Spon Lane Day Nursery

Spon Lane Day Nursery


Spon Lane Day Nursery is a private day nursery located in West Bromwich. Caring for children 0-5.

Operating as usual

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 01/02/2025


The children in pre school really enjoyed following a recipe to make and bake their own little treats for a bears picnic in the afternoon! They showed absolutely fantastic team work, working together and taking turns to mix and stir! We explored numbers, weight and quantity and loved tasting them in the afternoon!😍💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 01/02/2025

Elm room have continued looking at the story ‘dear zoo’ this week and have had soooo much fun working together to create their own giraffe and elephant! 🐘 🦒

We used spray bottles to paint the giraffe where the children worked on their fine motor skills and really strengthen those little finger muscles! We was so pleased with the outcome!💙

Well done Elm room ⭐️

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 01/02/2025

The wheels on the bus go round and round🚌🎶

In our baby room, we’ve been focusing on the nursery rhyme ‘the wheels on the bus!’ 🚍 the children have really loved learning the song by doing lots of different actions and new words and sounds! 🎶🎶🎶

Chelsea and Emmie have created some lovely activites around this topic to further the babies learning including rolling the different vehicles in the paint, rice and oat play, making different marks and allowing the children to play and explore by using their 5 senses! 😍💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 29/01/2025

🐍 🇨🇳 🧧 🥡 🥢 🥠 🥮

We’ve had a wonderful week so far at Spon Lane celebrating Chinese new year! Each room have planned fun, exciting and meaningful experiences for the children to further their learning around this topic!🥢

The children have made some wonderful artwork, tasted lots of new foods, made their own snakes, written Chinese symbols and numbers, made lanterns, enjoyed stories and practiced their fine motor skills! 🐍

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 27/01/2025


After our farms animals was such a huge hit with elm room, we’ve looked at the story ‘dear zoo’ and explored different zoo animals! We’ve been learning the name and sounds of the animals whilst learning lots of new skills such as fine motor and giving meaning to our marks!

The children have been loving to read the story, especially taking it in turns to open the flaps to see what animal is inside!🥰💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 22/01/2025

This week, pre school have been looking at the story ‘The nutty nut chase!’🐿️
We furthered our learning by painting our own pictures of squirrels and learning all about where they live and making our own squirrel houses!💙

In the garden, following on from our welcomm data, we looked at the question, “who is first in line/who is last” and we used the children’s interest in cars to have a race!🚘

We’ve made yummy healthy pizzas, looking at a recipe and following it, engaging in a new experience whilst we discuss what’s healthy and unhealthy 🍕

Finally, lots of creative painting allowing children to be imaginative and conversation starters🎨

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 21/01/2025

Some picture of the brilliant sensory fun babies have been having⭐️💙🥰

- Exploring foam, paint, sand and water and using the children’s interests in their play to encourage lots of new sounds and single words!

We sure do love getting messy in our baby room! 🎨🤣🥰💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 21/01/2025

⭐️ pine room ⭐️

Our toddlers have been having so much fun and showing fantastic learning these past couple of weeks!💙

- Our nursery rhyme of the month is ‘incy wincy spider!’ 🕷️ they enjoyed making their very own spiders out of play dough, adding different materials, exploring colours and working on their fine motor skills as they rolled, pinched and squeezed the dough! 🕷️⭐️

- Through their interest and love of dinosaurs, we created a dino land themed tray which got them exploring and discussing different types of dinosaurs learning new dinosaur names 🦖

- As always, we’ve looked at oral health again this half term and encouraged the children to clean off the teeth using toothbrushes, speaking about the importance of brushing and keeping our teeth clean day and night 🦷

Fantastic work toddlers! Keep us the great work!👏⭐️💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 16/01/2025

Old McDonald had a farm 🐷🐄🐥🐔

So much learning has been happening in Elm room around our children’s interests in farm animals! Sue and Hollie have created some fantastic learning opportunities for the children and they have been really engaged in their play 😍

We’re learning lots of new words and skills!💙

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 08/01/2025

Lots of learning has been happening in pre-school room this week!💙

- We’ve been looking at ‘the human body’ and the children did super well identifying the different body parts and learning what the purpose was and what we use them for! The children stayed super engaged and worked really well alongside each other!😊💙

- Looking at numbers and counting, we played a game where the children counted different items around the room and supported number recognition looking at numbers between 1-12!

