Hook Lane Primary School

Hook Lane Primary School


Where we share our pride in our whole school community. ‘Encouraging Fearless Learners’ in action.

Operating as usual

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 21/09/2024

Just a few pics of some of the fun at the fete! ☀️


What a fabulous afternoon. An enormous thank you to all who organised, helped, ran stalls, built bars, spent money, had fun and made it such a success. ❤️

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

Week 4 in Nursery has been a delight. The children have settled really well and are playing and sharing the play space with increasing confidence. This week we have made ice lollies, made self portraits and we had our first visit to the school hall for PE and to the field for a sandpit session. Well done Nursery children and parents. Thanks for a lovely week.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

Challenge class have been learning about microhabitats in science. We loved searching for mini beasts in forest school today.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

This week's Hook Lane News!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

Discover Class shared their enjoyment of books this afternoon, including a book that they made!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

Persevere class working hard at ordering objects using less than, more than and equal signs! Well done everybody 👏

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 20/09/2024

Persevere class went on a minibeast hunt today and recorded their data. Lots of creatures were found in two different microhabitats; under a log and in a plant pot.


Non-uniform day tomorrow in exchange for £1!

This Friday 20th September is non-uniform day!

Children can wear their own clothes in exchange for £1.00


Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

The children have been working brilliantly together this week on a variety of activities! Keep it up everyone!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Discover Class used oracy skills today to research the topography of North America.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Persevere class drew detailed diagrams of a local habitat in science today (the forest). They also discussed how microhabitats protect minibeasts. They can't wait for our minibeast hunt next!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Strive class had lots of fun in their PE lesson today out on the field!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

This was the first week in Reflect class! They are definitely ready for year 1!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

This was a week ago in Science where Reflect class labeled "Bob's" body parts.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Sorry about the delay. I actually thought I posted these. This was earlier in the week in Reflect class where we were practising our number formation. More pictures to follow!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

In Reception, we have started learning our sounds in phonics and looking at some subitising and number composition in Maths. The children have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and have started to put their learning into practise with some fun activities.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Resilience class had a brilliant time in PE, they worked in teams to create balance bridges! ⚖️🤸‍♀️

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 19/09/2024

Reflect class went on a walk around the school following our ariel maps.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 18/09/2024

Achieve made great symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes with their bodies today in PE.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 18/09/2024

Yesterday, Motivate class continued with their art topic, focusing on sketching animals. They used charcoal to add tone to their sketches! Some of the children ended up quite messy!

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 18/09/2024

Imagine class have been designing their own Greek vases today, thinking about the scene they want to depict and repeated patterns.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 18/09/2024

Year 6 had a virtual meeting today with the author of their class book, Katherine Rundell! 📖 This was a fantastic opportunity to hear from an award-winning author.
There were many schools in attendance and she spoke about her new book and how she finds story ideas. Then she did a question and answer session where she gave tips about how to be a ‘good’ writer and what to do when you don’t know what to do.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 17/09/2024

Some beautiful Greek vases designs from Fearless class 🏺

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 17/09/2024

Discover Class edited their setting descriptions today by travelling around the room to different editing stations.

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 16/09/2024

Our visits to Riverdale Care Home have begun once again! This time, it was the turn of group 1 from Imagine Class. We planted little daffodils!


Why not pop in for a tea or coffee and let us know what you think? We look forward to welcoming you to our first "Have Your say"

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 13/09/2024

Year 6 enjoyed their first netball session today ✨

Photos from Hook Lane Primary School's post 13/09/2024

We have had such a successful first full week in Nursery, filled with fun, music and frozen lollies. We had our first messy play session with shaving foam, made our own lollies and we have danced and sang songs every day. Thanks for such a lovely week.

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Videos (show all)

Science Enrichment lava lamps in action!
Mr Connor
The school choir gave a lovely performance to our volunteers at our thank you afternoon tea today 🥰👏🏻
Lots of sportsmanship from our Year 5s! Listen to them cheering for their teammates ❤️👏
Introducing the drums
Music recital
Imagine class had fun adding some song lyrics to their digitally made songs this morning.
We have received the Platinum School Games Award! Well done Mr Connor for all of your hard work!
And another.
Even the best things come to an end!




Faraday Road

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
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