeting all of the parents, so they can see what we have been up to.
See you all again next week.