- We have also been closely looking at ‘the colour monster’ story which has helped us really dive into our emotions and why we may be feeling a type of way. Showing wonderful understanding, pre school drew their own colour monsters! Look at their fantastic work! 👏

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 08/01/2025

Look at all the fun elm room have been having since returning after Christmas! 💙

- They have been doing really well practicing serving themselves at lunch time, really working on those hand eye coordination skills! ✅

- We’ve also enjoyed looking at different animals and they sounds they make as we explore a fantastic ‘old McDonald’s farm’ themed tray where the children had the opportunity to explore and feel different textures really using our 5 senses aswell as splashing around during water play using ducks and singing along to “5 little ducks!” 🦆 💙

- Oral Heath is super important to us, so we enjoyed practicing brushing the felt teeth using new words such as “toothbrush” & “toothpaste” 🦷

Fantastic work Elm room 💙


Happy New year to all our lovely families at Spon Lane! We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break❤️

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 18/12/2024

We sure did enjoy our Xmas dinner on Monday! It was super yummy and the children LOVED it and did so well trying new foods 🎅❤️ thank you to our chef Liann for preparing such a fantastic Christmas dinner 🎄❤️

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 12/12/2024

Our babies Christmas fun🎅🎄❄️

Lots of painting, playdough and sensory fun!🥰

The babies have been focusing on using single words such as “tree” “snow” “Santa” and are doing super well with their speech 💚🎄

We especially loved making our own hot chocolates exploring water, marshmellows and cream ❄️🥰💚

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 12/12/2024

Our pre school children have also been loving all the Christmas activities we’ve been having🎄

They loved our Xmas party today and where we danced away to Christmas music using tinsel, this was super fun! 🎄✨

They have explored a ‘winter wonderland’ themed tray where they made marks on shaving foam ❄️

We’ve made our own snowmen, wrote letters to Santa and made paper mache baubles for the tree in reception 🎄

Well done pre-school❤️💚

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 12/12/2024

What a busy couple of weeks we’ve had in pine room! The children have enjoyed so much Christmassy fun! 🎄🎄🎄

- The children looked amazing in the Xmas jumpers today! They couldn’t wait to show their friends their jumpers 🎅
- This week, we’ve had a walk down to the postbox to post our letters to Santa! The children loved talking about what we saw on our walk, including 2 big fire trucks! 🚒
- The children created their very own Xmas jumpers today using different colours, sequins and glitter! ✨
- We made our own decorations for our tree in reception, feel free to have a look at what the children have made! 🎄
- pine room enjoyed a cosy movie morning watching the grinch with hot chocolate and snacks 🎅

What an amazing couple of weeks!🎄🎅🎄🎅

Photos from Spon Lane Day Nursery's post 05/12/2024

Christmas in pine room 🎄💚🤶❤️

The children had sooo much fun decorating our tree! The especially loved the tinsel as we danced to Christmas songs and placed different baubles on the tree, the children learnt words such as “candy canes, gingerbread man & rudolf!” 🎄🎄🎄

This week, the created their own letters ready to post at the postbox next week, the looked through the catalog and picked out what they would like and carefully used their scissor skills to cut it out 📮 ✂️

Well done Pine room❤️


Pre school have also been getting Christmassy!🎄🤶

Today, the children worked together to create and paint their very own santas postbox 📮 they excitedly spoke with each other about Santa and what they are going to put on their Christmas letter! ✉️

We enjoyed a game of Christmassy bingo where the children were able to work on their number recognition! We had so much fun playing!🎅💚

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93 Spon Lane
West Bromwich

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 6pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 6pm
Thursday 7:30am - 6pm
Friday 7:30am - 6pm